I'm learning object oriented programming and am still trying to understand the best way to structure a class for modularity and attempting to follow DRY principles. I currently created a class containing multiple requests that share the same self.reponse
block repeatedly. I am not sure the best way to abstract this outside of each function call since I am also returning the response
object within each method.
My code currently looks like this:
import requests
import urllib3
import logging
import re
from itertools import zip_longest
log = logging.getLogger()
server = "https://example.com"
organization = "/example/"
username = "[email protected]"
PAT = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
class InvokeRequest():
def __init__(self):
self.server = server + organization
# Get All Repositories
def getRepositories(self, project):
self.URL = self.server + project + "/_apis/git/repositories"
self.response = requests.get(self.URL, auth=(username, PAT), verify=False)
return self.response.json()
# Get All Build Definitions
def getBuildDefinitions(self, project):
self.URL = self.server + project + "/_apis/build/definitions/"
self.response = requests.get(self.URL, auth=(username, PAT), verify=False)
return self.response.json()
# Get Specific Build Definition
def getBuildDefinitionID(self, project, ID):
self.URL = self.server + project + "/_apis/build/definitions/" + str(ID)
self.response = requests.get(self.URL, auth=(username, PAT), verify=False)
return self.response.json()
# Get All Release Definitions
def getReleaseDefinitions(self, releaseID):
self.URL = self.server + releaseID + "/_apis/git/releaseID"
self.response = requests.get(self.URL, auth=(username, PAT), verify=False)
return self.response.json()
request = InvokeRequest()
repos = request.getRepositories("DevOps")
list_of_repos = []
for repo in repos["value"] or []:
buildDefinitions = request.getBuildDefinitions("DevOps")
build_definition_IDs = []
build_pipeline_names = []
for build in buildDefinitions["value"]:
if build["queueStatus"] == "enabled": # Skip over disabled builds
associated_build_repos = [] # Repos containing an associated build pipeline
for ID in build_definition_IDs:
buildDefinition = request.getBuildDefinitionID("DevOps", ID)
log.debug(buildDefinition["repository"].get("name"), "has pipeline")
except KeyError as e:
For now, I am only passing a single project "DevOps"
, however, this will change in the future. I want to find a way to prevent repeating this specific block of code:
self.response = requests.get(self.URL, auth=(username, PAT), verify=False)
return self.response.json()
I have considered creating a base class called InvokeRequestConfig()
or something similar to create the setup of the server and response object, that way I could inherit that class in InvokeRequest()
. however I think that adds a lot of complexity that might not be necessary.
What is the best way to reuse the code above to make it more modular and follow best practices of OOP and DRY?