
Lately, I was working on some experimental java.util.Set extension, IdSet:

package idSet;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Set;

public interface IdSet<E extends Identifiable> extends Set<E> {

    boolean containsId(Object o);

    E getByElem(E e);

    E get(Object id);

    E removeId(Object o);

    boolean containsAllIds(Collection<?> c);

    boolean removeAllIds(Collection<?> c);

    boolean retainAllIds(Collection<?> c);

    Set<Object> idSet();

    Set<E> entrySet();


Implemented by FlexSet, source code can be found in this repo.

Apart from standard Set interface, by using IdSet we are able to find/remove elements by their properties, called ids. Example usage:

Let's say we persist objects in DB. Each object needs to have defined id (primary-key) in its respective table. Usually (for ORM) this id is a field in object definition. We can then use this id, as a key in such an IdSet and easily perform access/find operations without explicitly defining a key for each relation.

Instead of Map<Integer, SomeObject> we have IdSet<SomeObject>, where SomeObject implements Identifiable with overridden method getId(), such as in the following case:

private static class IntegerIdentifiable implements Identifiable {

    private final int integer;

    private IntegerIdentifiable(int integer) {
        this.integer = integer;

    public Object getId() {
        return integer;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        return o != null && integer == ((IntegerIdentifiable) o).integer;

    public int hashCode() {
        return integer;

The repo contains about 60 unit tests concerning FlexSet and one benchmark test covering combinations of:

  1. 3 containers: HashSet, HashMap, FlexSet
  2. 3 operations: add, contains, remove
  3. 1-131072 number of elements for each operation
  4. 4 types of id calculation
  5. 2 types of objects added

Results of these tests are attached in jmh-result.xlsx. For the aforementioned params, FlexSet wins at 86% against HashMap + HashSet performance-wise.

I would greatly appreciate any comments/hints/questions on performance, usability and code quality of the package.

Regarding code quality/performance I'm particularly interested in code review for the following areas:

  1. rebuild mechanizm - rebuild(),
  2. treeifying algorithm - treeifyIfNeeded(IdRef<E> idRef, int modHashCode, IdRef<E>[] elements),
  3. tree balancing algorithm - rebuildTreeIdRef()

Below is the code I would like to have reviewed.

package idSet;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.*;

public class FlexSet<E extends Identifiable> implements IdSet<E>, Identifiable {

    private static final int MAX_CAPACITY = Integer.MAX_VALUE >> 1;
    private static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 16; // must be greater than or equal 16

    // package private access for test purposes
    static final int ID_REF_TREEIFY_THRESHOLD = 7;
    // package private access for test purposes
    static final int ID_REF_UNTREEIFY_THRESHOLD = 5;

    // package private access for test purposes
    IdRef<E>[] elements;
    private int size;

    // package private access for test purposes
    int capacity;
    // package private access for test purposes
    int modCapacity;
    // package private access for test purposes
    int expansionThreshold;
    // package private access for test purposes
    int shrinkThreshold;

    private FlexSet(int initialCapacity) {
        if (initialCapacity <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter initialCapacity should be greater than 0.");
        size = 0;
        int highestOneBit = Integer.highestOneBit(initialCapacity);
        capacity = initialCapacity == highestOneBit ? initialCapacity : highestOneBit << 1;
        elements = initElements();

    public static <T extends Identifiable> FlexSet<T> instance() {
        return instance(DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY);

    public static <T extends Identifiable> FlexSet<T> instance(int initialCapacity) {
        return new FlexSet<>(initialCapacity);

    public static <T extends Identifiable> FlexSet fromArray(T... a) {
        FlexSet<T> flexSet = instance(a.length);
        Collections.addAll(flexSet, a);
        return flexSet;

    public static <K, V> FlexSet<IdWrapper<K, V>> fromMap(Map<K, V> map) {
        FlexSet<IdWrapper<K, V>> flexSet = instance(map.size());
        for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : map.entrySet()) {
            flexSet.add(new IdWrapper<>(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
        return flexSet;

    private IdRef<E>[] initElements() {
        IdRef<E>[] elements = (IdRef<E>[]) Array.newInstance(IdRef.class, capacity);
        for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
            elements[i] = new IdRef<>();
        return elements;

    public int size() {
        return size;

