I have base Controller for Attachments, here is code of it
In this controller, I pass data from the request and return URL of the posted object.
public class ApiAttachmentControllerBase<T> : PM101MobileApiController where T : Entity<int>
private readonly IObjectStorageManager _storageManager;
protected readonly IRepository<T> Repository;
public ApiAttachmentControllerBase(IObjectStorageManager storageManager, IRepository<T> repository)
_storageManager = storageManager;
Repository = repository;
private void CheckFileSize(IFormFile file)
if (file.Length > PM101Consts.MaxAttachmentSize)
throw new UserFriendlyException(L("Attachment_Warn_SizeLimit",
private void CheckFileType(IFormFile file, params string[] supportedTypes)
if (supportedTypes.Any())
var extention = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);
if (!supportedTypes.ToList().Contains(extention))
throw new UserFriendlyException(L("Attachment_Warn_Type", extention));
private async Task<T> GetEntityAsync(int entityId)
var entity = await Repository.FirstOrDefaultAsync(entityId);
if (entity == null)
throw new UserFriendlyException(L("EntityNotFound"));
return entity;
protected async Task<List<string>> UploadMultipleAttachmentAsync(
int entityId,
ICollection<IFormFile> uploadFiles,
Func<T, string> getAttachments,
Action<T, string> setAttachments,
params string[] supportedTypes
var entity = await GetEntityAsync(entityId);
if (uploadFiles != null)
var files = uploadFiles.ToList();
files.ForEach(f =>
CheckFileType(f, supportedTypes);
var attachmentUrls = new List<string>();
foreach (var file in files)
if (file.Length > 0)
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
var fileName =
AttachmentHelper.GenerateFilePath(file.FileName, entityId, entity.GetType().Name);
var url = await _storageManager.UploadFileAsync(fileName, ms.ToArray(), file.ContentType);
return attachmentUrls;
return null;
I inherited it in another controller like this
public class InspectionsController : ApiAttachmentControllerBase<Inspection>
public InspectionsController(IObjectStorageManager storageManager, IRepository<Inspection> repository) : base(
storageManager, repository)
And then I use it in a method like this
public async Task<IActionResult> AddPreInspection([FromForm] CreatePreInspectionDto input)
var preInspectionCount = await Repository.GetAll().Where(x => x.InspectionTypeId == 1).ToListAsync();
if (preInspectionCount.Count > 0)
return Conflict("Pre inspection already exists");
var preInspection = new Inspection();
ObjectMapper.Map(input, preInspection);
var id = await Repository.InsertAndGetIdAsync(preInspection);
var inspectionGet = await Repository.GetAll().FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == id);
if (input.EvidenceAttachments != null)
var evidenceAttachments = string.Join(";", await UploadMultipleAttachmentAsync(
a => a.EvidenceAttachments,
(a, value) => a.EvidenceAttachments = value,
".jpeg", ".png", ".jpg"
inspectionGet.FrontPropertyAttachments = evidenceAttachments;
if (input.FrontPropertyAttachments != null)
var frontPropertyAttachments = string.Join(";", await UploadMultipleAttachmentAsync(
a => a.EvidenceAttachments,
(a, value) => a.EvidenceAttachments = value,
".jpeg", ".png", ".jpg"));
inspectionGet.FrontPropertyAttachments = frontPropertyAttachments;
await Repository.UpdateAsync(inspectionGet);
return Ok();
Maybe I can have a more elegant way to post an image, get URL and update entity than do all these checks in controller action?