
This is an implementation to simulate the basic functionality of unique_ptr.
This doesn't provide features like custom deleter and make_unique().

I would really appreciate any feedback to improve the below code, any other api's that I should be providing etc.


#ifndef MY_UNIQUE_PTR_H_
#define MY_UNIQUE_PTR_H_

#include <utility>

namespace kapil {
  template <typename T>
  class unique_ptr final {
      T* ptr_;
      unique_ptr(const unique_ptr&) = delete;               // Make unique_ptr non copy constructible
      unique_ptr& operator = (const unique_ptr&) = delete;  // Make unique_ptr non copy assignable

      explicit unique_ptr (T* ptr = nullptr) noexcept
        : ptr_{ptr} { }

      unique_ptr(unique_ptr<T>&& rval) noexcept               // Move constructor
        : ptr_{rval.ptr_} {
        rval.ptr_ = nullptr;

      unique_ptr& operator = (unique_ptr&& rhs) noexcept {   // Move assignment
        delete ptr_;
        ptr_ = rhs.ptr_;
        rhs.ptr_ = nullptr;
        return *this;

      ~unique_ptr() noexcept {
        delete ptr_;

      T* release() noexcept {
        T* old_ptr = ptr_;
        ptr_ = nullptr;
        return old_ptr;

      void reset(T* ptr = nullptr) noexcept {
        delete ptr_;
        ptr_ = ptr;

      void swap(unique_ptr& rhs) noexcept {
        std::swap(ptr_, rhs.ptr_);

      T* get() const noexcept {
        return ptr_;

      explicit operator bool() const noexcept {
        return (ptr_ != nullptr);

      T& operator * () const {
        return *ptr_;

      T* operator -> () const noexcept {
        return ptr_;

      friend bool operator == (const unique_ptr& lhs, const unique_ptr& rhs) {
        return lhs.get() == rhs.get();

      friend bool operator != (const unique_ptr& lhs, const unique_ptr& rhs) {
        return !(lhs == rhs);

  template <typename T>
  void swap(unique_ptr<T>& lhs, unique_ptr<T>& rhs) {
} //kapil


1 Answer 1

  1. Don't mark your class final without a good reason. It inhibits user-freedom.

  2. The default-access for members of a class is already private.

  3. Explicitly deleting copy-constructor and copy-assignment-operator is superfluous, as you define move-constructor and move-assignment, which already suppresses them. Still, some assert being explicit adds clarity.

  4. I wonder why you didn't declare construction from T* to be constexpr...

  5. Try to consistently use the injected class-name (unique_ptr), instead of sporadically naming the template-arguments (unique_ptr<T>).

  6. You are missing implicit upcasting in the move-ctor and move-assignment-operator.

    template <class U, class = std::enable_if_t<
        std::has_virtual_destructor<T>() && std::is_convertible<U*, T*>()>>
    unique_ptr(unique_ptr<U>&& other) noexcept
    : ptr_(other.release())
    template <class U>
    auto operator=(std::unique_ptr<U>&& other) noexcept
    -> decltype((*this = unique_ptr(other))) {
        return *this = unique_ptr(other);
  7. Take a look at std::exchange(object, value) from <utility>. It allows you to simplify some of your code.

  8. If you use move-and-swap, you could isolate freeing of the referee to the dtor. Having it at only one place ensures you always do it the same, and is a good first step for retrofitting custom deleters. Not to mention that it in many cases simplifies the implementation.

  9. (ptr != nullptr) can be simplified to ptr. In contexts where you have to force the type, !!ptr.

  10. Why are op==() and op!=() inline-friend-functions, but swap() isn't? That's inconsistent. It's especially puzzling as they are all written to use the public interface only.

  11. There is exactly one place where you don't have a single empty line between two functions, but two. Yes, that's nothing big.


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