I have a program that does some matrix computations using MPI (MPICH). Each rank has a slice of the matrix and does the computations on their slice to get a new slice of the matrix. Sometimes I need to synchronize the matrix on the manager for snapshotting, output, etc. so I need all ranks to send their current matrix slice back to the manager.
I've come up with a solution to do this, and it seems to work OK; but I wanted to know whether this is a good approach or if I'm doing something stupid since I've never worked with MPI before. One thing I'm particularly curious about is whether I'm deleting my requests vector correctly. Thanks in advance!
Here's the code:
// reconstructs the matrix on the manager node
void reconstructMatrix(double** current, const int COLS, const int ROWS,
const int MY_RANK, const int MPI_SIZE)
auto requests = new std::vector<MPI_Request*>();
// Manager receives data from all ranks
if (MY_RANK == 0)
// number of columns assigned to all ranks
const auto SLICE_SIZE = COLS / MPI_SIZE;
// receive from rank 1 to rank n-1
for (auto src = 1; src < MPI_SIZE; src++)
for (auto i = (SLICE_SIZE * src); (i < COLS) && (i < SLICE_SIZE * (src + 1)); i++)
auto temp = new MPI_Request();
MPI_Irecv(current[i], ROWS, MPI_DOUBLE, src, 1, __WORLD, temp);
else // Workers send data to manager
// index 0 and COLS + 1 are ghost columns
for (auto i = 1; i <= COLS; i++)
auto temp = new MPI_Request();
MPI_Isend(current[i], ROWS, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 1, __WORLD, temp);
// wait for sync to finish
delete requests;
requests = nullptr;
// waits for all MPI requests and deletes the vector
void waitAll(std::vector<MPI_Request*>*& requests)
for (auto& req : *requests)
MPI_Status stat;
MPI_Wait(req, &stat);
std::cerr << "MPI Request failed!\n\tCode: " << stat.MPI_ERROR
<< "\n\tFrom: " << stat.MPI_SOURCE;
delete req;