I am brand new to writing hooks and I am having a little trouble getting my head wrapped around it. Initially, I wanted to write this with one event listener that passed the event and a separate param to distinguish itself from the other incoming arguments.
With hooks, I was confused as to how I should pass a separate param and even more confused on how I would go about putting the logic into deciphering what each argument was.
So... Basically, I am calling two arrow functions in render and using separate arguments to dictate what iconType
the onMouseOver
is effecting.
I guess my question is, is this an acceptable way to write react hooks? This is my first component with any kind of state in my project (a simple navbar). I wan to make sure I am on the right path.
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import '../styles/HomeNavBar.css';
import logo from '../styles/images/pulse_logo.png' // relative path to image
export default function HomeNavBar() {
const [isTrue, handleMouseOver] = useState(false)
const [iconType, setArg] = useState('')
return (
<div id="navbar-container">
<div className="image-holder">
<img id="pulse-logo-nav" src={logo} alt={"pulse"}/>
<nav id="navbar">
<div onMouseEnter={() => handleMouseOver(true), () => setArg('services')} onMouseLeave = {() => handleMouseOver(false), () => setArg('')} className="link-holder">
{isTrue === false && iconType !== 'services' ? <p>Services<i className="fas fa-arrow-circle-right"></i></p> : <p>Services<i className="fas fa-arrow-circle-down"></i></p>}
<div onMouseEnter={() => handleMouseOver(true), () => setArg('careers')} onMouseLeave = {() => handleMouseOver(false), () => setArg('')} className="link-holder">
{isTrue === false && iconType !== 'careers' ? <p>Careers<i className="fas fa-arrow-circle-right"></i></p> : <p>Careers<i className="fas fa-arrow-circle-down"></i></p>}
<div onMouseEnter={() => handleMouseOver(true), () => setArg('blog')} onMouseLeave = {() => handleMouseOver(false), () => setArg('')} className="link-holder">
{isTrue === false && iconType !== 'blog' ? <p>Blog<i className="fas fa-arrow-circle-right"></i></p> : <p>Blog<i className="fas fa-arrow-circle-down"></i></p>}
<div className="link-holder">
<div className="social-media-div">
<i className="fab fa-linkedin"></i>
<i className="fab fa-facebook"></i>