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return size == 0;

    public boolean contains(Object o) {
        return containsId(ensureTypeValid(o).getId());

    public boolean containsId(Object o) {
        return get(o) != null;

    public E getByElem(E e) {
        return get(e.getId());

    public E get(Object id) {
        int hashCode = id.hashCode();
        return elements[modHashCode(hashCode)].get(id, hashCode);

    public Object[] toArray() {
        Object[] a = new Object[size];
        return copyToArray(a);

    public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) {
        a = (T[]) Array.newInstance(a.getClass().getComponentType(), size);
        return copyToArray(a);

    public <K> Map<K, E> toHashMap() {
        Map<K, E> map = new HashMap<>();
        for (E e : this) {
            map.put((K) e.getId(), e);
        return map;

    private <T> void ensureCapacityOfGivenArray(T[] a) {
        if (a.length < size) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Cannot fit idSet.FlexSet elements into array of length %s.", a.length));

    private <T> T[] copyToArray(T[] a) {
        int i = 0;
        for (E e : this) {
            a[i] = (T) e;
        return a;

    public boolean add(E e) {
        int hashCode = e.getId().hashCode();
        int modHashCode = modHashCode(hashCode);
        IdRef<E> idRef = elements[modHashCode];
        if (idRef.add(e, hashCode)) {
            if (expandOnAdditionIfNeeded()) {
                treeifyIfNeeded(idRef, modHashCode, elements);
            return true;
        return false;

    private boolean expandOnAdditionIfNeeded() {
        if ((capacity < MAX_CAPACITY) && (size > expansionThreshold)) {
            capacity <<= 1;
            return false;
        return true;

    private void treeifyIfNeeded(IdRef<E> idRef, int modHashCode, IdRef<E>[] elements) {
        if (idRef.size == ID_REF_TREEIFY_THRESHOLD && idRef.getClass() == IdRef.class) {
            elements[modHashCode] = TreeIdRef.fromIdRef(idRef);

    private void rebuild() {
        this.elements = rebuildElements();

    private IdRef<E>[] rebuildElements() {
        IdRef<E>[] elements = initElements();
        for (IdRef<E> element : this.elements) {
            rebuildElement(elements, element);
        return elements;

    private void rebuildElement(IdRef<E>[] elements, IdRef<E> idRef) {
        while (idRef != null) {
            if (idRef.e != null) {
                doRebuildElement(elements, idRef);
            idRef = idRef.next;

    private void doRebuildElement(IdRef<E>[] elements, IdRef<E> idRef) {
        int hashCode = idRef.hashCode;
        int modHashCode = modHashCode(hashCode);
        IdRef<E> idRefToRebuild = elements[modHashCode];
        idRefToRebuild.add(idRef.e, hashCode);
        treeifyIfNeeded(idRefToRebuild, modHashCode, elements);

    public boolean remove(Object o) {
        return removeId(ensureTypeValid(o).getId()) != null;

    public E removeId(Object id) {
        int hashCode = id.hashCode();
        int modHashCode = modHashCode(hashCode);
        IdRef<E> idRef = elements[modHashCode];
        E e = idRef.removeId(id, hashCode);
        if (e != null) {
            if (shrinkOnRemovalIfNeeded()) {
                untreeifyIfNeeded(idRef, modHashCode, elements);
        return e;

    private boolean shrinkOnRemovalIfNeeded() {
        if ((capacity > 63) && (size < shrinkThreshold)) {
            capacity >>= 2;
            return false;
        return true;

    private void untreeifyIfNeeded(IdRef<E> idRef, int modHashCode, IdRef<E>[] elements) {
        if (idRef.size == ID_REF_UNTREEIFY_THRESHOLD && idRef.getClass() == TreeIdRef.class) {
            elements[modHashCode] = TreeIdRef.toIdRef(idRef);

    public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c) {
        if (checkNecessaryConditionsForContainsAll(c)) {
            return false;
        for (Object o : c) {
            if (!(o instanceof Identifiable) || !containsId(((Identifiable) o).getId())) {
                return false;
        return true;

