I would like some feedback regarding my doubly linked list implementation in C++. I have been programming in C++ for about a year and a half and consider myself fairly proficient in the language.
I know someone will say something about it, so I'm going to get it out of the way: Yes, I did use raw pointers for my implementation. I know about smart pointers, and I agree that they are the best choice in almost all situations. However, my goal here was to create a low-level data structure that is as time and space-efficient as possible. I used Valgrind to test my code for memory leaks and found absolutely none, even when working with lists composed of millions of nodes.
I would especially like feedback concerning good design principles, any additional functions I should add, and how I can use features of C++14 and C++17 to improve my implementation (yes, I know about std::list
). Of course, if anyone finds bugs in the code, I would like to know that, too!
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <new>
template<typename T> class DLinkedList; // forward declaration
template<typename T>
struct DNode
T val;
DNode<T> *next, *prev;
void *operator new(std::size_t size)
return ::operator new(size);
void operator delete(void *ptr) noexcept
::operator delete(ptr);
friend class DLinkedList<T>;
explicit DNode(T val = {}, DNode<T> *next = nullptr, DNode<T> *prev = nullptr)
: val(val), next(next), prev(prev) {}
template<typename T>
class DLinkedList
DNode<T> *head;
DNode<T> *tail;
bool srtd; // the list is guaranteed to be sorted if true
std::size_t sz; // size of the list
void mergesort(DNode<T> *&head_ref, std::size_t size);
DNode<T> *merge(DNode<T> *head_left, DNode<T> *head_right, std::size_t right_size);
explicit DLinkedList(std::size_t num_elems = 0, const T &val = {});
DLinkedList(const DLinkedList<T> &other); // copy constructor
DLinkedList(std::initializer_list<T> li); // initializer list constructor
~DLinkedList() { delete_list(); }
DLinkedList<T>& operator=(const DLinkedList<T> &other); // copy assignment
inline bool empty() const { return !head; } // is the list empty?
inline bool sorted() const { return srtd; } // is the list sorted?
void insert_before(DNode<T> *node, const T &val);
void insert_after(DNode<T> *node, const T &val);
void delete_node(DNode<T> *&node);
void delete_list();
inline void push_front(const T &val) { insert_before(head, val); } // add node to front
inline void pop_front() { auto node = head; delete_node(node); } // remove node from front
inline void push_back(const T &val) { insert_after(tail, val); } // add node to back
inline void pop_back() { auto node = tail; delete_node(node); } // remove node from back
DNode<T>* search_from_front(const T &val) const;
DNode<T>* search_from_back(const T &val) const;
std::size_t count(const T &val) const;
inline std::size_t size() const { return sz; } // how many nodes in the list?
void sort();
void print_list(const char *delim = " ") const;
/* General constructor: can be used to create a list with
any number of nodes, all with the same value. */
template<typename T>
DLinkedList<T>::DLinkedList(std::size_t num_elems, const T &val)
: head(nullptr), tail(nullptr), srtd(num_elems <= 1), sz(0)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_elems; ++i)
/* Copy constructor: create a list as a copy of another. */
template<typename T>
DLinkedList<T>::DLinkedList(const DLinkedList<T> &other)
: head(nullptr), tail(nullptr), sz(0)
auto node = other.head;
while (node)
node = node->next;
srtd = other.srtd;
/* Initializer list constructor: create a list from an initializer list. */
template<typename T>
DLinkedList<T>::DLinkedList(std::initializer_list<T> li)
: head(nullptr), tail(nullptr), sz(0)
for (const auto &x : li)
/* Copy assignment: assign a list to another list by copying it. */
template<typename T>
DLinkedList<T>& DLinkedList<T>::operator=(const DLinkedList<T> &other)
if (&other == this)
return *this;
std::size_t this_size = sz, new_size = other.sz;
auto node = head;
auto node_other = other.head;
while (this_size <= new_size ? node : node_other) // copy the values up to the smaller size
node->val = node_other->val;
node = node->next;
node_other = node_other->next;
if (this_size < new_size) // current list size is less than or equal to new list size
while (node_other)
node_other = node_other->next;
if (this_size > new_size) // current list is larger than the new list
std::size_t size_diff = this_size - new_size;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size_diff; ++i)
srtd = other.srtd;
return *this;
/* Insert before a node in the list. */
template<typename T>
void DLinkedList<T>::insert_before(DNode<T> *node, const T &val)
if (empty()) // empty list
if (node == head)
head = tail = new DNode<T>(val);
sz = 1;
throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid node pointer.");
if (!node)
throw std::invalid_argument("Non-empty list pointer can't be null.");
srtd = false;
auto new_node = new DNode<T>(val, node, node->prev);
node->prev = new_node;
if (node == head) // insert at front of list
head = new_node;
new_node->prev->next = new_node;
/* Insert after a node in the list. */
template<typename T>
void DLinkedList<T>::insert_after(DNode<T> *node, const T &val)
if (empty()) // empty list
if (node == tail)
head = tail = new DNode<T>(val);
sz = 1;
throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid node pointer.");
if (!node)
throw std::invalid_argument("Non-empty list pointer can't be null.");
srtd = false;
auto new_node = new DNode<T>(val, node->next, node);
node->next = new_node;
if (node == tail) // insert at back of list
tail = new_node;
new_node->next->prev = new_node;
/* Delete a node from the list. */
template<typename T>
void DLinkedList<T>::delete_node(DNode<T> *&node)
if (empty())
throw std::out_of_range("Can't delete from empty list.");
if (!node)
throw std::invalid_argument("Can't delete null pointer.");
if (node == head && node == tail) // list has one element
