Note: this is a more specific form of this
I am working on a simulation of some virtual creatures. They all have vision that lets them see other creatures. To do this, I calculate the difference between the creature's current heading and the angles to other creatures. Then, I check if the distance between them is close enough so that the creature can see the other.
It works, but it is quite slow. This is because it has complexity O(n2). It has to loop through the array and apply the angle function to every combination of creatures. Then, it needs to check distance between some of them.
My current code:
import math
import random
def getAngle(pos1,pos2):
return degs
def getDist(pos1, pos2):
return math.hypot(pos1[0] - pos2[0], pos1[1] - pos2[1])
def angleDiff(source,target):
a = target - source
a = (a + 180) % 360 - 180
return a
class Creature(object):
"""A virtual creature"""
def __init__(self):
self.pos=[random.randint(0,500) for _ in range(2)] #random x,y
self.heading=random.randint(0,360)[0,0] #left and right relative to creature's perspective
creatures=[Creature() for _ in range(100)]
creatureFOV=60 #can look 60 degrees left or right
for creature in creatures:
for otherC in creatures:
if otherC==creature:continue #don't check own angle
if abs(ang) < creatureFOV:
if ang < 0:[0]=1 #left side
else:[1]=1 #right side
if sum(
break #if there is already something on both sides, stop checking
I feel like it could be greatly sped up by using numPy or some other method. How can this code be optimized for more speed?
(0, 0)
to(1, 0)
, with a FOV of 180? How do you also make a creature that is looking from(0, 0)
to(1, 1)
with a FOV of 30? \$\endgroup\$(0, 0
)... . In your code, where is FOV defined and what direction are the creatures looking? \$\endgroup\$