Continuing where I left off previously to solve the problem described here, I've now solved the same using dynamic programming (following Tikhon Jelvis blog on DP).
To refresh, the challenge is to find a sequence in which to burst a row of balloons that will earn the maximum number of coins. Each time balloon \$i\$ is burst, we earn \$C_{i-1} \cdot C_i \cdot C_{i+1}\$ coins, then balloons \$i-1\$ and \$i+1\$ become adjacent to each other.
import qualified Data.Array as Array
burstDP :: [Int] -> Int
burstDP l = go 1 len
go left right | left <= right = maximum [ds Array.! (left, k-1)
+ ds Array.! (k+1, right)
+ b (left-1)*b k*b (right+1) | k <- [left..right]]
| otherwise = 0
len = length l
ds = Array.listArray bounds
[go m n | (m, n) <- Array.range bounds]
bounds = ((0,0), (len+1, len+1))
l' = Array.listArray (0, len-1) l
b i = if i == 0 || i == len+1 then 1 else l' Array.! (i-1)
I'm looking for:
- Correctness
- Program structure
- Idiomatic Haskell
- Any other higher order functions that can be used
- Other optimizations that can be done
? \$\endgroup\$