
I have written a function that evaluates a contour integral in Python (Poincaré - Hopf index for 2D vector fields). It works, however is really slow if the arg res=N is chosen higher than 50. Input are two arrays of dimension N x N. As the integrals should lead to an integer, (usually -1, 0, or 1) only small accuracy is necessary. I believe that most time is lost doing the interpolation, but I don't know any other method.

I have added a sample vector field \$ \mathbf{M} = (mx, my)^T \$. This produces output -1 if \$ (0, 0) \$ is included in the contour and 0 else. This works as a sample input. Real data is usually less smooth.

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp2d
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.misc import derivative

N = 100
xvec = np.linspace(-5, 5, N)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(xvec, xvec)
mx = Y / (X**2 + Y**2)**(1/2)
my = X / (X**2 + Y**2)**(1/2)

def partial_derivative(func, var=0, point=[]):
    args = point[:]

    def wraps(x):
        args[var] = x
        return func(*args)

    return derivative(wraps, point[var], dx=1e-6)

def poin_int(arr_x, arr_y, alpha=5, res=N, r=1, x0=0, y0=0):
    xvec = np.linspace(-alpha, alpha, res)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(xvec, xvec)  # create grid
    x_func = interp2d(X, Y, arr_x, kind='cubic')  # interpolate data
    y_func = interp2d(X, Y, arr_y, kind='cubic')  # interpolate data

    def _x(t):  # x-coordinate of circular contour
        return np.cos(t) * r + x0

    def _dx(t):  # derivate of _x(t)
        return -np.sin(t) * r

    def _y(t):  # y-coordinate of circular contour
        return np.sin(t) * r + y0

    def _dy(t):  # derivative of _y(t)
        return np.cos(t) * r

    def _integrand1(t):  # integrand of first integral
        return (x_func(_x(t), _y(t)) *
                (partial_derivative(y_func, 0, [_x(t), _y(t)]) * _dx(t) +
                 partial_derivative(y_func, 1, [_x(t), _y(t)]) * _dy(t)) /
                (x_func(_x(t), _y(t))**2 + y_func(_x(t), _y(t))**2)  * 2 * np.pi)

    def _integrand2(t):  # integrand of second integral
        return (-y_func(_x(t), _y(t)) *
                (partial_derivative(x_func, 0, [_x(t), _y(t)]) * _dx(t) +
                 partial_derivative(x_func, 1, [_x(t), _y(t)]) * _dy(t)) /
                (x_func(_x(t), _y(t))**2 + y_func(_x(t), _y(t))**2 * 2 * np.pi))

    _int1 = quad(_integrand1, 0, 2*np.pi, epsabs=1e-2)  
    _int2 = quad(_integrand2, 0, 2*np.pi, epsabs=1e-2)
    return (_int1[0] + _int2[0])  # should be an integer

poin_int(mx, my, res=N, r=1, x0=0, y0=0)
  • 4
    \$\begingroup\$ It would be very helpful to include some input to the functions. That way, debugging and optimization is possible. \$\endgroup\$
    – maxb
    Commented Aug 14, 2018 at 5:56

1 Answer 1



the integrals should lead to an integer, (usually -1, 0, or 1)

Well... they don't. I don't know why this is. Currently the sample input always produces -20.45.

Are you absolutely sure that _integrand2 should have 2*np.pi at a different level of nesting than the same term in _integrand1? That looks like a potential accident.

Also a potential accident is

mx = Y / (X**2 + Y**2)**(1/2)
my = X / (X**2 + Y**2)**(1/2)

Are those really meant to be swapped?

Normally, you should use np.sqrt instead of **(1/2); but since you also have **2 on the inside, use hypot().


Move all of these:

N = 100
xvec = np.linspace(-5, 5, N)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(xvec, xvec)
mx = Y / (X**2 + Y**2)**(1/2)
my = X / (X**2 + Y**2)**(1/2)

out of the global namespace.

Add typehints.

Wrap the upper call to poin_int in a __main__ guard.

The contents of _integrand1 and _integrand2 are far too dense - they need to be split onto multiple lines and multiple intermediate variables.


derivative() is deprecated and about to be removed from Scipy. But also: because your data are already interpolated, it's not exactly the most appropriate method to call. Instead, consider calling into partial_derivative.

interp2d is also deprecated. Normally I'd suggest RegularGridInterpolator, but because you need partial derivatives, use RectBivariateSpline.


import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
from scipy.integrate import quad

def poin_int(
    arr_x: np.ndarray,
    arr_y: np.ndarray,
    res: int,
    alpha: float = 5.,
    r: float = 1.,
    x0: float = 0.,
    y0: float = 0.,
) -> float:
    xvec = np.linspace(start=-alpha, stop=alpha, num=res)
    x_func = RectBivariateSpline(xvec, xvec, arr_x)
    y_func = RectBivariateSpline(xvec, xvec, arr_y)
    dx0 = x_func.partial_derivative(dx=1, dy=0)
    dx1 = x_func.partial_derivative(dx=0, dy=1)
    dy0 = y_func.partial_derivative(dx=1, dy=0)
    dy1 = y_func.partial_derivative(dx=0, dy=1)

    def _x(t: float) -> float:  # x-coordinate of circular contour
        return np.cos(t)*r + x0

    def _dx(t: float) -> float:  # derivative of _x(t)
        return -np.sin(t)*r

    def _y(t: float) -> float:  # y-coordinate of circular contour
        return np.sin(t)*r + y0

    def _dy(t: float) -> float:  # derivative of _y(t)
        return np.cos(t)*r

    def integrand1(t: float) -> float:  # integrand of first integral
        p = _x(t), _y(t)
        return (
            * (dy0(*p)*_dx(t) + dy1(*p)*_dy(t))
            / (
                x_func(*p)**2 + y_func(*p)**2

    def integrand2(t: float) -> float:  # integrand of second integral
        p = _x(t), _y(t)
        return (
            * (dx0(*p)*_dx(t) + dx1(*p)*_dy(t))
            / (
                x_func(*p)**2 + y_func(*p)**2 * 2*np.pi  # really?

    int1, err = quad(func=integrand1, a=0, b=2*np.pi, epsabs=1e-4)
    int2, err = quad(func=integrand2, a=0, b=2*np.pi, epsabs=1e-4)
    return int1 + int2  # should be an integer

def demo() -> None:
    N = 100
    xvec = np.linspace(start=-5, stop=5, num=N)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(xvec, xvec)
    denom = np.hypot(X, Y)
    mx = X/denom
    my = Y/denom
    result = poin_int(arr_x=mx, arr_y=my, res=N, r=1, x0=0, y0=0)

if __name__ == '__main__':

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