I am a beginner and have created this bash script that helps me with creating bash scripts.
The script shows no issues on shellcheck.net
The code can be found here. https://github.com/plutesci/Iwanttobash/blob/master/Icode.bash
I would like some feedback from more experienced users. Any suggestions or thoughts about this.
# This Program is to Show user the commands and or to create a bash script
# to execute this program type at terminal ./ICode.bash
# I am attempting to have the program open the named file with the header
# shebang at the top #!/bin/bash as it is not there you will need to add it.
# created by plutesci for self or public use.
# Banner shows a banner to install should it not show on Ubuntu is.
# sudo apt-get install sysvbanner
# banner "Icode"
# figlet is a banner aswell to install that just type in your terminal
# sudo apt-get install figlet
figlet "Icode"
echo Showing a way to use the command line steps to start a Hello World program
echo Where you see test.bash, Please rename test.bash
echo Follow Steps Below...
echo ####################
echo "echo '#!/bin/bash' > test.bash " #change test
echo "'echo Hello World' >> test.bash " # change test.bash
echo "chmod 755 test.bash" # change test.bash
echo "nano test.bash" # change test.bash
echo "Exit Ctrl c"
echo ###################
#echo '#!/bin/bash' >> "$text.bash"
# I want to add an option to ask user if they want to start a new bash \
# program yes \ no?
# if yes\Yes query user for new name, What to call this bash ? ......
# I am happy with the the selection part but would like it going into a menu
# afterwards with press 9 return to previous menu
######## Things to improve on.
# when playing i found a program called openvt, It would be great to have the
# bash program open virtual termin and run the output
echo -n "Please Enter a Filename For Your New Bash Script > "
read -r text
echo "Your New Bash Script is named: $text"
# chmod +x $text.bash
# I need to figure out how to add .bash to the $text varable
until [ "$selection" = "0" ]; do
echo "
1 - Start a new Bash Script
2 - Make it Executable
3 - Run Bash Program
4 - Continue working on script
5 - Start python idle
6 - Open a new shell
7 - Create Automatic Shell scripts
8 - Delete the script
9 - Help
0 - Exit Program
echo -n "Enter selection: "
read -r selection
echo ""
case $selection in
1 ) echo "#!/bin/bash" > "$text.bash" ; nano "$text.bash" ;;
2 ) chmod 755 "$text.bash" ;;
3 ) gnome-terminal ; echo "./$text.bash" ;;
4 ) nano "$text.bash" ;;
5 ) idle ;;
6 ) gnome-terminal ;;
7 ) nano ;; # would be something like grep a special crafted document
8 ) echo "#!/bin/bash" > "$text.bash" ;;
9 ) cat icodehelp ;;
0 ) exit ;;
* ) echo "Please enter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 0"
# Things I would like to add to the program would be a auto statment maker
# and auto create bash programs like open the randomly grep for certain
# keywords, and random cut from a libary of scripts 10 - 100 scripts
# run it in a virtual terminal, looking for errors and print out example
# 3 out of 100 run with no errors, would you like to view these?
# 17 out of 100 return a slight error, would you like to inspec these.
# 83% percent should be removed. something like that just visualising it out
# My first bash application would like any help, still trying to learn how
# github works