    public boolean containsAllIds(Collection<?> c) {
        if (checkNecessaryConditionsForContainsAll(c)) {
            return false;
        for (Object o : c) {
            if (!containsId(o)) {
                return false;
        return true;

    private boolean checkNecessaryConditionsForContainsAll(Collection<?> c) {
        return c instanceof Set && size < c.size();

    public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) {
        boolean result = false;
        for (E e : c) {
            if (add(e)) {
                result = true;
        return result;

    public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) {
        boolean result = false;
        for (Object o : c) {
            if (o instanceof Identifiable && removeId(((Identifiable) o).getId()) != null) {
                result = true;

        return result;

    public boolean removeAllIds(Collection<?> c) {
        boolean result = false;
        for (Object o : c) {
            if (removeId(o) != null) {
                result = true;
        return result;

    public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) {
        boolean result = false;
        for (E e : this) {
            if (!c.contains(e)) {
                if (remove(e)) {
                    result = true;

        return result;

    public boolean retainAllIds(Collection<?> c) {
        boolean result = false;
        for (E e : this) {
            Object id = e.getId();
            if (!c.contains(id)) {
                if (removeId(id) != null) {
                    result = true;

        return result;

    public void clear() {
        size = 0;
        elements = initElements();

    public Iterator<E> iterator() {
        return new Iterator<E>() {
            private IdRef<E> current;
            private int index;

            public boolean hasNext() {
                while (index < elements.length) {
                    if (hasNextForCurrent()) {
                        return true;
                return false;

            private boolean hasNextForCurrent() {
                if (current == null) {
                    current = elements[index];
                return current.next != null;

            private void prepareForNext() {
                current = null;

            public E next() {
                E result = current.e;
                current = current.next;
                return result;


    public Set<Object> idSet() {
        Set<Object> idSet = new HashSet<>();
        for (E e : this) {
        return idSet;

    public Set<E> entrySet() {
        return new HashSet<>(this);

    private int modHashCode(int hashCode) {
        return (hashCode ^ (hashCode >>> 16)) & modCapacity;

    private void calculateModCapacity() {
        modCapacity = capacity - 1;

    private void calculateResizeThresholds() {
        expansionThreshold = capacity;
        shrinkThreshold = capacity >> 2;


    private Identifiable ensureTypeValid(Object o) {
        if (o instanceof Identifiable) {
            return (Identifiable) o;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Object %s has to be of type idSet.Identifiable.", o));

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
        FlexSet<?> flexSet = (FlexSet<?>) o;
        return size == flexSet.size &&

    public int hashCode() {
        int result = Objects.hash(capacity, size);
        result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(elements);
        return result;

    public Object getId() {
        return hashCode();

    public String toString() {
        return "idSet.FlexSet{" +
                "elements=" + Arrays.toString(elements) +

    // package private access for test purposes
    static class IdRef<E extends Identifiable> {

        int size;

        E e;

        IdRef<E> next;
        int hashCode;

        private IdRef() {

        boolean add(E e, int hashCode) {
            if (checkFirst(e) && (setUpIfEmpty(e, hashCode) || setUpAtTheBegginingIfNeeded(e, hashCode) || skipLowerHashCodesAndProceedWithAdding(e, hashCode))) {
                return true;
            return false;

        private boolean checkFirst(E e) {
            return !e.equals(this.e);

        private boolean setUpIfEmpty(E e, int hashCode) {
            if (this.e == null) {
                setUpAtTheEnd(this, e, hashCode);
                return true;
            return false;

        private boolean setUpAtTheBegginingIfNeeded(E e, int hashCode) {
            if (isHashCodeInRange(hashCode)) {
                setUpAtTheBeggining(e, hashCode);
                return true;
            return false;

        private void setUpAtTheBeggining(E e, int hashCode) {
            IdRef<E> thisTemp = new IdRef<>();
            thisTemp.e = this.e;
            thisTemp.next = next;
            thisTemp.hashCode = this.hashCode;
            this.e = e;
            next = thisTemp;
            this.hashCode = hashCode;

