I'm experimenting how a Relation (a cartesian product's subset) can be implemented in Haskell using different data classes.
Forest and Tree allow to keeps together in a single data structure different relations each one of different n-arity.
This set of functions require only the Eq constraint and a simple Normal Form. (The two show functions require the additional Show constraint.)
The examples allow to quick test the functions.
module RelationT
,showT) where
import Data.Tree
import Data.List
-- -------------------- CAVEAT --------------------
-- Forests and subforests must be in NORMAL FORM.
-- (Node values of th same level must all be different.)
-- ============================== NORMAL FORM ==============================
-- Each tree and forest must result True.
isTreeInNormalForm :: Eq a => Tree a -> Bool
isTreeInNormalForm (Node _ subforest) = isForestInNormalForm subforest
isForestInNormalForm :: Eq a => Forest a -> Bool
isForestInNormalForm [] = True
isForestInNormalForm [Node _ subfrst] = isForestInNormalForm subfrst
isForestInNormalForm (Node x _ : ndxs) =
let (oks,others) = partition (\(Node w _) -> w == x) ndxs
in case oks of
[] -> isForestInNormalForm others
_ -> False
-- "Fusion" of the nodes in the same level that have the same value
toTreeNormalForm :: Eq a => Tree a -> Tree a
toTreeNormalForm (Node x subforest) = Node x $ toForestNormalForm subforest
toForestNormalForm :: Eq a => Forest a -> Forest a
toForestNormalForm [] = []
toForestNormalForm [Node x subfrst] = [Node x (toForestNormalForm subfrst)]
toForestNormalForm (Node x subfrst : ndxs) =
let (oks,others) = partition (\(Node w _) -> w == x) ndxs
in if null oks
then Node x (toForestNormalForm subfrst) : toForestNormalForm others
else Node x (unionOfForests $ map (\(Node _ subf) -> subf) oks) : toForestNormalForm others
-- ============================== EQUIVALENCE ==============================
-- Forests and subforests are CONSIDERED equivalent if differs only by the order of nodes in the same level.
equTrees :: Eq a => Tree a -> Tree a -> Bool
equTrees (Node x subfrstX) (Node y subfrstY)
| x == y = equForests subfrstX subfrstY
| otherwise = False
equForests :: Eq a => Forest a -> Forest a -> Bool
equForests [] [] = True
equForests [] _ = False
equForests _ [] = False
equForests (Node x subfrstX : ndxs) ndys =
let (oks,others) = partition (\(Node w _) -> w == x) ndys
in case oks of
[] -> False
[Node _ subfrstZ] -> equForests subfrstX subfrstZ && equForests ndxs others
_ -> error "NOT in Normal Form"
-- ============================== COMBINE ==============================
unionOfTwoTrees :: Eq a => Tree a -> Tree a -> [Tree a]
unionOfTwoTrees nd (Node _ []) = [nd]
unionOfTwoTrees (Node _ []) nd = [nd]
unionOfTwoTrees ndx@(Node x subforestX) ndy@(Node y subforesty)
| x == y = [Node x (unionOfTwoForests subforestX subforesty)]
| otherwise = [ndx, ndy]
unionOfTwoForests :: Eq a => [Tree a] -> [Tree a] -> [Tree a]
unionOfTwoForests [] frst = frst
unionOfTwoForests frst [] = frst
unionOfTwoForests (ndy@(Node y subfrstY) : ndys) ndxs =
let (oks,others) = partition (\(Node w _) -> w == y) ndxs
in case oks of
[] -> ndy : unionOfTwoForests ndys others
[Node z subfrstZ] -> Node z (unionOfTwoForests subfrstY subfrstZ) : unionOfTwoForests ndys others
_ -> error "NOT in Normal Form"
unionOfForests :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => t [Tree a] -> [Tree a]
unionOfForests frsts = foldr unionOfTwoForests [] frsts
-- -------------------- Addition --------------------
-- Addition is non-commutative.
-- The first tree is "added" to the second only if the "root" values are the same.
-- The following functions behaves similarly.
addTreeToTree :: Eq a => Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
addTreeToTree (Node _ []) nd = nd
addTreeToTree (Node y subfrstY) ndx@(Node x [])
| y == x = Node x subfrstY
| otherwise = ndx
addTreeToTree (Node y subfrstY) ndx@(Node x subfrstX)
| y == x = Node x $ addForestToForest subfrstY subfrstX
| otherwise = ndx
addTreeToForest :: Eq a => Tree a -> [Tree a] -> [Tree a]
addTreeToForest (Node _ []) frst = frst
addTreeToForest _ [] = []
addTreeToForest ndy@(Node y _) frst =
let (oks,others) = partition (\(Node w _) -> w == y) frst
in case oks of
[] -> frst
[ndz] -> addTreeToTree ndz ndy : others
_ -> error "The forest is NOT in Normal Form"
addForestToTree :: Eq a => [Tree a] -> Tree a -> Tree a
addForestToTree [] nd = nd
addForestToTree ndys nd@(Node x subforestX) =
case filter (\(Node w _) -> w == x) ndys of
[] -> nd
[Node _ subfrstZ] -> Node x $ appendForestToForest subfrstZ subforestX
_ -> error "The forest is NOT in Normal Form"
addForestToForest :: Eq a => [Tree a] -> [Tree a] -> [Tree a]
addForestToForest [] frst = frst
addForestToForest _ [] = [] -- !!!
addForestToForest (Node y subfrstY : ndys) ndxs =
let (oks,others) = partition (\(Node w _) -> w == y) ndxs
in case oks of
[] -> addForestToForest ndys ndxs
[Node z subfrstZ] -> Node z (unionOfTwoForests subfrstY subfrstZ) : addForestToForest ndys others
_ -> error "The second forest is NOT in Normal Form"
-- -------------------- Append --------------------
-- Thees functions appends trees or forests to the leaves of the target forest.
