The purpose of this program is to keep track of some stocks that we bought in a game and every week we must list the closing prices of each stock in a Google Sheet. I thought since I had a lot of different investments to keep track of I would write a quick script to do it for me. And I could have my friends in class send me their stocks as well to save them time.
I am just looking for any bad practices I might have in my code as well as any more efficient ways of carrying out some of the functions.
from yahoofinancials import YahooFinancials
import re
import pygsheets
import pandas as pd
import datetime
now =
time_now = (now.year, now.month,
time_now = str(time_now)
data = []
formatedData = []
shortData = []
everything = []
tickers = ['XOM', 'JNJ', 'TR', 'CRON', 'HSY', 'FL', 'PLNT', 'MCD', 'ARLP', 'LULU', 'RCII', 'DELL', 'DNKN', 'DIS']
def main(sheet, everything,place):
gc = pygsheets.authorize(service_file='creds.json')
# Create empty dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame()
# Create a column
df['Closings: ' + time_now] = everything
# open the google spreadsheet (where 'PY to Gsheet Test' is the name of my sheet)
sh ='PY to Gsheet Test')
# select the first sheet
wks = sh[sheet]
# update the first sheet with df, starting at cell A2.
wks.set_dataframe(df, (1, place)) # up/down,left right
for i in tickers:
tick = YahooFinancials(i)
history = tick.get_historical_price_data('2019-03-07', '2019-03-08', 'daily')
y = str(history)
for i in data:
i = i[i.index('adjclose'):]
i = re.findall("\d+\.-?\d*", i)
i = str(i)
if len(i) > 7:
formatedData.append(i[2:9]) #the decimals were really long so this shortens them down a bit
y = 0
for i in tickers:
x = i
x = x + " : " + formatedData[y]
y = y + 1
def get_name(person):
if person == 'tommy':
sheet = 0
elif person == 'chad':
sheet = 1
elif person == 'kaya':
sheet = 2
elif person == 'twohey':
sheet = 3
elif person == 'majers':
sheet = 4
elif person == 'tori':
sheet = 5
elif person == 'kayla':
sheet = 6
place = input("What Week Is This? 1,2,3,4,5?: ") # This will move the entry one place over for each week
place = int(place)
main(sheet, everything,place)
person = input("Whos Data Is Going In: ")