        private boolean skipLowerHashCodesAndProceedWithAdding(E e, int hashCode) {
            IdRef<E> current = this;
            while (current.hashCode < hashCode) {
                if (setUpAtTheEndIfNeeded(e, hashCode, current)) return true;
                current = current.next;
            while (current.e != null) {
                Boolean x = setUpInTheMiddleIfNeeded(current, e, hashCode);
                if (x != null) return x;
                current = current.next;
            setUpAtTheEnd(current, e, hashCode);
            return true;

        private boolean setUpAtTheEndIfNeeded(E e, int hashCode, IdRef<E> current) {
            if (current.next == null) {
                setUpAtTheEnd(current, e, hashCode);
                return true;
            return false;

        private void setUpAtTheEnd(IdRef<E> current, E e, int hashCode) {
            current.e = e;
            current.next = new IdRef<>();
            current.hashCode = hashCode;

        private Boolean setUpInTheMiddleIfNeeded(IdRef<E> current, E e, int hashCode) {
            if (current.hashCode != hashCode) {
                setUpInTheMiddle(current, e, hashCode);
                return true;
            if (current.e.equals(e)) {
                return false;
            return null;

        private void setUpInTheMiddle(IdRef<E> current, E e, int hashCode) {
            IdRef<E> idRef = new IdRef<>();
            idRef.e = e;
            idRef.next = current.next;
            idRef.hashCode = hashCode;
            current.next = idRef;

        E get(Object id, int hashCode) {
            if (checkFirst(id)) {
                return e;
            if (isHashCodeInRange(hashCode)) {
                return null;
            return skipLowerHashCodesAndProceedWithGetting(id, hashCode);

        private boolean checkFirst(Object id) {
            return e == null || e.getId().equals(id);

        private boolean isHashCodeInRange(int hashCode) {
            return this.hashCode > hashCode;

        private E skipLowerHashCodesAndProceedWithGetting(Object id, int hashCode) {
            IdRef<E> current = skipLowerHashCodes(hashCode);
            if (current == null) return null;
            while (current.e != null && current.hashCode == hashCode) {
                if (isFound(current, id)) {
                    return current.e;
                current = current.next;
            return null;

        E removeId(Object id, int hashCode) {
            if (e == null) return null;
            if (e.getId().equals(id)) {
                return getRemovedAndAdjust(this);
            return skipLowerHashCodesAndProceedWithRemoving(id, hashCode);

        private E skipLowerHashCodesAndProceedWithRemoving(Object id, int hashCode) {
            IdRef<E> current = skipLowerHashCodes(hashCode);
            if (current == null) return null;
            while (current.e != null && current.hashCode == hashCode) {
                if (isFound(current, id)) {
                    return getRemovedAndAdjust(current);
                current = current.next;
            return null;

        private void adjustOnRemoval(IdRef<E> current, IdRef<E> next) {
            current.e = next.e;
            current.next = next.next;
            current.hashCode = next.hashCode;

        private IdRef<E> skipLowerHashCodes(int hashCode) {
            IdRef<E> current = next;
            while (current.hashCode < hashCode) {
                if (current.e == null) return null;
                current = current.next;
            return current;

        private E getRemovedAndAdjust(IdRef<E> current) {
            IdRef<E> next = current.next;
            E e = current.e;
            adjustOnRemoval(current, next);
            return e;

        private boolean isFound(IdRef<E> current, Object id) {
            return current.e.getId().equals(id);

        public String toString() {
            return "IdRef{" +
                    ", hashCode=" + hashCode +

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o) return true;
            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
            IdRef<?> idRef = (IdRef<?>) o;
            return hashCode == idRef.hashCode &&
                    Objects.equals(e, idRef.e);

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(e, hashCode);

