Here are two simple classes - Digit class maintains digit behaviour - primarily flipping animations, and Clock class handles everything that is related to time data.
I'm going to use this code for job application, please tell me if there are any improvements that could be done and what do you think of it.
Here is the link for working demo:
class Digit {
constructor({ selector, value = 0 }) {
const digitEl = document.querySelector(selector);
this.flipperEls = digitEl.querySelectorAll('.flipper');
this.prevDigitEls = digitEl.querySelectorAll('.prev .digit');
this.nextDigitEls = digitEl.querySelectorAll('.next .digit');
this.value = value;
this.prevValue = null;
setValue(nextValue) {
this.prevValue = this.value;
this.value = nextValue;
if (this.value === this.prevValue) return;
renderInitialValue() {
const {
} = this;
[...prevDigitEls, ...nextDigitEls].forEach(el => (el.innerHTML = this.value));
flip() {
this.nextDigitEls.forEach(el => el.innerHTML = this.value);
this.flipperEls.forEach(el => el.classList.add('turned'));
setTimeout(() => {
this.prevDigitEls.forEach(el => (el.innerHTML = this.value));
this.flipperEls.forEach((el) => {
}, 500);
class Clock {
constructor(props) {
const baseEl = document.querySelector("#clock");
const currentTime = this.getCurrentTime();
this.digits = [
getCurrentTime() {
const date = new Date();
const time = {
hours: date.getHours(),
minutes: date.getMinutes(),
seconds: date.getSeconds(),
return time;
formatValues(time) {
Object.keys(time).forEach(key => {
if (key === "ampm") return;
let value = time[key];
if (parseInt(value) < 10) {
time[key] = "0" + value;
time[key] = time[key].toString();
getDigitProps(digitName) {
const type = digitName.split('-')[0];
const position = digitName.split('-')[1];
let positionIndex;
switch (position) {
case 'tens':
positionIndex = 0;
case 'ones':
positionIndex = 1;
return { type, position, positionIndex };
buildDigits(time) {
this.digits.forEach((digitName) => {
const { type, position, positionIndex } = this.getDigitProps(digitName);
const selector = `#${type} .${position}-digit`;
this[digitName] = new Digit({
value: time[type][positionIndex]
tick() {
const time = this.getCurrentTime();
this.digits.forEach((digitName) => {
const { type, positionIndex } = this.getDigitProps(digitName);
const clock = new Clock();
setInterval(() => {
}, 1000);
setInterval( ...., 1000)
you'll get your clock to tick once every second. Be aware, however, it's not said it will tick at the beginning of a second. It may tick at the end of each second as well, hence it can be effectively one second late. You may want to set the interval to100
to reduce the possible delay in refresh to 1/10 of second. \$\endgroup\$