I'm wondering what I could do to improve the function that handles initializing the UI. I think it looks disgusting. Any ideas on what I could do besides splitting the code up into multiple functions to make it look better?
def init_ui(window, root_dir):
window.title('ACFA Save Editor')
tk.Label(window, text='Pilot name: ').grid(row=0)
tk.Label(window, text='AC name: ').grid(row=1)
tk.Label(window, text='COAM (money): ').grid(row=2)
tk.Label(window, text='FRS Memory: ').grid(row=3)
e_p_name = tk.Entry(window)
e_p_name.grid(row=0, column=1)
e_ac_name = tk.Entry(window)
e_ac_name.grid(row=1, column=1)
e_coam = tk.Entry(window)
e_coam.grid(row=2, column=1)
e_frs_memory = tk.Entry(window)
e_frs_memory.grid(row=3, column=1)
messagebox.showinfo('Open Save Folder', 'Ex: GAMEDATXXXX')
directory = askdirectory(initialdir=root_dir)
APGD = directory + '/APGD.dat'
GAMEDAT = directory + '/' + directory.split('/')[-1] + '_CONTENT'
p, a, c, f = read_data(APGD)
e_p_name.insert(0, p)
e_ac_name.insert(0, a)
e_coam.insert(0, c)
e_frs_memory.insert(0, f)
b_apply = tk.Button(window, text='Apply', width=10, command=lambda:
apply(e_p_name.get(), e_ac_name.get(), e_coam.get(),
APGD, GAMEDAT)).grid(row=4, column=0)
b_quit = tk.Button(window, text='Quit', width=10,
command=window.destroy).grid(row=4, column=1)
return window
The rest of the code can be found here.