what is proper way to save all lines from text file to objects. I have .txt file something like this
0001Marcus Aurelius 20021122160 21311
0002William Shakespeare 19940822332 11092
0003Albert Camus 20010715180 01232
From this file I know position of each data that is written in file, and all data are formatted.
Line number is from 0 to 3
Book author is from 4 to 30
Publish date is from 31 to 37
Page num. is from 38 to 43
Book code is from 44 to 49
I made class Data which holds information about start, end position, value, error.
Then I made class Line that holds list of type Data, and list that holds all error founded from some line. After load data from line to object Data I loop through lineError and add errors from all line to list, because I need to save errors from each line to database.
My question is this proper way to save data from file to object and after processing same data saving to database, advice for some better approach? Is better approach to create custum attribute which holds position of every record? For this I can't use third party library.
public class Data
public int startPosition = 0;
public int endPosition = 0;
public object value = null;
public string fieldName = "";
public Error error = null;
public Data(int start, int end, string name)
this.startPosition = start;
this.endPosition = end;
this.fieldName = name;
public void SetValueFromLine(string line)
string valueFromLine = line.Substring(this.startPosition,
this.endPosition - this.startPosition);
// if else statment that checks validity of data (lenght, empty
this.value = valueFromLine;
public class Line
public List<Data> lineData = new List<Data>();
public List<Error> lineError = new List<Error>();
public Line()
public void AddObjectDataToList()
lineData.Add(new Data(0, 3, "lineNumber"));
lineData.Add(new Data(4, 30, "bookAuthor"));
lineData.Add(new Data(31, 37, "publishData"));
lineData.Add(new Data(38, 43, "pageNumber"));
lineData.Add(new Data(44, 49, "bookCode"));
public void LoadLineDataToObjects(string line)
foreach(Data s in lineData)
public void GetAllErrorFromData()
foreach (Data s in lineData)
if(s.error != null)
public class File
public string fileName;
public List<Line> lines = new List<Line>();
after processing same data saving to database
do you mean that currently you are processing the data to the database directly (from the file to the database), and now you need to adjust this process by adding extra layer to deserialize the data into objects and then you would adjust the old logic to let the database process from this object instead of the file, please clarify the current application cycle? \$\endgroup\$