    // package private access for test purposes
    static final class TreeIdRef<E extends Identifiable> extends IdRef<E> {

        private TreeIdRef<E> left;
        private TreeIdRef<E> right;

        private IdRef<E> block = new IdRef<>();

        private int nodesCount;

        private TreeIdRef() {

        boolean add(E e, int hashCode) {
            if (addByHashCode(this, null, e, hashCode, 0)) {
                return true;
            return false;

        private boolean addByHashCode(TreeIdRef<E> current, TreeIdRef<E> parent, E e, int hashCode, int consecutiveNodesCount) {
            if (hashCode == current.hashCode) {
                return handleEqualHashCodes(current, parent, e, hashCode, consecutiveNodesCount);
            } else if (hashCode < current.hashCode) {
                return checkLeft(current, e, hashCode, consecutiveNodesCount) || addByHashCode(current.left, current, e, hashCode, consecutiveNodesCount + 1);
            } else {
                return checkRight(current, e, hashCode, consecutiveNodesCount) || addByHashCode(current.right, current, e, hashCode, consecutiveNodesCount + 1);

        private boolean handleEqualHashCodes(TreeIdRef<E> current, TreeIdRef<E> parent, E e, int hashCode, int consecutiveNodesCount) {
            return !checkFirst(current, e) && (handleNull(current, parent, e, consecutiveNodesCount) || handleBlock(current, e, hashCode));

        private boolean checkFirst(TreeIdRef<E> current, E e) {
            return e.equals(current.e);

        private boolean handleNull(TreeIdRef<E> current, TreeIdRef<E> parent, E e, int consecutiveNodesCount) {
            if (current.e == null) {
                current.e = e;
                parent.next = current;
                return true;
            return false;

        private boolean handleBlock(TreeIdRef<E> current, E e, int hashCode) {
            current.next = current.block;
            return current.block.add(e, hashCode);

        private boolean checkLeft(TreeIdRef<E> current, E e, int hashCode, int consecutiveNodesCount) {
            if (current.left == null) {
                current.left = createLinkedTreeIdRef(current);
                current.left.e = e;
                current.left.hashCode = hashCode;
                return true;
            return false;

        private boolean checkRight(TreeIdRef<E> current, E e, int hashCode, int consecutiveNodesCount) {
            if (current.right == null) {
                current.right = createLinkedTreeIdRef(current);
                current.right.e = e;
                current.right.hashCode = hashCode;
                return true;
            return false;

        private TreeIdRef<E> createLinkedTreeIdRef(TreeIdRef<E> parent) {
            TreeIdRef<E> treeIdRef = new TreeIdRef<>();
            IdRef<E> parentNext = parent.next;
            parent.next = treeIdRef;
            treeIdRef.next = parentNext;
            return treeIdRef;

        E get(Object id, int hashCode) {
            TreeIdRef<E> treeIdRef = findByHashCode(this, hashCode);
            if (treeIdRef == null) {
                return null;
            E e = treeIdRef.e;
            if (e == null || e.getId().equals(id)) {
                return e;
            return treeIdRef.block.get(id, hashCode);

        private TreeIdRef<E> findByHashCode(TreeIdRef<E> current, int hashCode) {
            if (hashCode == current.hashCode) {
                return current;
            } else {
                if (hashCode < current.hashCode) {
                    current = current.left;
                } else {
                    current = current.right;
                if (current == null) {
                    return null;
            return findByHashCode(current, hashCode);

        E removeId(Object id, int hashCode) {
            TreeIdRef<E> treeIdRef = findByHashCode(this, hashCode);
            if (treeIdRef == null) {
                return null;
            E e = treeIdRef.e;
            if (e == null) {
                return null;
            IdRef<E> block = treeIdRef.block;
            if (e.getId().equals(id)) {
                if (block.size == 0) {
                    treeIdRef.e = null;
                } else {
                    treeIdRef.e = block.removeId(block.e.getId(), hashCode);
                return e;
            return null;

        private void rebuildTreeIdRefIfNeeded(int consecutiveNodesCount) {
            if ((28 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(nodesCount) + ID_REF_TREEIFY_THRESHOLD < consecutiveNodesCount)) {

        private void rebuildTreeIdRef() {
            TreeIdRef<E>[] temporarySortedTreeIdRefs = createTemporarySortedTreeIdRefs();
            TreeIdRef<E> rebuilt = rebuildFromSorted(temporarySortedTreeIdRefs);
            e = rebuilt.e;
            hashCode = rebuilt.hashCode;
            block = rebuilt.block;
            next = rebuilt.next;
            left = rebuilt.left;
            right = rebuilt.right;

