I'm very new to python and programming in general. For a school assignment, I made this Memory Game and would love to receive feedback from you guys.
import tkinter as tk # imports tkinter as tk
from tkinter import font as tkfont # imports font as tkfont
import random # imports random
import string # imports string
import sys # imports sys
import time # imports time
import pygame # imports pygame (enables me to use its functions)
pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, 16, 2, 4096) # Enables me to use music in pygame
pygame.init() # Enables me to use music in pygame
button_click = pygame.mixer.Sound('151022__bubaproducer__laser-shot-silenced.wav')
# Loads '151022__bubaproducer__laser-shot-silenced.wav' file
button_click2 = pygame.mixer.Sound('Mario Coin.wav') # Makes button_click2 play 'Mario Coin.wav' file
pygame.mixer.music.load('merge_from_ofoct.mp3') # Loads my music file
pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) # -1 plays the song infinitely
pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(0.8) # Sets the volume of the music
def logout_logout(): # Defines logout_logout
entUsername.delete(0, tk.END) # Deletes past entry's in the Username entry box
entPassword.delete(0, tk.END) # Deletes past entry's in the Password entry box
entUsername.focus_set() # Makes it so the Username entry box is targeted
def play_music1(): # Defines play_music1
pygame.mixer.music.load('merge_from_ofoct.mp3') # Loads 'merge_from_ofoct.mp3' file
pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) # Makes the song play infinitely
pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(0.8) # Sets the volume (volume can be adjusted from 0-1)
def play_music2(): # Defines play_music2
# Loads '251461__joshuaempyre__arcade-music-loop.wav3' file
pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) # Makes the song play infinitely
pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(0.8) # Sets the volume (volume can be adjusted from 0-1)
def play_music3(): # Defines play_music3
pygame.mixer.music.load('Off Limits.wav') # Loads 'Off Limits.wav') file
pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) # Makes the song play infinitely
pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(0.8) # Sets the volume (volume can be adjusted from 0-1)
def play_music4(): # Defines play_music4
pygame.mixer.music.load('Pim Poy.wav') # Loads 'Pim Poy.wav') file
pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) # Makes the song play infinitely
pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(0.8) # Sets the volume (volume can be adjusted from 0-1)
def play_music5(): # Defines play_music5
pygame.mixer.music.load('Puzzle-Game.mp3') # Loads 'Puzzle-Game.mp3') file
pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) # Makes the song play infinitely
pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(0.8) # Sets the volume (volume can be adjusted from 0-1)
def return_to_main_menu2(): # Defines return_to_main_menu2
pygame.mixer.Sound.play(button_click2).set_volume(0.8) # Plays button_click2/sets the volume of the song
def return_to_main_menu(): # Defines return_to_main_menu
pygame.mixer.Sound.play(button_click).set_volume(0.6) # Plays button_click/sets the volume of the sound
def random_char(y): # Defines random_char
return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for x in range(y))
x = (random_char(6)) # Spawns 6 random characters
word = x # Makes word=x
Class #1
class SampleApp(tk.Tk): # Class - Basically my Main hub
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Arguments is controller and kwargs are keyword arguments
tk.Tk.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Arguments is controller and kwargs are keyword arguments
self.geometry("1920x1080") # Size of the window when the programs run
self.title("Memory Mania") # Puts "Memory Mania" in the top left of the window
self.title_font = tkfont.Font(family='verdana', size=45, weight="bold", slant="italic")
# Whenever i use use "font=controller.title_font", this font will be used
container = tk.Frame(self) # Defines it
container.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True) # Packs it
container.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) # Changes the size
container.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) # Changes the size
self.frames = {} # Below this is all my classes, if the class isn't listed here it wont show
for F in (Login, MainMenu, Tutorial, Tutorial2, Difficulty, Settings, Music, EasyDifficulty, MediumDifficulty,
HardDifficulty, InsaneDifficulty, EnterCharacterScreen, CorrectScreen, IncorrectScreen, Level2,
page_name = F.__name__ # Makes page_name = F._name_
frame = F(parent=container, controller=self) # frame = F(parent=container, controller=self)
self.frames[page_name] = frame # self.frame(page_name) = frame
frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew") # the frames grid size
self.show_frame("Login") # Shows the Login screen as the first screen
def show_frame(self, page_name): # Shows a frame for the given page name
frame = self.frames[page_name] # Makes frame = self.frames(page_name)
frame.tkraise() # Raises the frame
Class #2
class Login(tk.Frame): # Class - My Login screen
def __init__(self, parent, controller): # Defines the window
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, bg="#2699C3") # Sets the background as that colour
self.controller = controller # Makes self.controller = controller
background_image = tk.PhotoImage(file="9a4a50632b464e426a71c800f80ad778.png")
background_label = tk.Label(self, image=background_image)
background_label.place(x=0, y=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1)
background_label.image = background_image
def login_button(): # Defines login_button
controller.show_frame("MainMenu"), return_to_main_menu2()
your_username = entUsername.get()
# Shows MainMenu and uses return_to_main_menu2 function
def login_button2(event): # Defines login_button2 and marks it as an event
controller.show_frame("MainMenu"), return_to_main_menu2()
your_username = entUsername.get()
# Shows MainMenu and uses return_to_main_menu2 function
lbl1 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Bg="#2699C3" is another form of blue
# These labels are used to create blank spaces to centre my program
lbl1.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl2 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Changes colour of label
