This is my first big project that I've decided to release publically. It's available on my Github, and through pip3
: pip3 install delicioussoda
This is a simple parser for robots.txt files for a website. And yes, the name "DeliciousSoda" is a play off of "BeautifulSoup".
As I intended to keep developing and adding more features to this module, I would really appreciate some feedback on every part of my code. Here are a couple main things:
- How is my handling of ensuring the url is valid, and that the site has a robots.txt file?
- How is my use of custom exceptions?
- I've decided to use
before some methods only used within the class. I also do this for any variables. Is this unnecessary? get_allowed
both seem unnecessarily complicated. I feel like I can accomplish the same thing with less code. Is this possible?- How is my example usage? I use this to test the module without writing another file. Should I implement something like
Appreciate any and all feedback provided. Thank you in advance.
DeliciousSoda is a webscraper for robots.txt files. Basic usage:
>>> from delicioussoda import DeliciousSoda
>>> s = DeliciousSoda('')
>>> s.get_allowed()
['Allow: /search/about', 'Allow: /search/static', ...]
:copyright: (c) 2019 by Ben Antonellis.
:license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
__all__ = [
# Standard Library Imports
import os
from typing import List, Dict, Union
import urllib.request
from urllib.error import HTTPError
# Install Requires
import requests
from requests.exceptions import SSLError
class DeliciousSoda():
A custom robots.txt parser. Assumes ' User-agent: * '.
def __init__(self, url=None):
self.__url = url
self.__robots_file = None
if self.__url is not None:
self.__content = self.__download_robots()
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"DeliciousSoda Parsing: {self.__url}"
def set_url(self, url: str) -> None:
Sets DeliciousSoda to retrieve robots.txt from this url.
:param url -> str: Url
:return: None
if not url.endswith("robots.txt"):
if url.endswith("/"):
self.__url = f"{url}robots.txt"
self.__url = f"{url}/robots.txt"
self.__url = url
self.__content = self.__download_robots()
def __validate_url(self) -> None:
Checks current url's validity.
:return: None
response = requests.get(self.__url, timeout=5)
except SSLError:
raise InvalidUrlException("\n\nInvalidUrlException: Invalid Url.\n")
def __download_robots(self) -> List[str]:
Downloads robots.txt file from url, loads the content from it, and returns a list of lines in the file.
:return List[str]: Lines in the file
if self.__url is not None:
# Ensure url is valid #
# Ensure file exists #
self.__robots_file, _ = urllib.request.urlretrieve(self.__url, filename="page.html")
except HTTPError as error:
if error.code == 404:
raise InvalidUrlException(f"\n\nInvalidUrlException: Site does not have a robots.txt file.\n")
# Load lines and return list #
with open(self.__robots_file, "r") as file:
content = [line for line in file]
# Remove file and return lines #
return content
raise InvalidUrlException("\n\nInvalidUrlException: Invalid Url.\n")
def get_sitemap(self) -> Union[str, None]:
Returns the sitemap of the webiste, None if it doesn't exist.
:return Union[str, None]: Either the sitemap of robots.txt, or None
for line in self.__content:
if line.startswith("Sitemap:"):
return line[9:].rstrip()
return None
def get_allowed(self) -> List[str]:
Gets all allowed directories for the url.
:return List[str]: Allowed directories
if self.__url is not None:
allowed = []
for line in self.__content:
if line == "\n":
if line.startswith("Allow:"):
return allowed
raise InvalidUrlException("\n\nInvalidUrlException: Invalid Url.\n")
def get_disallowed(self) -> List[str]:
Gets all disallowed directories for the url.
:return List[str]: Disallowed directories
if self.__url is not None:
disallowed = []
for line in self.__content:
if line == "\n":
if line.startswith("Disallow:"):
return disallowed
raise InvalidUrlException("\n\nInvalidUrlException: Invalid Url.\n")
def get_all(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
Returns a dict of both allowed and disallowed directories under User-agent: *.
:return Dict[str, List[str]]: Dictionary of allowed and disallowed directories under User-agent: *
if self.__url is not None:
return {
"Allow": self.get_allowed(),
"Disallow": self.get_disallowed()
raise InvalidUrlException("\n\nInvalidUrlException: Invalid Url.\n")
class InvalidUrlException(Exception):
""" Url passed to DeliciousSoda object is `Invalid`. """
# Example Usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
__robot = DeliciousSoda("")
__sitemap = __robot.get_sitemap()
__allowed = __robot.get_allowed()
__disallowed = __robot.get_disallowed()
__both = __robot.get_all()
# print(__robot)
# print(__sitemap)
# print(__allowed)
# print(__disallowed)
# print(__both)