You are given an array of characters arr that consists of sequences of characters separated by space characters. Each space-delimited sequence of characters defines a word.
Implement a function reverseWords that reverses the order of the words in the array in the most efficient manner.
Explain your solution and analyze its time and space complexities.
input: arr = [ 'p', 'e', 'r', 'f', 'e', 'c', 't', ' ',
'm', 'a', 'k', 'e', 's', ' ',
'p', 'r', 'a', 'c', 't', 'i', 'c', 'e' ]
output: [ 'p', 'r', 'a', 'c', 't', 'i', 'c', 'e', ' ',
'm', 'a', 'k', 'e', 's', ' ',
'p', 'e', 'r', 'f', 'e', 'c', 't' ]
[time limit] 5000ms
[input] array.character arr
0 ≤ arr.length ≤ 100
[output] array.character
My approach:
import java.util.*;
class Solution {
static void reverseAword(char [] arr, int start, int end)
int len = end - start + 1;
for( int i = start, j = end; i < len/2; i++,j-- )
char temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[j];
arr[j] = temp;
static char[] reverseWords(char[] arr) {
// your code goes here
int len = arr.length;
//Reverse the complete sentence
reverseAword(arr,0,len - 1);
int start = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < len; i++)
//If there is a space, reverse the word from start till index - 1( before ' ')
if( arr[i] == ' ' )
if( start == 0 )
reverseAword(arr,start,i - 1);
start = 0;
else if( i == len - 1)
if( start != 0)
reverseAword(arr, start,i);
if( start == 0)
start = i;
return arr;
public static void main(String[] args) {
char[] c1 = {' ', ' '};
c1 = reverseWords(c1);
I have the following questions with respect to the above code:
1) How can I further improve the time and space complexity?
2) Can this problem be solved using a smarter way?
3) Are there too many redundant variables that we are better off with?