lbl2.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl3 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Changes colour of label
lbl3.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl4 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Changes colour of label
lbl4.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl5 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Changes colour of label
lbl5.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl6 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Changes colour of label
lbl6.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl7 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Changes colour of label
lbl7.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl8 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Changes colour of label
lbl8.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lblUsername = tk.Label(self, text="Username:", fg="white", bg="black") # Makes the Label display Username
lblUsername.place(anchor="center") # Centers the label
global entUsername # Changes entUsername to a global variable (global variables can be used in all classes)
entUsername = tk.Entry(self, justify="center") # Centers the entry box
lblUsername.pack() # Packs it wherever there's space
lblUsername.config(font=("Courier", 32)) # Changes the font/size
entUsername.pack() # Packs it wherever there's space
entUsername.config(font=("Courier", 32)) # Changes the font/size
lblPassword = tk.Label(self, text="Password:", fg="white", bg="black") # Makes the Label display Password
lblPassword.place(anchor="center") # Centers the label
global entPassword # Changes entPassword to a global variable
entPassword = tk.Entry(self, justify="center") # Centers the entry box
lblPassword.pack() # Packs it wherever there's space
lblPassword.config(font=("Courier", 32)) # Changes the font/size
entPassword.pack() # Packs it wherever there's space
entPassword.config(font=("Courier", 32)) # Changes the font/size
entPassword.bind("<Return>", login_button2)
btn = tk.Button(self, text="Login", fg="black", bg="lawn green", width=6, height=1, # Changes colour
command=login_button) # Uses login_button function
btn.pack(pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically
Class #3
class MainMenu(tk.Frame): # Class - My Main Menu screen
def __init__(self, parent, controller): # Defines the window
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, bg="#2699C3") # Sets the background as that colour
self.controller = controller # Makes self.controller = controller
label = tk.Label(self, text="Memory Mania", font=controller.title_font, bg="#2699C3")
# Puts Memory Mania as a large Label
label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10) # Packs the label at the top of the program
global username_label # Makes username_label a global variable
label1 = tk.Label(self, text="Logged in as:", bg="#2699C3") # Changes colour
label1.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
username_label = tk.Label(self, text=" ", bg="#2699C3") # Users username is posted here
username_label.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
def get_answer2(event):
if entry_characters.get() == word: # Tells program that if the entry of characters = the correct/incorrect
controller.show_frame("CorrectScreen") # Show correct screen (if answer is correct)
controller.show_frame("IncorrectScreen") # Show incorrect screen (if answer is wrong)
def start_game():
entry_characters.bind("<Return>", get_answer2) # Makes you able to click enter
button1 = tk.Button(self, text="Play", bg="#76EE00", fg="black", height=4, width=20, # Changes colour/size
# Makes this button take me to the Difficulty screen and uses the 'return_to_main_menu' function
button2 = tk.Button(self, text="Tutorial", bg="yellow", fg="black", height=4, width=20, # Changes colour/size
command=lambda: [controller.show_frame("Tutorial"), return_to_main_menu()])
# Makes this button take me to the Tutorial screen and uses the 'return_to_main_menu function'
button3 = tk.Button(self, text="Settings", bg="#00EEEE", fg="black", height=4, width=20, # Changes colour/size
command=lambda: [controller.show_frame("Settings"), return_to_main_menu()])
# Makes this button take me to the Settings screen and uses the 'return_to_main_menu function'
button4 = tk.Button(self, text="Logout", bg="orange", fg="black", height=4, width=20, # Changes colour/size
command=lambda: [controller.show_frame("Login"), logout_logout()])
# Makes this button take me to the Login screen and uses the 'logout_logout' function
button5 = tk.Button(self, text="Quit", bg="red", fg="black", height=4, width=20, cursor="pirate",
# Changes colour/size/cursor
# Makes this button Quit the program
button1.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button1.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
button2.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button2.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
button3.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button3.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
button4.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button4.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
button5.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button5.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
Class #4
class Tutorial(tk.Frame): # Class - My Tutorial screen
def __init__(self, parent, controller): # Defines the window
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, bg="#2699C3") # Sets the background as that colour
self.controller = controller # Makes self.controller = controller
# These labels are used to create blank spaces to centre my program
lbl1 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="#2699C3") # Changes colour of label
lbl1.pack() # Packs it wherever there's space
lbl2 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="#2699C3") # Changes colour of label
lbl2.pack() # Packs it wherever there's space
lbl3 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="#2699C3") # Changes colour of label
lbl3.pack() # Packs it wherever there's space
label = tk.Label(self, text="Tutorial (1)", font=controller.title_font, bg="#2699C3") # Changes font/colour
label1 = tk.Label(self, text="Once you click the Play button you will be brought to the Difficulty screen",
bg="#2699C3") # Changes text/colour
label2 = tk.Label(self, text="Once you're in the Difficulty screen, you can select 1 of 4 Difficulties",
bg="#2699C3") # Changes text/colour
