Sometimes I have the date as part of the file name. And then when Emacs autocompletes the file name, it puts the part of the date. In these situations I have to write the rest of the date manually. Here is a solution, so that I can press Super+d and the suffix of today's date is written in the buffer. For example, if point is after "2019", when I press Super+d it becomes "2019-03-09".
(defun make-suffix (word1 word2)
(cl-labels ((is-prefix (prefix list)
(cond ((null prefix) t)
((null list) nil)
((equal (car prefix) (car list))
(is-prefix (cdr prefix) (cdr list)))
(t nil)))
(delete-x-elements (x list)
(cond ((= x 0) list)
((null list) list)
(t (delete-x-elements (- x 1)
(cdr list)))))
(make-suffix-rec (l1 l2)
(cond ((null l1) l2)
((is-prefix l1 l2)
(delete-x-elements (length l1) l2))
(t (make-suffix-rec (cdr l1) l2)))))
(concat (make-suffix-rec (string-to-list word1) (string-to-list word2)))))
(global-set-key (kbd "s-d")
(lambda ()
(let ((cw (current-word))
(ds (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d")))
(insert (make-suffix cw ds)))))
So what do you think? Is it a good solution? Is it the right way to use elisp and Emacs?