I have been programming for a long time. Only recently have I decided to take a stab at Python (I should be working with C# as I am in school for it, but I don't care for Windows, long story).
I was on this site and it showed a source for a calculator. I took it, and put it in PyCharm and started to study. By the time I was done I had changed the source significantly. I had added keyboard binding and reduced a lot of the redundant code in it.
My question is simple: is this code that I wrote efficient from a python standard viewpoint?
# -*-coding: utf-8-*-
# !/usr/bin/python3.5
from tkinter import Tk, Button, Entry, END
import math
class Calc:
def getandreplace(self): # replace x, + and % to symbols that can be used in calculations
# we wont re write this to the text box until we are done with calculations
self.txt = self.e.get() # Get value from text box and assign it to the global txt var
self.txt = self.txt.replace('÷', '/')
self.txt = self.txt.replace('x', '*')
self.txt = self.txt.replace('%', '/100')
def evaluation(self, specfunc): # Evaluate the items in the text box for calculation specfunc = eq, sqroot or power
self.txt = eval(str(self.txt)) # evaluate the expression using the eval function
except SyntaxError:
if any([specfunc == 'sqroot', specfunc == 'power']): # Square Root and Power are special
self.txt = self.evalspecialfunctions(specfunc)
def displayinvalid(self):
self.e.delete(0, END)
self.e.insert(0, 'Invalid Input!')
def refreshtext(self): # Delete current contents of textbox and replace with our completed evaluatioin
self.e.delete(0, END)
self.e.insert(0, self.txt)
def evalspecialfunctions(self, specfunc): # Calculate square root and power if specfunc is sqroot or power
if specfunc == 'sqroot':
return math.sqrt(float(self.txt))
elif specfunc == 'power':
return math.pow(float(self.txt), 2)
def clearall(self): # AC button pressed on form or 'esc" pressed on keyboard
self.e.delete(0, END)
self.e.insert(0, '0')
def clear1(self, event=None):
# C button press on form or backspace press on keyboard event defined on keyboard press
if event is None:
self.txt = self.e.get()[:-1] # Form backspace done by hand
self.txt = self.getvalue() # No need to manually delete when done from keyboard
def action(self, argi: object): # Number or operator button pressed on form and passed in as argi
self.txt = self.getvalue()
self.e.insert(END, argi)
def keyaction(self, event=None): # Key pressed on keyboard which defines event
self.txt = self.getvalue()
if any([event.char.isdigit(), event.char in '/*-+%().']):
elif event.char == '\x08':
elif event.char == '\x1b':
elif event.char == '\r':
return 'break'
def stripfirstchar(self): # Strips leading 0 from text box with first key or button is pressed
if self.txt[0] == '0':
self.e.delete(0, 1)
def getvalue(self): # Returns value of the text box
return self.e.get()
def __init__(self, master): # Constructor method
self.txt = 'o' # Global var to work with text box contents
self.e = Entry(master)
self.e.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=6, pady=3)
self.e.insert(0, '0')
self.e.focus_set() # Sets focus on the text box text area
# Generating Buttons
Button(master, text="=", width=10, command=lambda: self.evaluation('eq')).grid(row=4, column=4, columnspan=2)
Button(master, text='AC', width=3, command=lambda: self.clearall()).grid(row=1, column=4)
Button(master, text='C', width=3, command=lambda: self.clear1()).grid(row=1, column=5)
Button(master, text="+", width=3, command=lambda: self.action('+')).grid(row=4, column=3)
Button(master, text="x", width=3, command=lambda: self.action('x')).grid(row=2, column=3)
Button(master, text="-", width=3, command=lambda: self.action('-')).grid(row=3, column=3)
Button(master, text="÷", width=3, command=lambda: self.action('÷')).grid(row=1, column=3)
Button(master, text="%", width=3, command=lambda: self.action('%')).grid(row=4, column=2)
Button(master, text="7", width=3, command=lambda: self.action('7')).grid(row=1, column=0)
Button(master, text="8", width=3, command=lambda: self.action('8')).grid(row=1, column=1)
Button(master, text="9", width=3, command=lambda: self.action('9')).grid(row=1, column=2)
Button(master, text="4", width=3, command=lambda: self.action('4')).grid(row=2, column=0)
Button(master, text="5", width=3, command=lambda: self.action('5')).grid(row=2, column=1)
Button(master, text="6", width=3, command=lambda: self.action('6')).grid(row=2, column=2)
Button(master, text="1", width=3, command=lambda: self.action('1')).grid(row=3, column=0)
Button(master, text="2", width=3, command=lambda: self.action('2')).grid(row=3, column=1)
Button(master, text="3", width=3, command=lambda: self.action('3')).grid(row=3, column=2)
Button(master, text="0", width=3, command=lambda: self.action('0')).grid(row=4, column=0)
Button(master, text=".", width=3, command=lambda: self.action('.')).grid(row=4, column=1)
Button(master, text="(", width=3, command=lambda: self.action('(')).grid(row=2, column=4)
Button(master, text=")", width=3, command=lambda: self.action(')')).grid(row=2, column=5)
Button(master, text="√", width=3, command=lambda: self.evaluation('sqroot')).grid(row=3, column=4)
Button(master, text="x²", width=3, command=lambda: self.evaluation('power')).grid(row=3, column=5)
# bind key strokes
self.e.bind('<Key>', lambda evt: self.keyaction(evt))
# Main
root = Tk()
obj = Calc(root) # object instantiated
I don't really care for the names of some of the function names and variable names. I like using descriptive names, so names like self.e
would have been called self.textbox
or something. These things are leftovers from the web copy I found and haven't changed them.
