
Coming from a software engineering background I don't have so much experience developing games. Below is a simple 2d tile connect game. What would people improve about it? What are some good practices that could be applied here and what would people suggest?

Board.cs - main script that handles setting up and resetting the board.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Board : MonoBehaviour {

    // Board Lengths by Cells   
    public int width;
    public int height;

    public GameObject[] tilePrefabs; // array of different tiles which may be used (different colours)
    public GameObject[,] allTiles; // a 2d array of all the tiles on the board

    private TileAnimations tileAnimations;

    // Use this for initialization

    void Start () {
        tileAnimations = this.GetComponent<TileAnimations>();
        allTiles = new GameObject[width, height];
        Setup ();

    // Generate board of random tiles
    private void Setup (){ 
        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
                Vector2 tempPosition = new Vector2(i, j);

                // Create tiles
                int tileToUse = Random.Range(0, tilePrefabs.Length);
                GameObject tile = Instantiate(tilePrefabs[tileToUse], tempPosition, Quaternion.identity);
                tile.transform.parent = this.transform;
                tile.name = "(" + i + ", " + j + ")";

                // Add tile to tiles array
                allTiles[i, j] = tile;
        //bool deadlock = this.GetComponent<DeadlockChecker>().CheckDeadlock();

    // check for null spaces and populate them
    public IEnumerator CollapseColumnCo(){

        int nullCount = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++){
            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++){
                if(allTiles[i,j] == null){ // when you create a chain, there will be null spaces on the board (since the tiles disappear)
                else if (nullCount > 0){
                    allTiles[i, j].GetComponent<Tile>().tileY -= nullCount;
                    StartCoroutine(tileAnimations.SlideDown(allTiles[i,j], nullCount)); // slide down tiles above null spaces
                    allTiles[i, j - nullCount] = allTiles[i, j]; // update position in allTiles
                    allTiles[i, j] = null;
            nullCount = 0;

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(.3f);
        StartCoroutine(FillBoardCo()); // refills board

    private void RefillBoard() {
        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
                if (allTiles[i, j] == null) {
                    Vector2 tempPosition = new Vector2(i, j);
                    int tileToUse = Random.Range(0, tilePrefabs.Length);
                    GameObject piece = Instantiate(tilePrefabs[tileToUse], tempPosition, Quaternion.identity);
                    piece.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0);
                    StartCoroutine(tileAnimations.ScaleTile(piece, "expand"));
                    allTiles[i, j] = piece;
        //bool deadlock = this.GetComponent<DeadlockChecker>().CheckDeadlock();

    private IEnumerator FillBoardCo() {
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(.3f);


Link.cs - state of a chain

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Link : MonoBehaviour
    private Vector2 touchPosition;

    public List<GameObject> chain = new List<GameObject>();
    public GameObject chainHead;

    private Board board;
    private TileAnimations tileAnimations;

    public bool chaining = false; // is the player in the middle of creating a chain?

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start(){
        board = FindObjectOfType<Board>();
        tileAnimations = this.GetComponent<TileAnimations>();

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update(){


    // Pops tiles when chain is destroyed
    public void DestroyChain(List<GameObject> linkedChain){



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Tile : MonoBehaviour
    public int tileX;
    public int tileY;

    private Board board;

    public bool inChain = false;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start(){
        board = FindObjectOfType<Board>();
        tileX = (int)transform.position.x; // column number
        tileY = (int)transform.position.y; // row number

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update() {
        if (inChain == true) {
            this.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.5f, 1.5f, 0);
        } else {
            this.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0);

    // Checks adjacency so you can only make chains with tiles which are next to each other
    public bool IsAdjacentToHead() {
        // if on left of head
        if (tileX == (board.GetComponent<Link>().chainHead.GetComponent<Tile>().tileX - 1)
            && tileY == board.GetComponent<Link>().chainHead.GetComponent<Tile>().tileY) {
            return true;
        } else if (tileX == (board.GetComponent<Link>().chainHead.GetComponent<Tile>().tileX + 1)
            && tileY == board.GetComponent<Link>().chainHead.GetComponent<Tile>().tileY) {
            // if on right of head
            return true;
        } else if (tileX == (board.GetComponent<Link>().chainHead.GetComponent<Tile>().tileX)
            && tileY == (board.GetComponent<Link>().chainHead.GetComponent<Tile>().tileY + 1)) {
            // if on top of head
            return true;
        } else if (tileX == (board.GetComponent<Link>().chainHead.GetComponent<Tile>().tileX)
            && tileY == (board.GetComponent<Link>().chainHead.GetComponent<Tile>().tileY - 1)) {
            // if on bottom of head
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    private void OnMouseDown(){
        board.GetComponent<Link>().chaining = true;
        inChain = true;
        board.GetComponent<Link>().chainHead = this.gameObject;

    private void OnMouseUp(){
        board.GetComponent<Link>().chaining = false;
        if (board.GetComponent<Link>().chain.Count >= 3){
        } else {
            // Remove all from chain
            foreach (GameObject x in board.GetComponent<Link>().chain){
                x.GetComponent<Tile>().inChain = false;

    private void OnMouseEnter(){
        // Only if we are chaining AND the tile does not alread exist in the chain
        if(board.GetComponent<Link>().chaining == true && !board.GetComponent<Link>().chain.Contains(gameObject)){

