The following code works, but I'd like to re-write, so that a single index is returned, rather than a sequence of indexes visited.
Here are the defs and function.
(def usage-vec-len 13)
(def read-levels [9999 3000 2000 1000 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 10])
(defn sel-adj-idx
"Finds the correct position at which to bin part of the reading."
(for [idx (reverse (range 0 usage-vec-len))
:let [out-idx idx]
:when (and (<= reading (nth read-levels idx)) (>= idx 0))]
If I run this with a reading of 5, I get what I expect
wtr-usage1.core=> (sel-adj-idx 5)
(12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)
wtr-usage1.core=> (first (reverse (sel-adj-idx 5)))
I keep going until the first index. The value of 5 would be binned there. I would like just to return the index, but still need to traverse read-levels to compare the reading against each of the levels.
Is there a better form to use for this purpose? I could probably write this recursively, but am trying to see if I can do it with Clojure's rich set of sequence functions.