        private TreeIdRef<E>[] createTemporarySortedTreeIdRefs() {
            TreeIdRef<E>[] temporarySortedTreeIdRefs = new TreeIdRef[nodesCount];
            sortStartingFromLeftmost(temporarySortedTreeIdRefs, this.left, this, 0);
            return temporarySortedTreeIdRefs;

        private int sortStartingFromLeftmost(TreeIdRef<E>[] temporarySortedTreeIdRefs, TreeIdRef<E> current, TreeIdRef<E> parent, int i) {
            i = sortForCurrent(temporarySortedTreeIdRefs, current, i);
            i = sortForParent(temporarySortedTreeIdRefs, current, parent, i);
            return i;

        private int sortForParent(TreeIdRef<E>[] temporarySortedTreeIdRefs, TreeIdRef<E> current, TreeIdRef<E> parent, int i) {
            if (parent.right != current) {
                if (parent.e != null) {
                    temporarySortedTreeIdRefs[i++] = parent;
                if (parent.right != null) {
                    i = sortForCurrent(temporarySortedTreeIdRefs, parent.right, i);
            return i;

        private int sortForCurrent(TreeIdRef<E>[] temporarySortedTreeIdRefs, TreeIdRef<E> current, int i) {
            if (current.left != null) {
                i = sortStartingFromLeftmost(temporarySortedTreeIdRefs, current.left, current, i);
            } else {
                if (current.e != null) {
                    temporarySortedTreeIdRefs[i++] = current;
                if (current.right != null) {
                    i = sortStartingFromLeftmost(temporarySortedTreeIdRefs, current.right, current, i);
            return i;

        private TreeIdRef<E> rebuildFromSorted(TreeIdRef<E>[] temporarySortedTreeIdRefs) {
            int index = temporarySortedTreeIdRefs.length >> 1;
            TreeIdRef<E> midTreeIdRef = temporarySortedTreeIdRefs[index].createStandaloneCopy();
            FlexSet<IntegerIdentifiable> usedIndices = new FlexSet<>(nodesCount << 1);
            usedIndices.add(new IntegerIdentifiable(index));
            midTreeIdRef.nodesCount = rebuildForBoth(temporarySortedTreeIdRefs, midTreeIdRef, 0, index, temporarySortedTreeIdRefs.length, usedIndices);
            return midTreeIdRef;

        private int rebuildForBoth(TreeIdRef<E>[] temporarySortedTreeIdRefs, TreeIdRef<E> midTreeIdRef, int from, int index, int to, FlexSet<IntegerIdentifiable> usedIndices) {
            int nodesCount = rebuildForLeft(temporarySortedTreeIdRefs, midTreeIdRef, from, index, usedIndices);
            nodesCount += rebuildForRight(temporarySortedTreeIdRefs, midTreeIdRef, index, to, usedIndices);
            return nodesCount;

        private int rebuildForLeft(TreeIdRef<E>[] temporarySortedTreeIdRefs, TreeIdRef<E> midTreeIdRef, int from, int to, FlexSet<IntegerIdentifiable> usedIndices) {
            midTreeIdRef.next = null;
            int diff = to - from;
            if (diff != 0) {
                int index = (diff >> 1) + from;
                if (usedIndices.add(new IntegerIdentifiable(index))) {
                    TreeIdRef<E> treeIdRef = temporarySortedTreeIdRefs[index].createStandaloneCopy();
                    midTreeIdRef.left = treeIdRef;
                    midTreeIdRef.next = treeIdRef;
                    return rebuildForBoth(temporarySortedTreeIdRefs, midTreeIdRef.left, from, index, to, usedIndices);
            midTreeIdRef.left = null;
            return 0;

        private int rebuildForRight(TreeIdRef<E>[] temporarySortedTreeIdRefs, TreeIdRef<E> midTreeIdRef, int from, int to, FlexSet<IntegerIdentifiable> usedIndices) {
            int diff = to - from;
            if (diff != 1) {
                int index = (diff >> 1) + from;
                if (usedIndices.add(new IntegerIdentifiable(index))) {
                    TreeIdRef<E> treeIdRef = temporarySortedTreeIdRefs[index].createStandaloneCopy();
                    midTreeIdRef.right = treeIdRef;
                    getLast(midTreeIdRef).next = treeIdRef;
                    return rebuildForBoth(temporarySortedTreeIdRefs, midTreeIdRef.right, from, index, to, usedIndices);
            midTreeIdRef.right = null;
            return 0;