Per request, the original code for this is below.
#-*-coding: utf-8-*- from Tkinter import * import math class calc: def getandreplace(self): """replace x with * and ÷ with /""" self.expression = self.e.get() self.newtext=self.expression.replace(self.newdiv,'/') self.newtext=self.newtext.replace('x','*') def equals(self): """when the equal button is pressed""" self.getandreplace() try: self.value= eval(self.newtext) #evaluate the expression using the eval function except SyntaxError or NameErrror: self.e.delete(0,END) self.e.insert(0,'Invalid Input!') else: self.e.delete(0,END) self.e.insert(0,self.value) def squareroot(self): """squareroot method""" self.getandreplace() try: self.value= eval(self.newtext) #evaluate the expression using the eval function except SyntaxError or NameErrror: self.e.delete(0,END) self.e.insert(0,'Invalid Input!') else: self.sqrtval=math.sqrt(self.value) self.e.delete(0,END) self.e.insert(0,self.sqrtval) def square(self): """square method""" self.getandreplace() try: self.value= eval(self.newtext) #evaluate the expression using the eval function except SyntaxError or NameErrror: self.e.delete(0,END) self.e.insert(0,'Invalid Input!') else: self.sqval=math.pow(self.value,2) self.e.delete(0,END) self.e.insert(0,self.sqval) def clearall(self): """when clear button is pressed,clears the text input area""" self.e.delete(0,END) def clear1(self): self.txt=self.e.get()[:-1] self.e.delete(0,END) self.e.insert(0,self.txt) def action(self,argi): """pressed button's value is inserted into the end of the text area""" self.e.insert(END,argi) def __init__(self,master): """Constructor method""" master.title('Calulator') master.geometry() self.e = Entry(master) self.e.grid(row=0,column=0,columnspan=6,pady=3) self.e.focus_set() #Sets focus on the input text area self.div='÷' self.newdiv=self.div.decode('utf-8') #Generating Buttons Button(master,text="=",width=10,command=lambda:self.equals()).grid(row=4, column=4,columnspan=2) Button(master,text='AC',width=3,command=lambda:self.clearall()).grid(row=1, column=4) Button(master,text='C',width=3,command=lambda:self.clear1()).grid(row=1, column=5) Button(master,text="+",width=3,command=lambda:self.action('+')).grid(row=4, column=3) Button(master,text="x",width=3,command=lambda:self.action('x')).grid(row=2, column=3) Button(master,text="-",width=3,command=lambda:self.action('-')).grid(row=3, column=3) Button(master,text="÷",width=3,command=lambda:self.action(self.newdiv)).grid(row=1, column=3) Button(master,text="%",width=3,command=lambda:self.action('%')).grid(row=4, column=2) Button(master,text="7",width=3,command=lambda:self.action('7')).grid(row=1, column=0) Button(master,text="8",width=3,command=lambda:self.action(8)).grid(row=1, column=1) Button(master,text="9",width=3,command=lambda:self.action(9)).grid(row=1, column=2) Button(master,text="4",width=3,command=lambda:self.action(4)).grid(row=2, column=0) Button(master,text="5",width=3,command=lambda:self.action(5)).grid(row=2, column=1) Button(master,text="6",width=3,command=lambda:self.action(6)).grid(row=2, column=2) Button(master,text="1",width=3,command=lambda:self.action(1)).grid(row=3, column=0) Button(master,text="2",width=3,command=lambda:self.action(2)).grid(row=3, column=1) Button(master,text="3",width=3,command=lambda:self.action(3)).grid(row=3, column=2) Button(master,text="0",width=3,command=lambda:self.action(0)).grid(row=4, column=0) Button(master,text=".",width=3,command=lambda:self.action('.')).grid(row=4, column=1) Button(master,text="(",width=3,command=lambda:self.action('(')).grid(row=2, column=4) Button(master,text=")",width=3,command=lambda:self.action(')')).grid(row=2, column=5) Button(master,text="√",width=3,command=lambda:self.squareroot()).grid(row=3, column=4) Button(master,text="x²",width=3,command=lambda:self.square()).grid(row=3, column=5) #Main root = Tk() obj=calc(root) #object instantiated root.mainloop()