I have a computer that roams, but needs to have an FQDN attached to it for certain reasons such as email system integrations or testing email via a testing SMTP server that requires valid FQDNs and HELOs.
My domain(s) are all on CloudFlare, so I wrote an adapted version of another script I had to wrap around CloudFlare's API so I can update DNS entries and such.
This has a few requirements from PyPI:
- CloudFlare Python wrapper (
on PyPI)
This script also has two other requirements to really function, but I can guarantee you that both of these components work:
- WhatIsMyIP.com API key for IP lookup capabilities
- CloudFlare Account with API key
Note that any sensitive information (such as login credentials or API keys) have been obfuscated in the below code. Additional bits can be provided as needed.
(There is a known limitation that this does not work for IPv6 addresses - I'm working on adding this, but this current iteration of the script does not have IPv6 in it.)
Critiques to improve the script are welcome, but keep in mind that I abide by PEP8 about linelengths <= 120 chars long because this is permissible if users on a team/development group agree on the longer length.
import CloudFlare
import ipaddress
import json
import shlex
import subprocess as sp
import syslog
import urllib.error
import urllib.request
from typing import AnyStr, Optional
# Used for `dig` queries because we are using CloudFlare, and we need actual DNS results, not CF results for checking
# the existence of an IP address currently. Therefore, we use Google DNS here.
# ZONE = root domain
# DOMAIN = hostname within root domain.
ZONE = "domain.tld"
DOMAIN = "subdomain"
# These next two are for WHATISMYIP - API Endpoints.
WHATISMYIP = "https://api.whatismyip.com/ip.php?key={key}&output=json"
# Wrapper function around syslog to allow default priority of INFO, but
# has the ability to change the priority if wished for a given message.
def _syslog(message: AnyStr, priority: int = syslog.LOG_INFO) -> None:
syslog.syslog(priority, message)
# Horribly unnecessary wrapper function around `exit` which calls the
# "Process Ended" log message, and then actually exists with the given
# exit code (by default it exits on 0 - the "Success" exit code)
def _exit(code=0):
# type: (int) -> None
_syslog("DDNS Update Process Ended.")
# Singular Error handler for EmptyDNSResponse (could probably be a bare
# LookupError, but EmptyDNSResponse is nicer...)
class EmptyDNSResponse(LookupError):
pass # No changes from base LookupError
# Get current public IP address with WhatIsMyIP.com API
def _get_current_ip_address():
# type: () -> Optional[AnyStr]
for key in API_KEYS:
_syslog("Attempting lookup with API key {key}...".format(key=key))
with urllib.request.urlopen(WHATISMYIP.format(key=key)) as req:
data = json.loads(req.read().decode("UTF-8"))
ipaddr = data['ip_address'][1]['result']
except (urllib.error.URLError, urllib.error.HTTPError):
_syslog("Could not look up public IP address, aborting update process.")
# noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
except ValueError:
if data is '0':
_syslog("API key was not entered for lookup, this is a programming error.", syslog.LOG_CRIT)
if data in ['1', '2']:
_syslog("API Key Invalid or Inactive, attempting to try other keys...", syslog.LOG_WARNING)
if data is '3':
_syslog("API key lookup threshold reached, skipping to next API key...", syslog.LOG_WARNING)
if data in ['4', '5']:
_syslog("Query is bad, it needs 'input', which we can't do. This is a critical issue.",
if data is '6':
_syslog("There was an unknown error with the WhatIsMyIP API, contact their support.",
continue # Try next API key
return data
# Check if the DNS entry for a given hostname differs from current IP,
# and if it has no A record or it differs, return "True". Otherwise,
# return False, and assume the IP address doesn't differ.
def _dns_ip_address_status(host: AnyStr, curip: Optional[AnyStr] = None) -> AnyStr:
if not curip:
raise RuntimeError("Empty IP!")
dnsip = ""
dnsip = sp.check_output(
shlex.split('dig +short @{nameserver} A {hostname}'.format(nameserver=DNS_NAMESERVER, hostname=host))
if dnsip == '':
_syslog('Current IP record for \'{hostname}\': [NXDOMAIN]'.format(hostname=host), syslog.LOG_INFO)
raise EmptyDNSResponse
_syslog('Current IP record for \'{hostname}\': {record}'.format(hostname=host, record=dnsip))
except sp.CalledProcessError as err:
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_CRIT, 'Subprocess error when calling `dig`, exiting.')
print("Subprocess error when calling dig: {}".format(err))
_exit(2) # Exit on code 10: Can't continue if subprocess isn't working...
except EmptyDNSResponse:
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "Empty DNS response, assuming that entry doesn't exist.")
# Assume that the IP address differs or doesn't exist.
return "NXDOMAIN"
if dnsip == curip:
return "UPTODATE"
# CloudFlare has different functions for Add and Change. Determine if we exist first.
def _update_cloudflare(cf: CloudFlare.CloudFlare, domain: AnyStr = ZONE, hostname: AnyStr = DOMAIN):
# Validate that zone exists first.
zone_id = None
zone = cf.zones.get(params={'name': domain})
if len(zone) < 1:
raise LookupError
zone_id = zone[0]['id']
except LookupError:
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, "No valid zone data on CloudFlare, root domain zone might not exist.")
curip = _get_current_ip_address()
if not curip:
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, "Could not find valid current IP address, aborting update process.")
fqdn = hostname + '.' + domain
ip_status = _dns_ip_address_status(host=fqdn, curip=curip)
if ip_status == "NXDOMAIN":
# Add new record: POST
cf.zones.dns_records.post(zone_id, data={'name': hostname, 'type': 'A', 'content': curip,
'proxiable': False, 'proxied': False})
elif ip_status == "NEEDSUPDATED":
dns_records = cf.zones.dns_records.get(zone_id, params={'name': fqdn})
if len(dns_records) != 1:
"Invalid number of records returned, this might be a CF DNS records issue, check it.")
dns_record_id = dns_records[0]['id']
cf.zones.dns_records.delete(zone_id, dns_record_id)
cf.zones.dns_records.post(zone_id, data={'name': hostname, 'type': 'A', 'content': curip,
'proxiable': False, 'proxied': False})
elif ip_status == "UPTODATE":
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "DNS record for {} does not need adjusted.".format(fqdn))
def execute():
syslog.openlog(ident='py-ddns-ipupdate', logoption=syslog.LOG_PID, facility=syslog.LOG_DAEMON)
_syslog("DDNS Update Process Started.")
# Test if Internet is up by reaching to Google.
req = urllib.request.urlopen('https://google.com', timeout=5)
except urllib.error.URLError:
_syslog("No Internet connection available, aborting update process.")
# Get current public IP
ip = _get_current_ip_address()
if '.' not in ip and ':' not in ip:
_syslog("Unexpected response from WhatIsMyIP.com API: {response}".format(response=ip))
_syslog("Current Public IP: {ip}".format(ip=ip))
_update_cloudflare(CloudFlare.CloudFlare(email='[email protected]',
if __name__ == "__main__":