I'm new to programming and even more new to Haskell. Below is a little tid-bit I wrote that operates on a bunch of lists. I am wondering if someone would be kind enough to walk through the function margProbs
line-by-line, and enumerate their respective space/time complexities and/or just possibly suggest improvements.
import qualified Control.Monad as Mo
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Maybe
type PaIdx = Int
margProbs :: [[Bool]] -> PaIdx -> [Double] -> [[Double]] -> Maybe [[Double]]
margProbs bs idx vpa vs = Mo.sequence $ fmap (\( _, ms ) -> collapseWith addV ms ) grouped
(p, q) = ( vpa !! 0, vpa !! 1 )
grouped = reverse . sortAndGroup $ zip ( snd probBool ) scaled
scaled = zipWith (\p v -> scaleV (*) p v ) ( fst probBool ) vs
probBool = foldr (\b (probs, bools) -> let (prob,bool) = reducePa b in (prob:probs, bool:bools) ) ([],[]) bs
reducePa bs = let split = fromJust $ pluckL idx bs in ( if fst split == True then p else q, snd split )
-- Utils --
addV :: ( Num a ) => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
addV v1 v2 = if length v1 == length v2 then Just $ zipWith (+) v1 v2 else Nothing
scaleV :: ( Num a ) => ( a -> a -> a ) -> a -> [a] -> [a]
scaleV g num v = fmap (\e -> g num e ) v
collapseWith :: ( Num a ) => ( [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a] ) -> [[a]] -> Maybe [a]
collapseWith g vs = foldr (\v1 v2 -> v2 >>= \w -> g v1 w ) ( return $ head vs ) ( tail vs )
sortAndGroup :: Ord k => [ (k, a) ] -> [ (k, [a]) ]
sortAndGroup ts = M.toList $ M.fromListWith (++) [(k, [v]) | (k, v) <- ts]
pluckL :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe ( a, [a] )
pluckL idx xs = case splitAt idx xs of
( _, [] ) -> Nothing
( hs, (t:ts) ) -> Just ( t, hs ++ ts )
Here are the params I used to test this snippet:
ret = margProbs bs 0 v m
bs = [[True,True],[True,False],[False,True],[False,False]]
v = [0.4,0.6]
m = [[0.95,0.05], [0.94,0.06], [0.29,0.71], [0.1, 0.9]]
should have value: Just [[0.554,0.446],[0.436,0.564]]
I got rid of all dependencies to the hmatrix library.