label3 = tk.Label(self, text="Easy, Medium, Hard, Insane, all which have 5 levels",
bg="#2699C3") # Changes text/colour
label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10)
# How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally and at the top
label1.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10)
# How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
label2.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10)
# How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
label3.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10)
# How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
label1.config(font=("System", 14)) # Changes font/size
label2.config(font=("System", 14)) # Changes font/size
label3.config(font=("System", 14)) # Changes font/size
button1 = tk.Button(self, text="Next Page", bg="yellow", fg="black", height=4, width=20,
# Changes colour/size of button
command=lambda: [controller.show_frame("Tutorial2"), return_to_main_menu()])
# Makes this button take me to Tutorial2 screen and uses the 'return_to_main_menu' function
button2 = tk.Button(self, text="Return to Main Menu", bg="yellow", fg="black", height=4, width=20,
# Changes colour/size of button
command=lambda: [controller.show_frame("MainMenu"), return_to_main_menu()])
# Makes this button take me to the Main Menu and uses the 'return_to_main_menu' function
label4 = tk.Label(self, text="Note: Lowercase and Capital letters matter!", bg="#2699C3") # Changes colour
label4.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
label4.pack(side="bottom", fill="x", pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontal
button1.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button1.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
button2.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button2.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
Class #6
class Difficulty(tk.Frame): # Class - My Difficulty screen
def __init__(self, parent, controller): # Defines the window
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, bg="#2699C3") # Sets the background as that colour
self.controller = controller # Makes self.controller = controller
label = tk.Label(self, text="Difficulty", font=controller.title_font, bg="#2699C3") # Changes font/colour
label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
def wait_fifteen_seconds(): # Defines "wait_fifteen_seconds"
label_check.configure(text="Level 1") # Configures the label to the level specified
global seconds_to_wait # Changes "seconds_to_wait" to a global variable
# Changes "seconds_to_wait" to a global variable meaning you can use it in all classes
seconds_to_wait = 15 # Makes the screen change in 15 seconds
entry_characters.delete(0, tk.END) # Gets rid of the past entry's
x = (random_char(6)) # Generates 6 random characters
global word # Changes "word" to a global variable
word = x # Makes word=x
label2_easy.configure(text=word) # Configures the label to show the "word" variable
controller.show_frame("EasyDifficulty"), return_to_main_menu() # Displays the "EasyDifficulty screen"
entry_characters.pack_forget() # Makes you unable to enter the characters before the screen appears
app.update() # Updates the program
time.sleep(seconds_to_wait) # Makes the program wait for however many seconds depending on difficulty
controller.show_frame("EnterCharacterScreen") # Displays the "EnterCharacterScreen"
entry_characters.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button_submit.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=80, pady=80, side=tk.BOTTOM)
# How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
entry_characters.focus_set() # Automatically clicks the entry box
def wait_ten_seconds(): # Defines "wait_ten_seconds"
label_check.configure(text="Level 1 ") # Configures the label to the level specified
global seconds_to_wait # Changes "seconds_to_wait" to a global variable
# Changes "seconds_to_wait" to a global variable meaning you can use it in all classes
seconds_to_wait = 10 # Makes the screen change in 10 seconds
entry_characters.delete(0, tk.END) # Gets rid of the past entry's
x = (random_char(6)) # Generates 6 random characters
global word # Changes "word" to a global variable meaning you can use it in all classes
word = x # Makes word=x
label2_medium.configure(text=word) # Configures the label to show the "word" variable
controller.show_frame("MediumDifficulty"), return_to_main_menu() # Displays the "MediumDifficulty screen"
entry_characters.pack_forget() # Makes you unable to enter the characters before the screen appears
app.update() # Updates the program
time.sleep(seconds_to_wait) # Makes the program wait for however many seconds depending on difficulty
controller.show_frame("EnterCharacterScreen") # Displays the "EnterCharacterScreen"
entry_characters.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button_submit.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=80, pady=80, side=tk.BOTTOM)
# How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
entry_characters.focus_set() # Automatically clicks the entry box
def wait_five_seconds(): # Defines "wait_five_seconds"
label_check.configure(text="Level 1 ") # Configures the label to the level specified
global seconds_to_wait # Changes "seconds_to_wait" to a global variable
# Changes "seconds_to_wait" to a global variable meaning you can use it in all classes
seconds_to_wait = 5 # Makes the screen change in 5 seconds
entry_characters.delete(0, tk.END) # Gets rid of the past entry's
x = (random_char(6)) # Generates 6 random characters
global word # Changes "word" to a global variable meaning you can use it in all classes
word = x # Makes word=x
label2_hard.configure(text=word) # Configures the label to show the "word" variable
controller.show_frame("HardDifficulty"), return_to_main_menu() # Displays the "HardDifficulty screen"
entry_characters.pack_forget() # Makes you unable to enter the characters before the screen appears
app.update() # Updates the program
time.sleep(seconds_to_wait) # Makes the program wait for however many seconds depending on difficulty
controller.show_frame("EnterCharacterScreen") # Displays the "EnterCharacterScreen"
entry_characters.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button_submit.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=80, pady=80, side=tk.BOTTOM)
# How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
entry_characters.focus_set() # Automatically clicks the entry box