        private IdRef<E> getLast(IdRef<E> midTreeIdRef) {
            while (midTreeIdRef.next != null) {
                midTreeIdRef = midTreeIdRef.next;
            return midTreeIdRef;

        private TreeIdRef<E> createStandaloneCopy() {
            TreeIdRef<E> treeIdRef = new TreeIdRef<>();
            treeIdRef.e = e;
            treeIdRef.hashCode = hashCode;
            treeIdRef.block = block;
            return treeIdRef;

        private static <E extends Identifiable> TreeIdRef<E> fromIdRef(IdRef<E> idRef) {
            TreeIdRef<E> treeIdRef = new TreeIdRef<>();
            treeIdRef.e = idRef.next.next.next.e;
            treeIdRef.hashCode = idRef.next.next.next.hashCode;
            treeIdRef.size = 1;
            treeIdRef.nodesCount = 1;
            fromIdRefHelp(treeIdRef, idRef.next);
            fromIdRefHelp(treeIdRef, idRef.next.next.next.next.next);
            fromIdRefHelp(treeIdRef, idRef);
            fromIdRefHelp(treeIdRef, idRef.next.next);
            fromIdRefHelp(treeIdRef, idRef.next.next.next.next);
            fromIdRefHelp(treeIdRef, idRef.next.next.next.next.next.next);
            return treeIdRef;

        private static <E extends Identifiable> void fromIdRefHelp(TreeIdRef<E> treeIdRef, IdRef<E> idRef) {
            treeIdRef.add(idRef.e, idRef.hashCode);

        private static <E extends Identifiable> IdRef<E> toIdRef(IdRef<E> treeIdRef) {
            IdRef<E> idRef = new IdRef<>();
            while (treeIdRef != null) {
                if (treeIdRef.e != null) {
                    idRef.add(treeIdRef.e, treeIdRef.hashCode);
                treeIdRef = treeIdRef.next;
            return idRef;


    private static class IntegerIdentifiable implements Identifiable {

        private final int integer;

        private IntegerIdentifiable(int integer) {
            this.integer = integer;

        public Object getId() {
            return integer;

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            return o != null && integer == ((IntegerIdentifiable) o).integer;

        public int hashCode() {
            return integer;

  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Welcome to Code Review! Please be sure to include all code that you want reviewed, rather than linking to repositories on third-party sites. \$\endgroup\$
    – Joe C
    Commented Jan 20, 2019 at 16:06
  • \$\begingroup\$ Hey Joe, the code i'd like to have reviewed is 1k lines long, should i really post it here? I would like to listen to comments about whole library FlexSet, not only some particular parts of it. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jan 20, 2019 at 19:13
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ There's a discussion on meta on this, which is probably good guidance here. \$\endgroup\$
    – Joe C
    Commented Jan 20, 2019 at 19:36
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thank you Joe, i have edited my question with regard to the discussion you have provided. Please let me know if the question is properly asked now. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jan 21, 2019 at 7:50
  • \$\begingroup\$ Yes, this looks better to me. \$\endgroup\$
    – Joe C
    Commented Jan 21, 2019 at 20:33

1 Answer 1


Possible Use of Delegation

I look at this code and see a lot that reminds me of code in the HashMap class. You may be able to simplify this considerably by delegating your methods to a HashMap.

public class FlexSet<E extends Identifiable> implements IdSet<E> {
    private Map<Object, E> backingMap = new HashMap<>();

    boolean containsId(Object o) {
        return backingMap.containsKey(o);

    //and so on

Use Generic Type for Identifier

It is highly likely that the ID of your Identifiable will have a type that can be known at compile time. You can use generics to improve the prospects of bugs being found at compile time rather than runtime.

public interface Identifiable<ID> {
    ID getId();

API methods unclear

The signature of containsAllIds(Collection<?> c) (and other methods along those lines) do not tell me clearly what they accept (IDs? Elements? Mix of both?). Making the Identifiable generic will probably help here.

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Very good points, thank you. I will take a second look later. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jan 21, 2019 at 20:47

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