I had searched for a solution to mvn clean install
on my changed projects after a git pull
. I even asked a question over at SO about the same thing. The answer I got pointed me into creating my own script to achieve what I wanted to accomplish. So I went, I saw, and I conquered the script that I wanted. However, it is probably not efficient, and could use refactoring. I am new to bash scripting and learned a bit while doing this.
The structure I was targeting is a Maven POM Project. That project contains several sub-POM Projects, which in turn contain Maven Java Projects.
Example Structure:
I wanted to only call mvn clean install
if a project had files that changed in the child projects. This would reduce time on going to each project by hand and calling the command or by just calling the command on the parent project.
The code, along with revisions, can also be found on GitHub
# License:.....GNU General Public License v3.0
# Author:......CodeMonkey
# Date:........14 November 2018
# Title:.......GitMavenCleanInstall.sh
# Description: This script is designed to cd to a set Maven POM Project,
# perform a git remote update and pull, and clean install the changed
# files projects.
# Notice:......The project structure this script was originally set to target
# is structured as a Maven POM Project that contains several sub-POM Projects.
# The sub-POM Projects contain Maven Java Application projects. The targets
# should be easy to change, and allow for others to target other structures.
# Change History: N/A
#Function to check if array has element
containsElement () {
local e match="$1"
for e; do [[ "$e" == "$match" ]] && return 0; done
return 1
#Navigate to the POM Project
#Remote update
git remote update -p
git pull
#Get the current working branch
CURRENT_BRANCH="$(git branch | sed -n -e 's/^\* \(.*\)/\1/p')"
#Get the output of the command git diff
GIT_DIFF_OUTPUT="$(git diff --name-status HEAD@{1} ${CURRENT_BRANCH})"
#Split the diff output into an array
#Declare empty array for root path
#Loop diff output array
for i in "${GIT_DIFF_OUTPUT_ARY[@]}"
#Check that the string is not 1 Character
if [[ "$(echo -n $1 | wc -m)" != 1 ]]
#Split the file path by /
IFS='/' read -ra SPLIT <<< $i
#Concatenate first path + / + second path
#Call function to see if it already exists in the root path array
containsElement "$path" "${GIT_DIFF_OUTPUT_ARY_ROOT_PATH[@]}"
if [[ $? != 0 ]]
#Add the path since it was not found
#Loop root path array
#CD into root path
cd $val
#Maven call to clean install
mvn -DskipTests=true --errors -T 8 -e clean install
#CD back up before next project
cd ../../
git diff --name-status
does get that output, which is why the output is split into an array and looped over to insert the root file paths into a different array. Though I did not know of--name-only
. That will let me eliminate theif
check. \$\endgroup\$GIT_DIF_OUTPUT
. It would be really best if you tested your script, and then copy-paste the fully working version without typos. \$\endgroup\$