def wait_two_seconds(): # Defines "wait_two_seconds"
label_check.configure(text="Level 1") # Configures the label to the level specified
global seconds_to_wait # Changes "seconds_to_wait" to a global variable
# Changes "seconds_to_wait" to a global variable meaning you can use it in all classes
seconds_to_wait = 2 # Makes the screen change in 2 seconds
entry_characters.delete(0, tk.END) # Gets rid of the past entry's
x = (random_char(6)) # Generates 6 random characters
global word # Changes "word" to a global variable meaning you can use it in all classes
word = x # Makes word=x
label2_insane.configure(text=word) # Configures the label to show the "word" variable
controller.show_frame("InsaneDifficulty"), return_to_main_menu() # Displays the "InsaneDifficulty screen"
entry_characters.pack_forget() # Makes you unable to enter the characters before the screen appears
app.update() # Updates the program
time.sleep(seconds_to_wait) # Makes the program wait for however many seconds depending on difficulty
controller.show_frame("EnterCharacterScreen") # Displays the "EnterCharacterScreen"
entry_characters.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button_submit.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=80, pady=80, side=tk.BOTTOM)
# How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
entry_characters.focus_set() # Automatically clicks the entry box
button = tk.Button(self, text="Easy", bg="yellow", fg="black", height=4, width=20,
# Makes button wait fifteen seconds/changes text/colour/size
button1 = tk.Button(self, text="Medium", bg="#E99B15", fg="black", height=4, width=20, command=wait_ten_seconds)
# Makes button wait ten seconds/changes text/colour/size
button2 = tk.Button(self, text="Hard", bg="#C04141", fg="black", height=4, width=20, command=wait_five_seconds)
# Makes button wait five seconds/changes text/colour/size
button3 = tk.Button(self, text="Insane", bg="#FC0000", fg="black", height=4, width=20, command=wait_two_seconds)
# Makes button wait two seconds/changes text/colour/size
button4 = tk.Button(self, text="Back", bg="green", fg="black", height=4, width=20,
command=lambda: [controller.show_frame("MainMenu"), return_to_main_menu()])
# Makes this button take me to the MainMenu and uses the 'return_to_main_menu' function
button.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
button1.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button1.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
button2.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button2.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
button3.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button3.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
button4.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button4.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
Class #7
class Settings(tk.Frame): # Class - My Settings screen
def __init__(self, parent, controller): # Defines the window
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, bg="#2699C3") # Sets the background as that colour
self.controller = controller # Makes self.controller = controller
lbl1 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="#2699C3")
lbl1.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl2 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="#2699C3") # Changes colour of label
lbl2.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl3 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="#2699C3") # Changes colour of label
lbl3.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
label = tk.Label(self, text="Settings", font=controller.title_font, bg="#2699C3") # Changes font/colour
label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button1 = tk.Button(self, text="Pause Music", bg="red", fg="white", height=4, width=20, # Changes colour/size
# Pauses the current song
button2 = tk.Button(self, text="Resume Music", bg="green", fg="white", height=4, width=20, # Colour/size
# Resumes the current song
button3 = tk.Button(self, text="Music", bg="yellow", fg="black",
height=4, width=20, # Colour/size
command=lambda: [controller.show_frame("Music"), return_to_main_menu()])
# Makes this button take me to the Music screen and play the 'return_to_main_menu' function
button = tk.Button(self, text="Back", bg="#00EEEE", fg="black", height=4, width=20, # Changes colour/size
command=lambda: [controller.show_frame("MainMenu"), return_to_main_menu()])
# Makes this button take me to the Main Menu and play the 'return_to_main_menu function
label1 = tk.Label(self, text="Note: Music takes a few seconds to start up!", bg="#2699C3") # Changes colour
label1.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
label1.pack(side="bottom", fill="x", pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button1.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button1.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
button2.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button2.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
button3.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button3.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
button.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
Class #8
class Music(tk.Frame): # Class - My Music screen
def __init__(self, parent, controller): # Defines the window
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, bg="#2699C3") # Sets the background as that colour
self.controller = controller # Makes self.controller = controller
label = tk.Label(self, text="Music", font=controller.title_font, bg="#2699C3") # Changes font/colour
label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button1 = tk.Button(self, text="Soundtrack 1", bg="#0000FF", fg="white", height=4, width=20,
# Changes colour/size
# plays the function 'play_music1'
button2 = tk.Button(self, text="Soundtrack 2", bg="#EE3B3B", fg="white", height=4, width=20,
# Changes colour/size
# plays the function 'play_music2'
button3 = tk.Button(self, text="Soundtrack 3", bg="#7AC5CD", fg="white", height=4, width=20,
# Changes colour/size
# plays the function 'play_music3'
button4 = tk.Button(self, text="Soundtrack 4", bg="#00C957", fg="white", height=4, width=20,
# Changes colour/size
# plays the function 'play_music4'
button5 = tk.Button(self, text="Soundtrack 5", bg="#FFB90F", fg="white", height=4, width=20,
# Changes colour/size
# plays the function 'play_music5'
button = tk.Button(self, text="Return", bg="#00EEEE", fg="black", height=4, width=20, # Changes colour/size
