Every day Duga reports the number of unanswered questions and percentage of answered questions (after she calls the API endpoint /info
) in The 2nd Monitor.
I created a script to read the messages by her in the past few months and plot the percentage of answered questions on a line chart. A demonstration of it can be seen in this playground example.
What would you change? Obviously there are other techniques for fetching and parsing the data... but is this approach acceptable?
$dd = new DomDocument();
$internalErrors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
$html = file_get_contents('https://chat.stackexchange.com/search?q=%22RELOAD!+There+are%22&user=125580&room=8595&pagesize=150');
$data = [];
$labels = [];
if ($html) {
$xml = simplexml_import_dom($dd);
$messages = $xml->xpath('//div[@class="content"]');
$timestamps = $xml->xpath('//div[@class="timestamp"]');
if (count($messages) == count($timestamps)) {
foreach(array_reverse($timestamps, true) as $index => $timestamp) {
preg_match('#(\d{2}.\d{4})#',(string)$messages[$index], $matches);
if (count($matches) > 1) {
$labels[] = (string)$timestamp;
$data[] = $matches[1];
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Chart.defaults.global.legend.display = false;
const config = {
type: 'line',
data: {
labels: <?=json_encode($labels);?>,
datasets: [{
label: 'Unanswered Percentage',
backgroundColor: window.chartColors.red,
borderColor: window.chartColors.red,
data: <?=json_encode($data);?>,
fill: false
options: {
title: {
display: true,
text: 'Answered percentage in recent months'
scales: {
xAxes: [{
display: true,
scaleLabel: {
display: true,
labelString: 'Date'
yAxes: [{
display: true,
scaleLabel: {
display: true,
labelString: 'Percentage'
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', _ => {
var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
window.myLine = new Chart(ctx, config);
else {
echo 'Unable to fetch messages';
Sample output:
Chart.defaults.global.legend.display = false;
const config = {
type: 'line',
data: {
labels: ["Mar 11 12:00 AM", "Mar 12 12:00 AM", "Mar 13 12:00 AM", "Mar 14 12:00 AM", "Mar 15 12:00 AM", "Mar 16 12:00 AM", "Mar 17 12:00 AM", "Mar 18 12:00 AM", "Mar 19 12:00 AM", "Mar 20 12:00 AM", "Mar 21 12:00 AM", "Mar 22 12:00 AM", "Mar 23 12:00 AM", "Mar 24 12:00 AM", "Mar 25 12:00 AM", "Mar 26 12:00 AM", "Mar 27 12:00 AM", "Mar 28 12:00 AM", "Mar 29 12:00 AM", "Mar 30 12:00 AM", "Mar 31 12:00 AM", "Apr 1 12:00 AM", "Apr 2 12:00 AM", "Apr 3 12:00 AM", "Apr 4 12:00 AM", "Apr 5 12:00 AM", "Apr 6 12:00 AM", "Apr 7 12:00 AM", "Apr 8 12:00 AM", "Apr 9 12:00 AM", "Apr 10 12:00 AM", "Apr 11 12:00 AM", "Apr 12 12:00 AM", "Apr 13 12:00 AM", "Apr 14 12:00 AM", "Apr 15 12:00 AM", "Apr 16 12:00 AM", "Apr 17 12:00 AM", "Apr 18 12:00 AM", "Apr 19 12:00 AM", "Apr 20 12:00 AM", "Apr 22 12:00 AM", "Apr 23 12:00 AM", "Apr 24 12:00 AM", "Apr 25 12:00 AM", "Apr 26 12:00 AM", "Apr 27 12:00 AM", "Apr 28 12:00 AM", "Apr 29 12:00 AM", "Apr 30 12:00 AM", "May 1 12:00 AM", "May 2 12:00 AM", "May 3 12:00 AM", "May 4 12:00 AM", "May 5 12:00 AM", "May 6 12:00 AM", "May 7 12:00 AM", "May 8 12:00 AM", "May 9 12:00 AM", "May 10 12:00 AM", "May 11 12:00 AM", "May 12 12:00 AM", "May 13 12:00 AM", "May 14 12:00 AM", "May 15 12:00 AM", "May 16 12:00 AM", "May 17 12:00 AM", "May 18 12:00 AM", "May 19 12:00 AM", "May 20 12:00 AM", "May 21 12:00 AM", "May 22 12:00 AM", "May 23 12:00 AM", "May 24 12:00 AM", "May 25 12:00 AM", "May 26 12:00 AM", "May 27 12:00 AM", "May 28 12:00 AM", "May 29 12:00 AM", "May 30 12:00 AM", "May 31 12:00 AM", "Jun 1 12:00 AM", "Jun 2 12:00 AM", "Jun 3 12:00 AM", "Jun 4 12:00 AM", "Jun 5 12:00 AM", "Jun 6 12:00 AM", "Jun 7 12:00 AM", "Jun 8 12:00 AM", "Jun 9 12:00 AM", "Jun 10 12:00 AM", "Jun 11 12:00 AM", "Jun 12 12:00 AM", "Jun 13 12:00 AM", "Jun 14 12:00 AM", "Fri 12:00 AM", "Sat 12:00 AM", "Sun 12:00 AM", "Mon 12:00 AM", "yst 12:00 AM", "12:00 AM"],
datasets: [{
label: 'Answered Percentage',
backgroundColor: window.chartColors.red,
borderColor: window.chartColors.red,
data: ["90.0229", "90.0027", "89.9802", "89.9748", "89.9868", "89.9923", "89.9685", "89.9861", "90.0081", "89.9973", "89.9849", "90.0006", "89.9790", "89.9817", "89.9911", "89.9979", "90.0127", "90.0040", "90.0019", "90.0069", "89.9896", "89.9731", "89.9829", "89.9804", "89.9781", "89.9643", "89.9741", "89.9783", "89.9808", "89.9760", "89.9895", "90.0025", "90.0084", "89.9738", "89.9727", "90.0107", "90.0017", "90.0162", "90.0069", "90.0036", "90.0080", "90.0120", "90.0086", "90.0099", "90.0004", "90.0032", "89.9888", "89.9899", "89.9688", "89.9671", "89.9620", "89.9778", "89.9668", "89.9790", "89.9968", "90.0233", "90.0313", "90.0419", "90.0261", "90.0170", "90.0119", "90.0255", "90.0359", "90.0234", "90.0302", "90.0006", "90.0009", "89.9923", "89.9883", "90.0026", "90.0047", "89.9938", "90.0006", "89.9940", "89.9750", "89.9927", "90.0197", "90.0032", "90.0248", "90.0182", "90.0248", "90.0349", "90.0272", "90.0409", "90.0289", "90.0345", "90.0425", "90.0421", "90.0376", "90.0264", "90.0095", "89.9877", "89.9987", "89.9850", "89.9815", "89.9815", "89.9681", "89.9765", "89.9815", "89.9830", "89.9776"],
fill: false
options: {
title: {
display: true,
text: 'Answered percentage in recent months'
scales: {
xAxes: [{
display: true,
scaleLabel: {
display: true,
labelString: 'Date'
yAxes: [{
display: true,
scaleLabel: {
display: true,
labelString: 'Percentage'
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var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
window.myLine = new Chart(ctx, config);
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