My first python program top to bottom used for work.
First it converts units from imperial to metric and vice versa, then adds the dimensions to a shipment and prints the shipment. When you do a new conversion/addition it adds it to the shipment so I can see what the final shipment is.
I have already done some pythonification of the code but I know it's far from optimal. Please share your advice in how to improve it.
Edit removed brackets around lists when checking 'in'.
import sys
import re
counter = 0
shpmnt = {}
volumes = {}
weights = {}
while True:
#list of words to exit the program
escape_word = ["exit", "q", "x", "quit", "escape", "no", "n"]
#list of words to initiate volume calculation
volume_calc = ["v", "vol", "volume"]
#list of conversion factors
k_to_l = float(2.2046226218)
l_to_k = float(0.45359237)
c_to_i = float(0.393701)
i_to_c = float(2.54)
f3_to_m3 = float(0.0283168)
i3_to_m3 = float(0.000016387064)
c3_to_m3 = float(0.000001)
i3_to_f3 = float(0.000578704)
#initial input of conversion #
num = input("\nEnter number to convert including unit"\
"\nor v to calculate the last entries volume\n")
#counter for each carton
counter += 1
#determines the action to be taken on input
if num in escape_word:
if num in volume_calc:
total, volumes = vol_calc(volumes, results_list, counter)
print(f'{total} m3')
if not num:
print("Enter something")
#finds continuous digits
regex_num = re.findall(r'[\d\.\d]+', num)
#finds the units by extracting letters only
unit_reg ='[a-zA-Z]', num)
#adds the units to a variable for unit
if unit_reg:
unit =
if not unit_reg:
#the list of digits entered and extracted above
num_list = [float(i) for i in regex_num]
#function that determines the unit then determines the conversion
#required to turn it into the opposite unit
def unit_finder(num, unit):
#list of unit different ways of spelling each
kilos = ["kgs", "k", "kg"]
pounds = ["lbs", "l", "lb", "pounds"]
centimeters = ["cm", "c", "centimeters"]
inches = ["in", "i", '"']
#assigns the conversion factor and unit to variables to be
#called later on
if unit in kilos:
unit = "kgs"
unit_convert = k_to_l
return_unit = "lbs"
if unit in pounds:
unit = "lbs"
unit_convert = l_to_k
return_unit = "kgs"
if unit in centimeters:
unit = "cms"
unit_convert = c_to_i
return_unit = "inch"
if unit in inches:
unit = "inches"
unit_convert = i_to_c
return_unit = "cms"
#returns the variable with the correct factor, unit and the converted unit
return return_unit, unit_convert, unit
#function that does the conversion math then adds each converted
#number to a new list
def calc(return_unit, unit_convert, unit, num_list):
for i in range(len(num_list)):
results_list.append(round(float(num_list[i] * unit_convert), 1))
return return_unit, unit, results_list
#calculates the volume and adds it to a dictionary with carton
#identifier as the key
def vol_calc(volumes, results_list, counter):
total = 1
for i in range(0, len(results_list)):
total *= results_list[i]
total = round(total/1000000, 2)
return total, volumes
#takes the results list and adds it to a dictionary with carton
#identifier as the key
def add_to_shpmnt(shpmnt, results_list, counter):
return shpmnt
#function that updates all the ditionaries with the newest
def cont_prompt_a(shpmnt, volumes, results_list, counter):
shpmnt = add_to_shpmnt(shpmnt, results_list, counter)
total, volumes = vol_calc(volumes, results_list, counter)
return shpmnt, volumes
#call to function for conversion and unit finder
return_unit, unit_convert, unit = unit_finder(num_list, unit)
return_unit, unit, results_list = calc(return_unit, unit_convert, unit, num_list)
#prints the conversion results
for i in range(len(results_list)):
print(f'{num_list[i]} {unit} is {results_list[i]} {return_unit}')
#call to function to add all values to dictionaries
shpmnt, volumes = cont_prompt_a(shpmnt, volumes, \
results_list, counter)
#add weight value to a new dictionary
weight = input("\nEnter the weight: ")
if not weight:
if weight in escape_word:
#prints all the dictionaries in a organized fashion
for key, value in shpmnt.items():
print(f'\n\tCarton #: {key}')
print(f'\tVolume: {volumes[key]} m3')
if weights:
print(f'\tWeight: {weights[key]} lbs')
print(f'\tDims: {shpmnt[key]} cm')