command=lambda: [controller.show_frame("Settings"), return_to_main_menu()])
button1.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button1.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
button2.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button2.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
button3.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button3.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
button4.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button4.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
button5.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button5.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
button.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
Class #9
class EasyDifficulty(tk.Frame): # Class - My EasyDifficulty screen
def __init__(self, parent, controller): # Defines the window
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, bg="#2699C3") # Sets the background as that colour
self.controller = controller # Makes self.controller = controller
label_level = tk.Label(self, text="Level 1", bg="#2699C3") # Changes colour
label_level.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
label = tk.Label(self, text="Remember these characters", font=controller.title_font, bg="#2699C3")
# Changes font/colour
label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
global label2_easy # Global variable
label2_easy = tk.Label(self, height=4, width=15, text=word) # Changes size, text = word
label2_easy.config(font=("Courier", 64)) # Changes font/size
label2_easy.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
Class #10
class MediumDifficulty(tk.Frame): # Class - My MediumDifficulty screen
def __init__(self, parent, controller): # Defines the window
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, bg="#2699C3") # Sets the background as that colour
self.controller = controller # Makes self.controller = controller
label_level = tk.Label(self, text="Level 1", bg="#2699C3") # Changes colour
label_level.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
label = tk.Label(self, text="Remember these characters", font=controller.title_font, bg="#2699C3")
# Changes font/colour
label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
global label2_medium # Global variable
label2_medium = tk.Label(self, height=4, width=15, text=word) # Changes size, text = word
label2_medium.config(font=("Courier", 64)) # Changes font/size
label2_medium.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
Class #11
class HardDifficulty(tk.Frame): # Class - My HardDifficulty screen
def __init__(self, parent, controller): # Defines the window
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, bg="#2699C3") # Sets the background as that colour
self.controller = controller # Makes self.controller = controller
label_level = tk.Label(self, text="Level 1", bg="#2699C3") # Changes colour
label_level.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
label = tk.Label(self, text="Remember these characters", font=controller.title_font, bg="#2699C3")
# Changes font/colour
label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
global label2_hard # Global variable
label2_hard = tk.Label(self, height=4, width=15, text=word) # Changes size, text = word
label2_hard.config(font=("Courier", 64)) # Changes font/size
label2_hard.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
Class #12
class InsaneDifficulty(tk.Frame): # Class - My InsaneDifficulty screen
def __init__(self, parent, controller): # Defines the window
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, bg="#2699C3") # Sets the background as that colour
self.controller = controller # Makes self.controller = controller
label_level = tk.Label(self, text="Level 1", bg="#2699C3") # Changes colour
label_level.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
label = tk.Label(self, text="Remember these characters", font=controller.title_font, bg="#2699C3")
# Changes font/colour
label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
global label2_insane # Global variable
label2_insane = tk.Label(self, height=4, width=15, text=word) # Changes size, text = word
label2_insane.config(font=("Courier", 64)) # Changes font/size
label2_insane.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
Class #13
class EnterCharacterScreen(tk.Frame): # Class - My EnterCharacterScreen
def __init__(self, parent, controller): # Defines the window
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, bg="#2699C3") # Sets the background as that colour
self.controller = controller # Makes self.controller = controller
# These labels are used to create blank spaces to centre my program
lbl1 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="#2699C3") # Changes colour of label
lbl1.pack() # Packs label wherever there's space
lbl2 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="#2699C3") # Changes colour of label
lbl2.pack() # Packs label wherever there's space
lbl3 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="#2699C3") # Changes colour of label
lbl3.pack() # Packs label wherever there's space
lbl4 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="#2699C3") # Changes colour of label
lbl4.pack() # Packs label wherever there's space
lbl5 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="#2699C3") # Changes colour of label
lbl5.pack() # Packs label wherever there's space
label = tk.Label(self, text="What were your characters?", font=controller.title_font, bg="#2699C3")
# Changes font/colour
label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
def get_answer(): # Defines get_answer
if entry_characters.get() == word: # Tells program that if the entry of characters = the correct/incorrect
controller.show_frame("CorrectScreen") # Show correct screen (if answer is correct)
controller.show_frame("IncorrectScreen") # Show incorrect screen (if answer is wrong)
def get_answer2(event): # Defines get_answer (event is needed so users can click enter when submitting)
if entry_characters.get() == word: # Tells program that if the entry of characters = the correct/incorrect
controller.show_frame("CorrectScreen") # Show correct screen (if answer is correct)
controller.show_frame("IncorrectScreen") # Show incorrect screen (if answer is wrong)
global entry_characters # Global variable
entry_characters = tk.Entry(self, justify="center") # Centers the entry
entry_characters.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
