#loop to get input that is not blank, strips input of whitespace
def ckin(a):
while a=='':
return a
#creates list with includes user admin
user_names = ['admin']
#Ask for 5 names to store as usernames
print('Please enter 5 user names: ')
#if username is valid, add to list
for i in range(0,5)
#asks for login name, must be valid
print('Enter login name:')
#Create a test list that is lower case to compare login
#against without altering the cases used by user to creat username list
test=[name.lower() for name in user_names]
#if login name not in list continue to prompt
while log_name.lower() not in test:
print('Enter login name:')
#find login name in test, then return either response for admin, or login name using
#case formatting that original used for original entry
for i in range(len(test)):
if log_name.lower() == 'admin':
print('Hello admin, would you like to see a status report?')
elif log_name.lower() == test[i]:
print('Hello '+user_names[i]+', thank you for logging in again')
Looking for general review self-teaching, Day 4
I haven't learned much but I keep attempting to do what I'm learning with user inputs instead of set entries
My goal here was to be able to create a list that keeps the original entry cases to be used for responding. I created a second list in lower cases to compare to and then responded using the cases the entries were stored as.
Any comments are greatly appreciated!