            // Make sure the tile to be connected is adjacent to the head AND have same colour (tag)
            if (IsAdjacentToHead() && this.CompareTag(board.GetComponent<Link>().chainHead.tag)) {
                board.GetComponent<Link>().chainHead = this.gameObject;
                inChain = true;

        // If the next tile is the one previous in the chain (penultimate element) - remove last element
        if (board.GetComponent<Link>().chaining == true) {
            if (this.gameObject == board.GetComponent<Link>().chain[board.GetComponent<Link>().chain.Count - 2]) {
                board.GetComponent<Link>().chainHead = this.gameObject;
                // remove last element from chain
                board.GetComponent<Link>().chain[board.GetComponent<Link>().chain.Count - 1].GetComponent<Tile>().inChain = false;



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using UnityEngine;

public class TileAnimations : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject destroyEffect;

    private Board board;

    void Start() {
        board = FindObjectOfType<Board>();

    // After chain disappears, tiles above slide down
    public IEnumerator SlideDown(GameObject tile, int nullCount) {
        var originalPos = tile.transform.position;
        var finalPos = tile.transform.position -= new Vector3(0, nullCount, 0);
        float t = 0f;
        float timeToMove = 0.2f;
        while (t < 1) {
            t += Time.deltaTime / timeToMove;
            tile.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(originalPos, finalPos, t);
            yield return null;

    // Destroy each tile with a delay
    public IEnumerator PopIt(List<GameObject> linkedChain) {

        float destroyDelay = 0.1f;
        foreach (GameObject tile in linkedChain) {
            int tileX = tile.GetComponent<Tile>().tileX;
            int tileY = tile.GetComponent<Tile>().tileY;

            StartCoroutine(PopOut(tile, destroyDelay));

            board.allTiles[tileX, tileY] = null;
            destroyDelay += 0.1f;
        yield return new WaitForSeconds((linkedChain.Count + 1f) * 0.1f);

    //  Shrink tile down + Particle Effect
    public IEnumerator PopOut(GameObject tile, float delay) {

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay);

        GameObject particle = Instantiate(destroyEffect, tile.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
        Destroy(particle, .6f);

        StartCoroutine(ScaleTile(tile, "shrink"));

        Destroy(tile,0.2f); // wait for shrink animation before destroying

    public IEnumerator ScaleTile(GameObject tile, string action) {
        var originalScale = tile.transform.localScale;
        Vector3 finalScale = new Vector3(0f,0f,0f);

        if (String.Equals(action, "shrink")) {
            finalScale = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
        } else if (String.Equals(action, "expand")) {
            finalScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
        } else {
            Debug.LogError("Only expand and shrink actions can be used with ScaleTile script.");

        float t = 0f;
        float timeToMove = 0.2f;
        while (t < 1) {
            t += Time.deltaTime / timeToMove;
            tile.transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(originalScale, finalScale, t);
            yield return null;
        yield return null;


Any tips/help/advice would be greatly appreciated!

  • \$\begingroup\$ Just curious--why did you remove the cool screen capture showing how the app works? \$\endgroup\$
    – ggorlen
    Commented Jul 21, 2019 at 18:49

1 Answer 1


I have some tips regarding C# conventions.

  • Public fields should be replaced with public properties and should be title-cased. For insance Board.width, Board.height.
  • Think about whether certain fields should be encapsulated within the instance and can only be mutated by methods on the instance. Tile.tileX, Tile.tileY are good candidates to encapsulate to avoid letting other classes changing these values out of bounds.
  • Don't repeat class name in variable names. Tile.tileX should be called Tile.X.
  • Use formatted string where possible: $"({i},{j})". In this particular, case you could have used a ValueTuple (i, j).ToString() to get the same output.
  • Be consistent with white space, parentheses: at one moment you have 3 consecutive methods with 3 different styles of white space Setup (){, CollapseColumnCo(){, RefillBoard() {.
  • I don't get why you have an empty method void Update(){ which is not an interface implementation.
  • Some if statements could be replaced with ternary operators to avoid redundant code: see this.gameObject.transform.localScale in method Update and condition inChain == true.
  • Conditions should not be checked against true/false: if (inChain == true) should be written as if (inChain).
  • Cache redundant calls in a local variable: board.GetComponent<Link>().chainHead.GetComponent<Tile>() should be cachec before all the if statements in IsAdjacentToHead.
  • Some of your loops could be refactored to use LINQ: foreach (GameObject x in board.GetComponent<Link>().chain) x.GetComponent<Tile>().inChain = false;. See IList<T>.ForEach(Action<T> action) extension method.

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