entry_characters.config(font=("Courier", 96)) # Changes the font/size
entry_characters.bind("<Return>", get_answer2) # Makes you able to click enter
global button_submit # Global variable
button_submit = tk.Button(self, text="Submit", command=get_answer, height=4, width=20) # Changes size of button
button_submit.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button_submit.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes the font/size
Class #14
class CorrectScreen(tk.Frame): # Class - My CorrectScreen
def __init__(self, parent, controller): # Defines the window
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, bg="green") # Sets the background as that colour
self.controller = controller # Makes self.controller = controller
# These labels are used to create blank spaces to centre my program
lbl1 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="green") # Changes colour of label
lbl1.pack() # Packs label wherever there's space
lbl2 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="green") # Changes colour of label
lbl2.pack() # Packs label wherever there's space
lbl3 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="green") # Changes colour of label
lbl3.pack() # Packs label wherever there's space
lbl4 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="green") # Changes colour of label
lbl4.pack() # Packs label wherever there's space
label = tk.Label(self, text="CORRECT!!:)", font=controller.title_font, bg="green") # Changes font/colour
label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
def next_level_two(): # Defines next_level_two
label_check.configure(text="Level 2") # Shows Level 2 at the top
entry_characters.delete(0, tk.END) # Makes it so last entry's are deleted
x = (random_char(6)) # Displays 6 random characters
global word # Global variable
word = x # Word = x
label2_level2.configure(text=word) # Text=word
entry_characters.delete(0, tk.END) # Makes it so last entry's are deleted
controller.show_frame("Level2") # Shows Level 2 screen
app.update() # Updates program
time.sleep(float(seconds_to_wait)) # Time program waits before changing to next screen
controller.show_frame("EnterCharacterScreen") # Shows EnterCharacterScreen
button_next_screen.configure(command=next_level_three) # Shows Level 3 screen
button_lose.configure(command=difficulty_change) # Shows Difficulty screen
button_tutorial_lose.configure(command=tutorial_show) # Shows Tutorial screen
button_main_lose.configure(command=main_menu) # Shows Main Menu
def next_level_three(): # Defines next_level_three
label_check.configure(text="Level 3") # Shows Level 3 at the top
button_next_screen.configure(command=next_level_four) # Shows Level 4 screen
entry_characters.delete(0, tk.END) # Makes it so last entry's are deleted
x = (random_char(6)) # Displays 6 random characters
global word # Global variable
word = x # Word = x
label2_level2.configure(text=word) # Text=word
entry_characters.delete(0, tk.END) # Makes it so last entry's are deleted
controller.show_frame("Level2") # Shows Level 2 screen
app.update() # Updates program
time.sleep(float(seconds_to_wait)) # Time program waits before changing to next screen
controller.show_frame("EnterCharacterScreen") # Shows EnterCharacterScreen
def next_level_four(): # Defines next_level_four
label_check.configure(text="Level 4") # Shows Level 4 at the top
button_next_screen.configure(command=next_level_five) # Shows Level 5 screen
entry_characters.delete(0, tk.END) # Makes it so last entry's are deleted
x = (random_char(6)) # Displays 6 random characters
global word # Global variable
word = x # Word = x
label2_level2.configure(text=word) # Text=word
entry_characters.delete(0, tk.END) # Makes it so last entry's are deleted
controller.show_frame("Level2") # Shows Level 2 screen
app.update() # Updates program
time.sleep(float(seconds_to_wait)) # Time program waits before changing to next screen
controller.show_frame("EnterCharacterScreen") # Shows EnterCharacterScreen
def next_level_five(): # Defines next_level_five
entry_characters.bind("<Return>", win_game) # Makes you able to click enter
label_check.configure(text="Level 5") # Shows Level 5 at the top
entry_characters.delete(0, tk.END) # Makes it so last entry's are deleted
x = (random_char(6)) # Displays 6 random characters
global word # Global variable
word = x # Word = x
label2_level2.configure(text=word) # Text=word
entry_characters.delete(0, tk.END) # Makes it so last entry's are deleted
controller.show_frame("Level2") # Shows Level 2 screen
app.update() # Updates program
time.sleep(float(seconds_to_wait)) # Time program waits before changing to next screen
controller.show_frame("EnterCharacterScreen") # Shows EnterCharacterScreen
def get_answer_last_screen(): # Defines get_answer_last_screen
if entry_characters.get() == word:
# Tells program that if the entry of characters = the correct/incorrect
controller.show_frame("WinGameScreen") # if answer is correct, WinGameScreen is shown
controller.show_frame("IncorrectScreen") # if answer is incorrect, IncorrectScreen is shown
# Upon pressing button will change screen to either WinGameScreen or IncorrectScreen
global button_next_screen # Global variable
button_next_screen = tk.Button(self, text="Progress to Next Level", bg="white", fg="black", height=4, width=20,
# Changes colour/size
# Uses the 'next_level_two' function
def tutorial_show(): # Defines tutorial_show
button_next_screen.configure(command=next_level_two) # Uses the 'next_level_two' function
controller.show_frame("Tutorial") # Shows Tutorial screen
def main_menu(): # Defines main_menu
entUsername.focus_set() # Makes it so the Username entry box is targeted
button_next_screen.configure(command=next_level_two) # Uses the 'next_level_two' function
controller.show_frame("MainMenu") # Shows MainMenu
def win_game(event): # Activated when user is on level 5
controller.show_frame("WinGameScreen") # Shows the WinGameScreen
def difficulty_change(): # Defines difficulty_change
entUsername.focus_set() # Makes it so the Username entry box is targeted
button_next_screen.configure(command=next_level_two) # Uses the 'next_level_two' function
controller.show_frame("Difficulty") # Shows Difficulty screen
button2 = tk.Button(self, text="Try a different difficulty", bg="white", fg="black", height=4, width=20,
# Changes colour/size
# Shows Difficulty screen and uses the 'difficulty_change' function
button3 = tk.Button(self, text="Return to Main Menu", bg="white", fg="black", height=4, width=20,
