I am trying to puzzle out api based user registration for a service I am building, but I have a strong feeling that my code is not optimal.
It feels like passing "state" in the way I did prevents the server from being multithreaded, as I have no clue how actix could share data that isn't Send or Sync across multiple threads.
I also interact with DynamoDb by using a .sync()
call on the request, which means that i block on waiting for Dynamo to respond to me. This seems like it would be bad for performance of a web server but I don't know how to avoid it without something like async/await.
Another issue is that I cannot guarantee that a user has a unique email without making a second table in Dynamo. I don't want to expose a user's email to the outside world, so for everything else I would need to use some sort of other unique identifier (here I went with a uuid), but for registration I would still need to check that requirement...somehow. But if I make a second table I introduce the possibility of an inconsistent state since to my knowledge I can't make dynamo affect two tables atomically.
I also just returned out the created user id to the client, but is there something more useful I could have done? Should I return a token in this response? More info about the created user?
Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated.
use actix_web::error::InternalError;
use actix_web::http::StatusCode;
use actix_web::{http, server, App, Json, Responder, State};
use bcrypt;
use core::borrow::Borrow;
use core::fmt;
use failure::Error;
use hocon::HoconLoader;
use log::{info, warn, Level};
use maplit::hashmap;
use rusoto_core::{Region, RusotoError};
use rusoto_dynamodb::{
AttributeDefinition, AttributeValue, BatchWriteItemInput, CreateTableInput, DynamoDb,
DynamoDbClient, GetItemInput, GetItemOutput, KeySchemaElement, ProvisionedThroughput,
PutItemInput, PutRequest, WriteRequest,
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_dynamodb;
use simple_logger;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Formatter};
use std::str::FromStr;
use uuid::Uuid;
type DynamoRecord = HashMap<String, AttributeValue>;
/// The info we need from a person in order to create a user for them.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct UserRegistrationInfo {
email: String,
password: String,
impl Debug for UserRegistrationInfo {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
"UserRegistrationInfo {{ email = {:?}, password = <SENSITIVE> }}",
/// The canonical user record that is actually stored in the database.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct User {
id: String,
email: String,
hashed_password: String,
impl User {
/// Creates a User from the bare minimum info we received from the user. Note that
/// this function is not pure as it involves at the very least generation of a unique
/// id for the user.
pub fn from_registration_info(registration_info: UserRegistrationInfo) -> User {
User {
id: Uuid::new_v4().to_string(),
email: registration_info.email,
hashed_password: bcrypt::hash(registration_info.password, bcrypt::DEFAULT_COST)
fn to_dynamo(&self) -> serde_dynamodb::error::Result<DynamoRecord> {
fn from_dynamo(m: DynamoRecord) -> serde_dynamodb::error::Result<User> {
pub struct System {
pub config: Config,
pub dynamo_db: DynamoDbClient,
impl System {
pub fn from_config(config: Config) -> System {
let dynamo_db = DynamoDbClient::new(config.aws_region());
System { config, dynamo_db }
/// The data returned to the user in the event that they successfully register a user
struct SuccessfulRegistration {
user_id: String,
fn register(
registration_info: Json<UserRegistrationInfo>,
state: State<System>,
) -> Result<impl Responder, failure::Error> {
info!("Creating a new user");
let new_user: User = User::from_registration_info(registration_info.into_inner());
let put_result = state
.put_item(PutItemInput {
table_name: String::from("chat_users"),
item: new_user.to_dynamo().unwrap(),
.batch_write_item(BatchWriteItemInput {
request_items: hashmap! {
state.config.users_table() => vec![
WriteRequest {
put_request: Some(PutRequest {
item: new_user.to_dynamo().unwrap()
state.config.login_table() => vec![
WriteRequest {
put_request: Some(PutRequest {
item: new_user.to_dynamo().unwrap()
info!("Successfully created a new user");
Ok(actix_web::HttpResponse::Ok().json(SuccessfulRegistration {
user_id: new_user.id,
/// Creates the user table. Note: Dynamo doesn't have a "create if not exists" so this needs
/// to be externalized to a good ol' cloudformation script or similar.
fn create_tables(
client: &DynamoDbClient,
) -> rusoto_core::RusotoResult<(), rusoto_dynamodb::CreateTableError> {
.create_table(CreateTableInput {
attribute_definitions: vec![AttributeDefinition {
attribute_name: "id".to_string(),
attribute_type: "S".to_string(),
provisioned_throughput: Some(ProvisionedThroughput {
read_capacity_units: 5,
write_capacity_units: 5,
key_schema: vec![KeySchemaElement {
attribute_name: "id".to_string(),
key_type: "HASH".to_string(),
table_name: "chat_users".to_string(),
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Config {
aws_region: Region,
users_table: String,
login_table: String,
impl Config {
pub fn aws_region(&self) -> Region {
pub fn users_table(&self) -> String {
pub fn login_table(&self) -> String {
fn load() -> Result<Config, failure::Error> {
let hocon = HoconLoader::new()
let aws_region = match hocon["aws"]["region"]
Some("local") => {
info!("Using \"local\" as our AWS region");
Region::Custom {
name: "local".to_string(),
endpoint: "http://localhost:8000".to_string(),
Some(region) => Region::from_str(region).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
warn!("Unknown region: {:?}, defaulting to us-west-2", region);
None => {
warn!("No region provided, defaulting to us-west-2");
let users_table = hocon["dynamo"]["users_table"].as_string().unwrap();
let login_table = hocon["dynamo"]["login_table"].as_string().unwrap();
Ok(Config {
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<std::error::Error>> {
let config = Config::load()?;
server::new(move || {