I got a 2D grid (n x n matrix). The user selects his player in this 2D grid and after that selects another node in this grid to mark his destination position. The player is allowed to move horizontally, vertically or if the player is standing in one of the 4 corners of this grid also diagonally. Also the player can only reach the selected destination if there are no other nodes in the grid blocking the way.
I need to know whether the player can reach the destination or not. To summarize the following needs to be solved:
Start (row: Int, column: Int)
Destination (row: Int, column: Int)
func isValidMove(from: Start, to: Destination) -> Bool
I have a working implementation however I am more than unhappy with the current state. I think there should be a way more declarative and mathematically correct way to achieve that.
This is what I came up with:
private func isValidHorizontal(move: GameMove, board: GameBoard) -> Bool {
guard let start = move.start else { return false }
guard start.row == move.end.row else { return false }
var from: Int = start.column
var to: Int = move.end.column + 1
if start.column < move.end.column {
from += 1
} else {
from = move.end.column
to = start.column
for column in from..<to {
if board.tileType(at: GameBoardPosition(row: start.row, column: column)) != .empty {
return false
return true
private func isValidVertical(move: GameMove, board: GameBoard) -> Bool {
guard let start = move.start else { return false }
guard start.column == move.end.column else { return false }
var from: Int = start.row
var to: Int = move.end.row + 1
if start.row < move.end.row {
from += 1
} else {
from = move.end.row
to = start.row
for row in from..<to {
if board.tileType(at: GameBoardPosition(row: row, column: start.column)) != .empty {
return false
return true
private func isValid(position: GameBoardPosition, on board: GameBoard) -> Bool {
return position.row >= 0 && position.row <= board.rows - 1 && position.column >= 0 && position.column <= board.columns - 1
private func isValidDiagonal(move: GameMove, board: GameBoard) -> Bool {
guard let start = move.start else { return false }
var currentPosition = start
var walkingIncrement: WalkingIncrement!
if start.row == 0 && start.column == 0 {
walkingIncrement = WalkingIncrement(dx: 1, dy: 1)
} else if start.row == 0 && start.column == board.columns - 1 {
walkingIncrement = WalkingIncrement(dx: -1, dy: 1)
} else if start.row == board.rows - 1 && start.column == 0 {
walkingIncrement = WalkingIncrement(dx: 1, dy: -1)
} else if start.row == board.rows - 1 && start.column == board.columns - 1 {
walkingIncrement = WalkingIncrement(dx: -1, dy: -1)
} else {
return false
currentPosition = currentPosition.walk(increment: walkingIncrement)
while(isValid(position: currentPosition, on: board) && currentPosition != move.end) {
if board.tileType(at: currentPosition) != .empty {
return false
currentPosition = currentPosition.walk(increment: walkingIncrement)
return true
Do you have any advice for me to solve this more practical ?
As asked in the comments I provided a sample playground with a self contained example to better understand the problem and to get a compilable example:Playground Gist