-- For each target leaf the condition is that the value of the leaf have to be equal to the value of the "root" of what would be appended.
appendTreeToTree :: Eq a => Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
appendTreeToTree (Node _ []) nd = nd
appendTreeToTree (Node y subfrstY) ndx@(Node x [])
| y == x = Node x subfrstY
| otherwise = ndx
appendTreeToTree ndy (Node x subfrstX) = Node x $ map (\nd -> appendTreeToTree ndy nd) subfrstX
appendForestToTree :: Eq a => [Tree a] -> Tree a -> Tree a
appendForestToTree [] nd = nd
appendForestToTree frst ndx@(Node x []) =
case filter (\(Node y _) -> y == x) frst of
[] -> ndx
[Node _ subforest] -> Node x subforest
_ -> error "The forest is NOT in Normal Form"
appendForestToTree frst (Node x subforestX) = Node x $ appendForestToForest frst subforestX
appendForestToForest :: Eq a => [Tree a] -> [Tree a] -> [Tree a]
appendForestToForest [] frst = frst
appendForestToForest frst [] = frst
appendForestToForest frstY frstX = map (\ndx -> appendForestToTree frstY ndx) frstX
-- ============================== CONSTRUCTION ==============================
-- These functions can selectively add nodes to the leaves of the target.
growthTree :: (t -> Forest t) -> Tree t -> Tree t
growthTree f (Node x []) = Node x (f x)
growthTree f (Node x subfrst) = Node x $ growthForest f subfrst
growthForest :: (t -> Forest t) -> [Tree t] -> [Tree t]
growthForest f [] = []
growthForest f frst = map (growthTree f) frst
-- ============================== LEAF'S VALUE MODIFICATION ==============================
-- Thees functions nodify only the leaves of the target.
fmapLeafsOfTree :: (a -> a) -> Tree a -> Tree a
fmapLeafsOfTree f (Node x []) = Node (f x) []
fmapLeafsOfTree f (Node x subfrst) = Node x $ fmapLeafsOfForest f subfrst
fmapLeafsOfForest :: (a -> a) -> Forest a -> Forest a
fmapLeafsOfForest f [] = []
fmapLeafsOfForest f frst = map (fmapLeafsOfTree f) frst
-- ============================== PRETTY PRINT ==============================
-- Functions that are useful for values other than strings.
showF :: Show a => [Tree a] -> IO ()
showF = putStr . drawForest . map (fmap show)
showT :: Show a => Tree a -> IO ()
showT = putStr . drawTree . fmap show
-- ============================== EXAMPLES ==============================
tr1 = Node "John" [Node "friends" [Node "John" [], Node "Sally"[]]
,Node "cars" [Node "Laputa" [], Node "Pinto"[]]
,Node "motorbikes" [Node "Thunderbird"[]]]
tr2 = Node "Mary" [Node "motorbikes" [Node"Varadero" []]
,Node "past holidays" [Node "Rome" [],Node "Sydney" []]]
tr3 = Node "John" [Node "motorbikes" [Node"Vespa" []]
,Node "past holidays" [Node "Rome" [],Node "Paris" []]]
tr4 = Node "John" [Node "friends" [Node "Mary" [], Node "Rick"[]]
,Node "past holidays" [Node "Rome" [], Node "London" []]]
tr5 = Node "Frank" [Node "home" [Node "New York" []]]
tr6 = Node "Sally" [Node "phone numbers" [Node "345-25-33" [], Node "898-38-234" []]]
tr7 = Node "Rose" [Node "phone numbers" [Node "525-33-425" []]]
tr8 = Node "Thunderbird" [Node "manufacturing company" [Node "Triumph Engineering"[]]]
tr9 = Node "Varadero" [Node "manufacturing company" [Node "Honda" []]]
fr1 = [tr1, tr2]
fr2 = [tr4, tr5]
fr3 = [tr6, tr7]
fr4 = [tr8,tr9]
ex1 = showF $ unionOfTwoForests fr1 fr2
ex2 = showF $ unionOfTwoForests fr1 fr2
ex3 = showF $ unionOfForests [fr1,fr2,fr3,fr4]
ex4 = showF $ addForestToForest fr2 fr1
ex5 = showF $ addForestToForest fr1 fr2
ex6 = showF $ appendForestToForest fr4 fr1
ex7 = showF $ appendForestToForest fr3 fr1
ex10 = showF $ appendForestToForest (unionOfForests [fr3,fr4]) (unionOfForests [fr1,fr2])
ex11 = showF $ appendForestToForest (unionOfForests [fr3,fr4]) (unionOfForests [fr1,fr2,fr3,fr4])
countryOf x = case x of
"Rome" -> [Node "country" [Node "Italy" []]]
"Paris" -> [Node "country" [Node "France" []]]
_ -> []
ex20 = showT $ growthTree countryOf tr3