I have a program to calculate grades that uses pointers and I am trying to figure out if I did it right and if there are any problems with my implementation.
I'm trying to get a more firm grasp on pointers in C++ and have been using them more frequently in my practice programs. I was looking at my grades and thought to myself, "what if I made a program that could calculate grades just like this." Essentially the features it has are: having a Class (not a C++ class, a school class), that has categories. Categories can be things like, "Tests," and, "Classwork," which can be weighted differently. Then you can add assignments into the categories and the grades will be calculated accordingly. You can also change the categories name and weight, as well as attributes of each individual grade. I haven't fully completed the program yet and I plan to redo this code so that it is a little bit less redundant and well, bad; but the features I have seem to work, and my main concern are the pointers and if I am using them correctly/have any problems with them.
One other thing I should mention is that the reason I am using raw pointers is for learning, I know I could probably use something else like smart pointers, or unique pointers.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
class Class{
struct grade;
struct category;
std::vector<category*> categories;
void addGrade(const std::string&, const std::string&, float, float);
void addCategory(const std::string&, float);
void deleteGradeAtIndex(const std::string&, int);
void deleteGradeByName(const std::string&, const std::string&);
void deleteCategory(const std::string&);
void changeGradeAtIndex(const std::string&, int, const std::string&, float, float);
void changeGradeByName(const std::string&, const std::string&, const std::string&, float, float);
void changeCategory(const std::string&, const std::string&, float);
void printGrades();
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Class.h"
struct Class::category{
float weight;
float percentage;
std::string name;
std::vector<grade*> grades;
struct Class::grade{
float ptsEarned;
float ptsPossible;
float percentage;
std::string name;
void Class::addCategory(const std::string& name, float weight){
category* temp = new category;
temp->weight = weight;
temp->name = name;
void Class::addGrade(const std::string& category, const std::string& name, float pEarn, float pPoss){
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < categories.size(); i++){
if(categories[i]->name.compare(category) == 0){
grade* temp = new grade;
temp->name = name;
temp->ptsEarned = pEarn;
temp->ptsPossible = pPoss;
temp->percentage = (pEarn/pPoss)*100;
float pos = 0, ear = 0;
for(uint32_t j = 0; j < categories[i]->grades.size(); j++){
pos += categories[i]->grades[j]->ptsPossible;
ear += categories[i]->grades[j]->ptsEarned;
categories[i]->percentage = (ear/pos)*100;
std::cout << "category not found" << std::endl;
void Class::deleteGradeAtIndex(const std::string& category, int index){
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < categories.size(); i++){
if(categories[i]->name.compare(category) == 0){
delete categories[i]->grades[index];
categories[i]->grades[index] = nullptr;
categories[i]->grades.erase(categories[i]->grades.begin() + index);
void Class::deleteGradeByName(const std::string& category, const std::string& gradeName){
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < categories.size(); i++){
if(categories[i]->name.compare(category) == 0){
for(uint32_t j = 0; j < categories[i]->grades.size(); j++){
if(categories[i]->grades[j]->name.compare(gradeName) == 0){
delete categories[i]->grades[j];
categories[i]->grades[j] = nullptr;
categories[i]->grades.erase(categories[i]->grades.begin() + j);
void Class::deleteCategory(const std::string& category){
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < categories.size(); i++){
if(categories[i]->name.compare(category) == 0){
for(uint32_t j = 0; j < categories[i]->grades.size(); j++){
delete categories[i]->grades[j];
categories[i]->grades[j] = nullptr;
categories[i]->grades.erase(categories[i]->grades.begin() + j);
delete categories[i];
categories[i] = nullptr;
categories.erase(categories.begin() + i);
void Class::changeCategory(const std::string& category, const std::string& newName, float newWeight){
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < categories.size(); i++){
if(categories[i]->name.compare(category) == 0){
categories[i]->name = newName;
categories[i]->weight = newWeight;
void Class::changeGradeAtIndex(const std::string& category, int index, const std::string& newName, float pEarn, float pPoss){
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < categories.size(); i++){
if(categories[i]->name.compare(category) == 0){
categories[i]->grades[index]->name = newName;
categories[i]->grades[index]->ptsEarned = pEarn;
categories[i]->grades[index]->ptsPossible = pPoss;
categories[i]->grades[index]->percentage = (pEarn/pPoss)*100;
float pos = 0, ear = 0;
for(uint32_t j = 0; j < categories[i]->grades.size(); j++){
pos += categories[i]->grades[j]->ptsPossible;
ear += categories[i]->grades[j]->ptsEarned;
categories[i]->percentage = (ear/pos)*100;
void Class::changeGradeByName(const std::string& category, const std::string& gradeName, const std::string& newName, float pEarn, float pPoss){
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < categories.size(); i++){
if(categories[i]->name.compare(category) == 0){
for(uint32_t j = 0; j < categories[i]->grades.size(); j++){
if(categories[i]->grades[j]->name.compare(gradeName) == 0){
categories[i]->grades[j]->name = newName;
categories[i]->grades[j]->ptsEarned = pEarn;
categories[i]->grades[j]->ptsPossible = pPoss;
categories[i]->grades[j]->percentage = (pEarn/pPoss)*100;
float pos = 0, ear = 0;
for(uint32_t j = 0; j < categories[i]->grades.size(); j++){
pos += categories[i]->grades[j]->ptsPossible;
ear += categories[i]->grades[j]->ptsEarned;
categories[i]->percentage = (ear/pos)*100;
void Class::printGrades(){
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < categories.size(); i++){
std::cout << "Category: " << categories[i]->name << " | weight: " << categories[i]->weight << " | " << categories[i]->percentage << "%\n";
for(uint32_t j = 0; j < categories[i]->grades.size(); j++){
std::cout << "\tassignment: " << categories[i]->grades[j]->name
<< " | points earned: " << categories[i]->grades[j]->ptsEarned
<< " | points possible: " << categories[i]->grades[j]->ptsPossible
<< " | " << categories[i]->grades[j]->percentage << "%" << std::endl;
int main()
Class math;
math.addCategory("tests", 70);
math.addGrade("tests", "test1", 95, 100);
math.addGrade("tests", "test2", 80, 100);
math.addCategory("class work", 30);
math.addGrade("class work", "assignment1", 100, 100);
math.addGrade("class work", "assignment2", 100, 100);
math.deleteGradeByName("class work", "assignment1");
math.changeGradeAtIndex("tests", 0, "test1c", 93, 100);
math.changeGradeByName("tests", "test2", "test2c", 95, 100);