Recently I made a script to get available IP automatically. I was woundering if anyone can give me tips on how to make this code look better, preferably in a class and OOP. I'm gonna show the code to my boss, but i want it to look clean and nice before i do so, and hopefully learn a thing or two about writing better code.
import requests
from orionsdk import SwisClient
import getpass
# Brukerinfromasjon
npm_server = 'mw-solarwinds.yy.dd'
username = 'jnk'
password = getpass.getpass()
server_navn = input('Skriv inn DNS navn: ')
dns_ip = '' # = Felles
dns_sone = 'yy.dd'
verify = False
if not verify:
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
swis = SwisClient(npm_server, username, password) # Kjører mot IPAM med brukerinformasjon
subnets = {
'ka-windows': ['', '24'],
'ka-linux': ['', '24'],
'ka-exa-mgmt': ['', '28']
print("Tilgjengelige subnets: ")
for i in subnets:
found = False
while not found:
inp = input("Skriv in Subnet: ")
if inp in subnets:
Finner ledig IP adresse i subnet
sub_ip = subnets[inp][0]
sub_cdir = subnets[inp][1]
ipaddr = swis.invoke('IPAM.SubnetManagement', 'GetFirstAvailableIp', sub_ip, sub_cdir)
Sette DNS > IP
dns = swis.invoke('IPAM.IPAddressManagement', 'AddDnsARecord', server_navn, ipaddr, dns_ip, dns_sone)
print("IP: {} > DNS: {}".format(ipaddr, server_navn))
found = True
print("Det er ikke et subnet, velg en fra listen.")