I am running through an app idea to help improve my knowledge of Javascript. The code attached performs the following:
- Performs a regex on the input field to check it is value 0-9 If not,
it clears the field and shows a warning (Although this only seems to work on FF)
If it passes, updates the styles of the preview box on keyup
- Adds the styles to a text area that the user can copy when selecting the button
I am looking for suggestions where I can improve in terms of writing more efficient code. Or pointers where I have possibly used the wrong method to perform a task. One area where I struggled was getting the value of the input field.
This is the first stage for this application as in the near future I plan to add in the ability modify each corner.
Feedback is welcomed
"use strict"
const masterField = document.getElementById('masterField');
const box = document.getElementById('box');
const warn = document.getElementById('warn');
const styleSheet = document.getElementById('styleSheet');
const WARNING_TIME = 2000;
var warningTimer;
masterField.addEventListener('keyup', updateCss);
function updateCss() {
let inputVal = this.value;
const expCase = /[0-9]/;
if (expCase.test(inputVal)) {
box.style.borderRadius = inputVal + 'px';
styleSheet.textContent = 'border-radius: ' + inputVal + 'px';
} else {
this.value = '';
function hidewarning() {
function showWarning() {
warningTimer = setTimeout(hidewarning, WARNING_TIME);
function copyStyles() {
#box {
width: 300px;
height: 175px;
background-color: red;
#warn {
display: block;
#warn.hide-warning {
display: none;
<div id="box"></div>
<label for="masterField">All Corners</label>
<input id="masterField" class="radius-field" type="number">
<span id="warn" class="hide-warning">Only numbers 0 - 9 are allowed</span>
<button onclick="copyStyles()">Copy Styles</button>
<textarea id="styleSheet"></textarea>