My code does exactly what I want it to. However, being relatively new to VBA, I feel it could be a lot more efficient - namely I think I have overused loops and worksheet functions which are slowing it down. At the moment it takes around 3 minutes for ~15k rows of data.
Currently it's more of a combination of separate steps joined together so it doesn't flow nicely, rather for each steps it iterates through every row which, while it gets the job done, is frustratingly inefficient.
At the moment I am trying to remove the loops perhaps using Range objects instead, but I would really appreciate any pointers in the right direction.
Sub RunDataClean_Click()
With Sheets("Data")
'ensures code only loops through rows with data and not full worksheet
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Cells) <> 0 Then
endrow = .Cells.Find(What:="*", _
After:=.Range("A4"), _
Lookat:=xlPart, _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
endrow = 4
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Long
'Checks another sheet to see if we have the cleaned customer name on file
For i = 5 To endrow
'does a vlookup in CDM file
Acc = Application.Cells(i, 5)
Cname = Application.Cells(i, 4)
Acname = Application.VLookup(Acc, Sheet3.Range("D2:F315104"), 3, False)
If IsError(Acname) Then
Cells(i, 32).Value = ""
Cells(i, 32).Value = Acname
End If
Map = Application.VLookup(Acc, Sheet3.Range("C2:F315104"), 4, False)
If IsEmpty(Cells(i, 32)) Then
If IsError(Map) Then
Cells(i, 32).Value = ""
Cells(i, 32).Value = Map
End If
End If
FXid = Application.VLookup(Acc, Sheet3.Range("B2:F315104"), 5, False)
If IsEmpty(Cells(i, 32)) Then
If IsError(FXid) Then
Cells(i, 32).Value = ""
Cells(i, 32).Value = FXid
End If
End If
FXP = Application.VLookup(Cname, Sheet3.Range("A2:F315104"), 6, False)
If IsEmpty(Cells(i, 32)) Then
If IsError(FXP) Then
Cells(i, 32).Value = ""
Cells(i, 32).Value = FXP
End If
End If
LkpName = Application.VLookup(Cname, Sheet3.Range("F2:F315104"), 1, False)
If IsEmpty(Cells(i, 32)) Then
If IsError(LkpName) Then
Cells(i, 32).Value = ""
Cells(i, 32).Value = LkpName
End If
End If
If IsEmpty(Cells(i, 32)) Then
Cells(i, 32).Value = Cells(i, 4).Value
End If
Next i
For i = 5 To endrow
Cells(i, 28).Value = Cells(i, 3).Value & Cells(i, 5).Value
Length = Len(Cells(i, 28))
Cells(i, 29).Value = Length
Cells(i, 31).Value = Cells(i, 4).Value
'does a vlookup in CDM file (CDM)
Acc = Application.Cells(i, 28)
BP = Application.VLookup(Acc, Sheet3.Range("E2:G315104"), 3, False)
If IsError(BP) Then
Cells(i, 30).Value = ""
Cells(i, 30).Value = BP
End If
'assigns B or P based on payment details (Business_Personal)
If Cells(i, 12).Value = "N" Then
Cells(i, 24).Value = "B"
ElseIf Cells(i, 30).Value = "Business" Then
Cells(i, 24).Value = "B"
ElseIf Cells(i, 30).Value = "Personal" Then
Cells(i, 24).Value = "P"
ElseIf Cells(i, 12).Value = "Y" Then
Cells(i, 24).Value = "P"
ElseIf InStr(1, Cells(i, 32), "LTD") <> 0 Then
Cells(i, 24).Value = "B"
ElseIf InStr(1, Cells(i, 32), "LIMITED") <> 0 Then
Cells(i, 24).Value = "B"
ElseIf InStr(1, Cells(i, 32), "MANAGE") <> 0 Then
Cells(i, 24).Value = "B"
ElseIf InStr(1, Cells(i, 32), "BUSINESS") <> 0 Then
Cells(i, 24).Value = "B"
ElseIf InStr(1, Cells(i, 32), "CONSULT") <> 0 Then
Cells(i, 24).Value = "B"
ElseIf InStr(1, Cells(i, 32), "INTERNATIONAL") <> 0 Then
Cells(i, 24).Value = "B"
ElseIf InStr(1, Cells(i, 32), "T/A") <> 0 Then
Cells(i, 24).Value = "B"
ElseIf InStr(1, Cells(i, 32), "TECH") <> 0 Then
Cells(i, 24).Value = "B"
ElseIf InStr(1, Cells(i, 32), "CLUB") <> 0 Then
Cells(i, 24).Value = "B"
ElseIf InStr(1, Cells(i, 32), "OIL") <> 0 Then
Cells(i, 24).Value = "B"
ElseIf InStr(1, Cells(i, 32), "SERVICE") <> 0 Then
Cells(i, 24).Value = "B"
ElseIf InStr(1, Cells(i, 32), "SOLICITOR") <> 0 Then
Cells(i, 24).Value = "B"
ElseIf InStr(1, Cells(i, 32), "CORP") <> 0 Then
Cells(i, 24).Value = "B"
ElseIf Left(Cells(i, 5).Value, 3) = "999" Then
Cells(i, 24).Value = "P"
End If
Next i
For i = 5 To endrow
WeekNo = Application.Cells(i, 1)
WeekNumba = Application.WeekNum(WeekNo)
Cells(i, 21).Value = WeekNumba
Next i
'Deal_Channel concatenation
For i = 5 To endrow
Cells(i, 22).Value = Cells(i, 6).Value & Cells(i, 13).Value & Cells(i, 17).Value
Next i
For i = 5 To endrow
DealSS = Application.Cells(i, 22)
Deal_Source = Application.VLookup(DealSS, Sheet4.Range("F2:H354"), 3, False)
If IsError(Deal_Source) Then
Cells(i, 23).Value = "#N/A"
Cells(i, 23).Value = Deal_Source
End If
Next i
'Reporting_Quarter (only worked for type double)
'does a lookup in calendar tab to return reporting quarter - could move this to Access
For i = 5 To endrow
qdate = Cells(i, 1)
qlkp = Application.VLookup(CDbl(qdate), Sheet5.Range("A1:C500"), 3, False)
Cells(i, 26).Value = qlkp
Next i
'copies any #N/A deal channel to lookup tables and then sets deal source to map
lastrow = Sheet4.Cells(Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Row + 1
With Sheet1.Range("W5:W" & endrow)
Set DS = .Find(What:="#N/A", LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not DS Is Nothing Then
firstAddress = DS.Address
DS.Offset(, -1).Copy
Sheet3.Range("F" & lastrow).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
DS.Value = "Map"
Set DS = .FindNext(DS)
lastrow = lastrow + 1
Loop While Not DS Is Nothing
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
event handler for some button. What kind of module is it written in? Whether it's a worksheet module or a standard module will make a significant difference in how reliable this code is. \$\endgroup\$