# Changes colour/size
# Shows Main Menu and uses the 'main_menu' function
button_next_screen.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button_next_screen.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
button2.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button2.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
button3.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button3.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
Class #15
class IncorrectScreen(tk.Frame): # Class - Incorrect Screen
def __init__(self, parent, controller): # Defines the window
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, bg="red") # Sets the background as that colour
self.controller = controller # Makes self.controller = controller
# These labels are used to create blank spaces to centre my program
lbl1 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="red") # Changes colour of label
lbl1.pack() # Packs label wherever there's space
lbl2 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="red") # Changes colour of label
lbl2.pack() # Packs label wherever there's space
lbl3 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="red") # Changes colour of label
lbl3.pack() # Packs label wherever there's space
lbl4 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="red") # Changes colour of label
lbl4.pack() # Packs label wherever there's space
label = tk.Label(self, text="INCORRECT!!:C", font=controller.title_font, bg="red") # Changes font/colour
label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
def retry_lose(): # Defines retry_lose
pygame.mixer.Sound.play(button_click).set_volume(0.6) # Sets the volume of 'button_click' function
controller.show_frame("Difficulty") # Shows Difficulty screen
entUsername.focus_set() # Makes it so the Username entry box is targeted
global button_lose # Global variable
button_lose = tk.Button(self, text="Retry on a different difficulty", bg="white", fg="black", height=4,
# Changes size/colour
width=20, command=retry_lose)
# Shows Difficulty screen and uses the 'retry_lose' function
def tutorial_lose(): # Defines retry_lose
pygame.mixer.Sound.play(button_click).set_volume(0.6) # Sets the volume of 'button_click' function
controller.show_frame("Tutorial") # Shows Tutorial screen
entUsername.focus_set() # Makes it so the Username entry box is targeted
global button_tutorial_lose # Global variable
button_tutorial_lose = tk.Button(self, text="Review How to Play", bg="white", fg="black", height=4, width=20,
# Changes size/colour
# Uses the Tutorial screen and uses the 'tutorial_lose' function
global button_main_lose # Global variable
def main_lose(): # Defines main_lose
pygame.mixer.Sound.play(button_click).set_volume(0.6) # Sets the volume of 'button_click' function
controller.show_frame("MainMenu") # Shows MainMenu
entUsername.focus_set() # Makes it so the Username entry box is targeted
button_main_lose = tk.Button(self, text="Return to Main Menu", bg="white", fg="black", height=4, width=20,
# Changes size/colour
# Shows MainMenu and uses the 'main_lose' function
button_lose.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button_lose.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
button_tutorial_lose.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button_tutorial_lose.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
button_main_lose.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button_main_lose.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
Class #16
class Level2(tk.Frame): # Class - Level2 Screen
def __init__(self, parent, controller): # Defines the window
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, bg="#2699C3") # Sets the background as that colour
self.controller = controller # Makes self.controller = controller
label = tk.Label(self, text="Remember these characters", font=controller.title_font, bg="#2699C3")
# Changes font/colour
global label_check # Global variable
label_check = tk.Label(self, text="Level 1", bg="#2699C3") # Changes colour of label
label_check.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
global label2_level2 # Global variable
label2_level2 = tk.Label(self, height=4, width=15, text=word) # Changes size, text=word
label2_level2.config(font=("Courier", 64)) # Changes font/size
label2_level2.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
Class #17
class WinGameScreen(tk.Frame): # Class - WinGameScreen
def __init__(self, parent, controller): # Defines the window
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, bg="#2699C3") # Sets the background as that colour
self.controller = controller # Makes self.controller = controller
# These labels are used to create blank spaces to centre my program
background_image2 = tk.PhotoImage(file="videogame-well-done-4k-a-videogame-screen-with-the-text-well-done-8-bit-retro-style-4k_hv0skuloke_thumbnail-full05.png")
background_label2 = tk.Label(self, image=background_image2)
background_label2.place(x=0, y=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1)
background_label2.image = background_image2
lbl1 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Changes colour of label
lbl1.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl2 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Changes colour of label
lbl2.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl3 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Changes colour of label
lbl3.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl4 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Changes colour of label
lbl4.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl5 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Changes colour of label
lbl5.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl6 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Changes colour of label
lbl6.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl7 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Changes colour of label
lbl7.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl8 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Changes colour of label
lbl8.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl9 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Changes colour of label
lbl9.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl10 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Changes colour of label
lbl10.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl11 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Changes colour of label