head = tail = nullptr;
delete node;
node = nullptr;
if (node == head) // delete first element
head = node->next;
node->next->prev = nullptr;
delete node;
node = nullptr;
if (node == tail) // delete last element
tail = node->prev;
node->prev->next = nullptr;
delete node;
node = nullptr;
node->next->prev = node->prev; // multi-element list where p is not the head or tail
node->prev->next = node->next;
delete node;
node = nullptr;
/* Delete every node in the list. */
template<typename T>
void DLinkedList<T>::delete_list()
auto node = head;
while (node)
auto current = node;
node = node->next;
head = nullptr;
tail = nullptr;
srtd = true; // an empty list is sorted
/* Search for a particular value in the list, starting
from the front. */
template<typename T>
DNode<T>* DLinkedList<T>::search_from_front(const T &val) const
auto node = head;
while (node)
if (node->val == val)
node = node->next;
return node;
/* Search for a particular value in the list, starting
from the back. */
template<typename T>
DNode<T>* DLinkedList<T>::search_from_back(const T &val) const
auto node = tail;
while (node)
if (node->val == val)
node = node->prev;
return node;
/* Count the number of occurrences of a particular
item in the list. */
template<typename T>
std::size_t DLinkedList<T>::count(const T &val) const
std::size_t num = 0;
auto node = head;
while (node)
if (node->val == val)
node = node->next;
return num;
/* Sorts a list in ascending order. */
template<typename T>
void DLinkedList<T>::sort()
if (srtd) // don't sort a sorted list
mergesort(head, sz); // sort the entire list
srtd = true;
/* Mergesort implementation for a linked list. Splits the
list in half by declaring pointers to the head node and
to a node halfway down the list. Recursively sorts
the two halves, then merges the two halves using the
merge function. */
template<typename T>
void DLinkedList<T>::mergesort(DNode<T> *&head_ref, std::size_t size)
if (size <= 1) // already sorted
auto head_left = head_ref;
auto head_right = head_ref;
std::size_t split = size / 2;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < split; ++i) // split the list
head_right = head_right->next;
mergesort(head_left, split); // sort left half
mergesort(head_right, size - split); // sort right half
head_ref = merge(head_left, head_right, size - split); // merge the two halves
/* The merge function. Merges two sorted lists
in place by rearranging the next and prev pointers
of the nodes. */
template<typename T>
DNode<T>* DLinkedList<T>::merge(DNode<T> *head_left, DNode<T> *head_right, std::size_t right_size)
if (!head_left || !head_right)
return head_left;
auto new_left = head_left; // keep track of the leftmost node
/* Explanation of the following while loop conditions:
1. right_size keeps track of the number of unmerged nodes
in the right sublist. When right_size == 0, the last node
to be merged was in the right sublist and the sublists
have been merged.
2. If head_left == head_right, then all the nodes in the
left sublist have been merged. Since the right sublist is
already sorted, the merging is now complete. */
while(right_size && (head_left != head_right))
/* When the next node to be merged is from the
left sublist, simply move the head_left pointer
to the next node. */
if (head_left->val <= head_right->val)
head_left = head_left->next;
/* When the next node to be merged is from the
right sublist, put that node in front of the
node pointed to by head_left. */
auto current = head_right; // the node currently being moved
head_right = head_right->next; // point to the next node to be merged
// remove the node
current->prev->next = current->next;
if (current->next)
current->next->prev = current->prev;
else // last node in list
tail = current->prev;
// insert the node
current->prev = head_left->prev;
current->next = head_left;
if (head_left == new_left) // move in front of first node in left sublist
new_left = current;
if (head_left->prev)
head_left->prev->next = current;
head_left->prev = current;
return new_left; // update leftmost node pointer
/* Print the list with an optional delimiter. */
template<typename T>
void DLinkedList<T>::print_list(const char *delim) const
if (empty())
std::cout << "Can't print empty list." << std::endl;
auto node = head;
std::cout << node->val;
while (node->next)
node = node->next;
std::cout << delim << node->val;
std::cout << std::endl;
I will also include two drivers that I used to test the code.
#include "DLinkedList.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <chrono>
#include <iomanip>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
int main()
DLinkedList<int> list1;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
list1.push_back(i * 2);
auto loc_four = list1.search_from_front(4);
if (loc_four)
auto loc_six = list1.search_from_front(6);
if (loc_six)
cout << "Size of the list: " << list1.size() << endl;
auto loc_twelve = list1.search_from_front(12);
if (loc_twelve)
list1.insert_after(loc_twelve, 12);
cout << "Number of 12's: " << list1.count(12) << endl;
cout << "Size of empty list: " << list1.size() << endl;
DLinkedList<int> list2;
const int num_nodes = 10000000;
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 mt(rd());
std::uniform_int_distribution<> dist {0, num_nodes};
for (int i = 0; i < num_nodes; ++i)
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto stop = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli> time = stop - start;
cout << endl << "Time to sort " << num_nodes << " nodes: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3)
<< time.count() << " ms";
#include "DLinkedList.hpp"
int main()
DLinkedList<int> list1;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
auto list2 = list1;
DLinkedList<int> list3;
for (int i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
list2 = list3;
list3 = list2;
list3 = list1;
DLinkedList<int> list4 {1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15};
DLinkedList<int> list5(9, 37);