
Continuing where I left off previously to solve the problem described here, I've now solved the same using dynamic programming (following Tikhon Jelvis blog on DP).

To refresh, the challenge is to find a sequence in which to burst a row of balloons that will earn the maximum number of coins. Each time balloon \$i\$ is burst, we earn \$C_{i-1} \cdot C_i \cdot C_{i+1}\$ coins, then balloons \$i-1\$ and \$i+1\$ become adjacent to each other.

import qualified Data.Array as Array

burstDP :: [Int] -> Int
burstDP l = go 1 len
    go left right | left <= right = maximum [ds Array.! (left, k-1)
                                            + ds Array.! (k+1, right)
                                            + b (left-1)*b k*b (right+1) | k <- [left..right]]
                  | otherwise    = 0
    len = length l
    ds = Array.listArray bounds
           [go m n | (m, n) <- Array.range bounds]
    bounds = ((0,0), (len+1, len+1))
    l' = Array.listArray (0, len-1) l
    b i = if i == 0 || i == len+1 then 1 else l' Array.! (i-1)

I'm looking for:

  1. Correctness
  2. Program structure
  3. Idiomatic Haskell
  4. Any other higher order functions that can be used
  5. Other optimizations that can be done
  • \$\begingroup\$ This code isn't complete. What's Array? \$\endgroup\$
    – Zeta
    Commented May 24, 2018 at 17:36
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Zeta Data.Array imported from the array package \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 25, 2018 at 16:55

1 Answer 1


Your use of Array for memoization can be extracted into array-memoize.

If one can stop instead of having negative balloons decrease score, go can be condensed into one case.

import Data.Function.ArrayMemoize (arrayMemoFix)
import Data.Array ((!), listArray)

burstDP :: [Int] -> Int
burstDP l = arrayMemoFix ((0,0), (len+1, len+1)) go (1, len) where
  go ds (left, right) = maximum $ 0 :
    [ds (left, k-1) + ds (k+1, right) + b (left-1)*b k*b (right+1) | k <- [left..right]]
  b = (!) $ listArray (0, len+1) (1 : l ++ [1])
  len = length l

If you don't care too much about performance, we can also memoize directly on the balloon list:

burstDP :: [Int] -> Int
burstDP = memoFix3 go 1 1 where go ds l r b = maximum
  [ ds left l x + ds right x r + l*x*r
  | (left, x:right) <- zip (inits b) (tails b)

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