lbl11.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl12 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Changes colour of label
lbl12.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl13 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Changes colour of label
lbl13.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
lbl14 = tk.Label(self, text=" ", fg="white", bg="black") # Changes colour of label
lbl14.pack() # Packs the label wherever there's space
def get_answer_last_screen(): # Defines get_answer_last_screen
if entry_characters.get() == word:
# Tells program that if the entry of characters = the correct/incorrect
controller.show_frame("WinGameScreen") # if answer is correct, WinGameScreen is shown
controller.show_frame("IncorrectScreen") # if answer is incorrect, IncorrectScreen is shown
def get_answer(): # Defines get_answer
if entry_characters.get() == word: # Tells program that if the entry of characters = the correct/incorrect
controller.show_frame("CorrectScreen") # Show correct screen (if answer is correct)
controller.show_frame("IncorrectScreen") # Show incorrect screen (if answer is wrong)
def get_answer2(event): # Defines get_answer
if entry_characters.get() == word: # Tells program that if the entry of characters = the correct/incorrect
controller.show_frame("CorrectScreen") # Show correct screen (if answer is correct)
controller.show_frame("IncorrectScreen") # Show incorrect screen (if answer is wrong)
def tutorial_show(): # Defines tutorial_show
button_next_screen.configure(command=next_level_two) # Uses the 'next_level_two' function
controller.show_frame("Tutorial") # Shows Tutorial screen
def main_menu(): # Defines main_menu
button_next_screen.configure(command=next_level_two) # Uses the 'next_level_two' function
controller.show_frame("MainMenu") # Shows MainMenu
def difficulty_change(): # Defines difficulty_change
button_next_screen.configure(command=next_level_two) # Uses the 'next_level_two' function
controller.show_frame("Difficulty") # Shows Difficulty screen
def next_level_two(): # Defines next_level_two
label_check.configure(text="Level 2") # Shows Level 2 at the top
entry_characters.delete(0, tk.END) # Makes it so last entry's are deleted
x = (random_char(6)) # Displays 6 random characters
global word # Global variable
word = x # Word = x
label2_level2.configure(text=word) # Text=word
entry_characters.delete(0, tk.END) # Makes it so last entry's are deleted
controller.show_frame("Level2") # Shows Level 2 screen
app.update() # Updates program
time.sleep(float(seconds_to_wait)) # Time program waits before changing to next screen
controller.show_frame("EnterCharacterScreen") # Shows EnterCharacterScreen
button_next_screen.configure(command=next_level_three) # Shows Level 3 screen
button_lose.configure(command=difficulty_change) # Shows Difficulty screen
button_tutorial_lose.configure(command=tutorial_show) # Shows Tutorial screen
button_main_lose.configure(command=main_menu) # Shows Main Menu
def next_level_three(): # Defines next_level_three
label_check.configure(text="Level 3") # Shows Level 3 at the top
button_next_screen.configure(command=next_level_four) # Shows Level 4 screen
entry_characters.delete(0, tk.END) # Makes it so last entry's are deleted
x = (random_char(6)) # Displays 6 random characters
global word # Global variable
word = x # Word = x
label2_level2.configure(text=word) # Text=word
entry_characters.delete(0, tk.END) # Makes it so last entry's are deleted
controller.show_frame("Level2") # Shows Level 2 screen
app.update() # Updates program
time.sleep(float(seconds_to_wait)) # Time program waits before changing to next screen
controller.show_frame("EnterCharacterScreen") # Shows EnterCharacterScreen
def next_level_four(): # Defines next_level_four
label_check.configure(text="Level 4") # Shows Level 4 at the top
button_next_screen.configure(command=next_level_five) # Shows Level 5 screen
entry_characters.delete(0, tk.END) # Makes it so last entry's are deleted
x = (random_char(6)) # Displays 6 random characters
global word # Global variable
word = x # Word = x
label2_level2.configure(text=word) # Text=word
entry_characters.delete(0, tk.END) # Makes it so last entry's are deleted
controller.show_frame("Level2") # Shows Level 2 screen
app.update() # Updates program
time.sleep(float(seconds_to_wait)) # Time program waits before changing to next screen
controller.show_frame("EnterCharacterScreen") # Shows EnterCharacterScreen
def next_level_five(): # Defines next_level_five
label_check.configure(text="Level 5")
button_next_screen.configure(command=get_answer_last_screen) # Shows Level 5 at the top
entry_characters.delete(0, tk.END) # Makes it so last entry's are deleted
x = (random_char(6)) # Displays 6 random characters
global word # Global variable
word = x # Word = x
label2_level2.configure(text=word) # Text=word
entry_characters.delete(0, tk.END) # Makes it so last entry's are deleted
controller.show_frame("Level2") # Shows Level 2 screen
app.update() # Updates program
time.sleep(float(seconds_to_wait)) # Time program waits before changing to next screen
controller.show_frame("EnterCharacterScreen") # Shows EnterCharacterScreen
def game_finished(): # Defines game_finished
controller.show_frame("MainMenu"), return_to_main_menu()
# Shows MainMenu and uses the 'return_to_main_menu' function
label_check.configure(text="Level 1") # Shows Level 1 at the top of the screen
label2_easy.configure(text=word) # Configures the label so text=word for the corresponding difficulty
label2_medium.configure(text=word) # Configures the label so text=word for the corresponding difficulty
label2_hard.configure(text=word) # Configures the label so text=word for the corresponding difficulty
label2_insane.configure(text=word) # Configures the label so text=word for the corresponding difficulty
button_submit.configure(command=get_answer) # Uses the 'get_answer' function
button_next_screen.configure(command=next_level_two) # Uses the 'next_level_two function
button1 = tk.Button(self, text="Return to Main Menu", bg="yellow", fg="black", height=2, width=20,
# Changes size/colour
# Shows MainMenu and uses the 'game_finished' function
button1.pack(pady=10) # How many pixels to pad widget, vertically/horizontally
button1.config(font=("System", 10)) # Changes font/size
if __name__ == "__main__": # If _name="main":
app = SampleApp() # Makes app = SampleApp
app.mainloop() # Loops the program so it can stay open