Is there a more natural way to do this in rust? I'm having a lot of difficulty trying to make this look clean. Type mismatches and borrowing have me stumped. What are some refactors that I could make?
- Take in list of space-separated, command-line arguments
- Book (join all arguments except the last)
- Reference (the last argument)
- File (looked up via the book)
I abbreviated the books_to_files
mapping to only include a couple examples of books with different word lengths.
In: Out:
Genesis 1:1 Genesis, 1:1, mhc1.txt
Song of Solomon 2:2-4 Song of Solomon, 2:2-4, mhc3.txt
Acts of the Apostles 3:3-9 Acts of the Apostles, 3:3-9, mhc6.txt
Source Code
use std::env;
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() {
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
let book: String;
if args.len() == 3 {
book = args[1].clone();
} else if args.len() == 4 {
book = args[1].clone() + " " + &args[2].clone();
} else if args.len() == 5 {
book = args[1].clone() + " " + &args[2].clone() + " " + &args[3].clone();
} else if args.len() == 6 {
book = args[1].clone() + " " + &args[2].clone() + " " + &args[3].clone() + " " + &args[4].clone();
} else {
panic!("Wrong number of arguments");
let reference: String = args[args.len()-1].clone();
let file: String = get_file(&book);
println!("{}, {}, {}", book, reference, file);
fn get_file(book: &String) -> String {
let books_to_files: HashMap<&str, &str> = [
("Genesis", "mhc1.txt"),
("First Samuel", "mhc2.txt"),
("Song of Solmon", "mhc3.txt"),
("Acts of the Apostles", "mhc6.txt"),
("First Corinthians", "mhc6.txt"),
("Galatians", "mhc6.txt"),