Background Problem
Consider a set of students that we want to place into Ng
groups each of which contains Ns
students. Let's label the students 1, 2, ... , Ng * Ns, and let an assignment of students be an array of shape (Ng, Ns) that encodes the groupings of students. For example, if Ng = 2 and Ns = 3, then an assignment of students could be:
[[1, 4, 5], [2, 3, 6]]
note that any assignment that differs either in permuting students within groups, or in permuting the groups themselves would be considered an equivalent assignment. So for the assignment above, one equivalent assignment would be:
[[6, 3, 2], [1, 5, 4]]
For a given assignment A, we define a neighboring assignment as any inequivalent assignment that differs from A by a single swap of students. For example, a neighbor of the first assignment above is obtained by swapping students 1 and 6 to obtain
[[1, 3, 2], [6, 5, 4]]
Additionally, we have a fitness function f
that takes an assignment A
as its input, and outputs a real number f(A). The goal is to construct a function which I call fitter_neighbor
which takes an assignment A and a fitness function f as its inputs and returns a fitter neighboring assignment provided such an assignment exists. If no such assignment exists, then fitter_neighbor
should return A. It is not required that fitter_neighbor
returns the fittest neighbor, and in fact, the goal is to have it systematically search through the neighbors and return the first fitter neighbor it comes across.
Current seemingly-not-very-pythonic code
def fitter_neighbor(A, f):
Ng = len(A) #number of groups
Ns = len(A[0]) #number of students per group
Nn = int(Ns ** 2 * Ng * (Ng - 1) / 2) #number of neighboring assignments
A_swap = np.copy(A) #initialize copy of assignment to be changed
g1 = 0 #group number of person A in swap
n_swaps = 0 #counter for number of swaps considered
while g1 < Ng and f(A_swap) <= f(A) and n_swaps < Nn:
s1 = 0
while s1 < Ns and f(A_swap) <= f(A) and n_swaps < Nn:
g2 = g1 + 1 #ensures that no swaps are repeated
while g2 < Ng and f(A_swap) <= f(A) and n_swaps < Nn:
s2 = 0
while s2 < Ns and f(A_swap) <= f(A) and n_swaps < Nn:
A_swap = np.copy(A)
A_swap[g1, s1], A_swap[g2, s2] = A_swap[g2, s2], A_swap[g1, s1]
n_swaps += 1
s2 += 1
g2 += 1
s1 += 1
g1 += 1
if n_swaps < Nn:
return A_swap
return A
Can fitter_neighbor
be written in a more pythonic way? In particular, is it possible to eliminate the nested while loops in some clever way?
As an example fitness function for the case Ns = 2, consider
def f2(A):
return np.sum([(g[1] - g[0]) ** 2 for g in A])