There is no doubt that Knockout.js is a very useful tool, which will save you from a lot of JavaScript (jQuery) binding hassle, which will reduce your team's bug ratio concerning this part.
But unfortunately, its JavaScript part gets ugly sooner than you can imagine. The resulting unreadable code is killing me and my team.
Here you can find a simple example from the official website.
This is an official example:
var savedLists = [
{ name: "Celebrities", userNames: ['JohnCleese', 'MCHammer', 'StephenFry', 'algore', 'StevenSanderson']},
{ name: "Microsoft people", userNames: ['BillGates', 'shanselman', 'ScottGu']},
{ name: "Tech pundits", userNames: ['Scobleizer', 'LeoLaporte', 'techcrunch', 'BoingBoing', 'timoreilly', 'codinghorror']}
var TwitterListModel = function(lists, selectedList) {
this.savedLists = ko.observableArray(lists);
this.editingList = {
name: ko.observable(selectedList),
userNames: ko.observableArray()
this.userNameToAdd = ko.observable("");
this.currentTweets = ko.observableArray([])
this.findSavedList = function(name) {
var lists = this.savedLists();
return ko.utils.arrayFirst(lists, function(list) {
return === name;
this.addUser = function() {
if (this.userNameToAdd() && this.userNameToAddIsValid()) {
this.removeUser = function(userName) {
this.saveChanges = function() {
var saveAs = prompt("Save as",;
if (saveAs) {
var dataToSave = this.editingList.userNames().slice(0);
var existingSavedList = this.findSavedList(saveAs);
if (existingSavedList) existingSavedList.userNames = dataToSave; // Overwrite existing list
else this.savedLists.push({
name: saveAs,
userNames: dataToSave
}); // Add new list;
this.deleteList = function() {
var nameToDelete =;
var savedListsExceptOneToDelete = $.grep(this.savedLists(), function(list) {
return != nameToDelete
}); == 0 ? null : savedListsExceptOneToDelete[0].name);
ko.computed(function() {
// Observe, so when it changes (i.e., user selects a different list) we know to copy the saved list into the editing list
var savedList = this.findSavedList(;
if (savedList) {
var userNamesCopy = savedList.userNames.slice(0);
} else {
}, this);
this.hasUnsavedChanges = ko.computed(function() {
if (! {
return this.editingList.userNames().length > 0;
var savedData = this.findSavedList(;
var editingData = this.editingList.userNames();
return savedData.join("|") != editingData.join("|");
}, this);
this.userNameToAddIsValid = ko.computed(function() {
return (this.userNameToAdd() == "") || (this.userNameToAdd().match(/^\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,15}\s*$/) != null);
}, this);
this.canAddUserName = ko.computed(function() {
return this.userNameToAddIsValid() && this.userNameToAdd() != "";
}, this);
// The active user tweets are (asynchronously) computed from editingList.userNames
ko.computed(function() {
twitterApi.getTweetsForUsers(this.editingList.userNames(), this.currentTweets);
}, this);
ko.applyBindings(new TwitterListModel(savedLists, "Tech pundits"));
// Using jQuery for Ajax loading indicator - nothing to do with Knockout
$(".loadingIndicator").ajaxStart(function() {
}).ajaxComplete(function() {
And of course, we have in our code base a lot more worse examples than that. Really bad ones, especially with a more complicated business.
So, do anyone know how to make Knockout.js's code more elegant and readable? = function(){}
(and all in one viewModel where you can't reach the viewModel parameters easily) to defining ViewModel with its Models in the same file, for example I have tried to separate the inline functions, but then knockout didn't work, and so on \$\endgroup\$