This is a Leetcode problem -
Given a 2D board and a list of words from the dictionary, find all words in the board.
Each word must be constructed from letters of a sequentially adjacent cell, where "adjacent" cells are those horizontally or vertically neighboring. The same letter cell may not be used more than once in a word.
- All inputs are consist of lowercase letters
.- The values of
are distinct.
Here is my solution to this challenge -
class Solution: def __init__(self, board, words): self.board = board self.words = words def find_words(self, board, words): root = {} for word in words: node = root for c in word: node = node.setdefault(c, {}) node[None] = True board = {i + 1j * j: c for i, row in enumerate(board) for j, c in enumerate(row)} found = [] def search(node, z, word): if node.pop(None, None): found.append(word) c = board.get(z) if c in node: board[z] = None for k in range(4): search(node[c], z + 1j ** k, word + c) board[z] = c for z in board: search(root, z, '') return found
Program explanation - I first build a tree of words with root root
and also represent the board a different way, namely as a one-dimensional dictionary where the keys are complex numbers representing the row/column indexes. That makes further work with it easier. Looping over all board positions is just for z in board
, the four neighbors of a board position z
are just z + 1j ** k
(for k
in 0
to 3
), and I don't need to check borders because board.get
just returns None
if I request an invalid position.
After this preparation, I just take the tree and recursively dive with it into each board position. Similar to how you'd search a single word, but with the tree instead.
Here is an example input/output -
output = Solution([ ['o','a','a','n'], ['e','t','a','e'], ['i','h','k','r'], ['i','f','l','v'] ], ["oath","pea","eat","rain"]) print(output.find_words([ ['o','a','a','n'], ['e','t','a','e'], ['i','h','k','r'], ['i','f','l','v'] ], ["oath","pea","eat","rain"])) >>> ['oath', 'eat']
So, I would like to know whether I could make this program shorter and more efficient.
Any help would be highly appreciated.