I wrote this simple SQLiteOpenHelper
in order to use in one database various tables containing String records (each record having a String identifier, and associated String fields.
When you create a table, you have to call the createTable method with a table name and its number of fields. Table fields are then created internally as _id
, ID
, ... according to the number of fields.
field (INTEGER) is the real primary key, but invisible for the user, who doesn't have to worry about it.
ID field (TEXT) is the visible primary key for the user (with a UNIQUE constraint on it).
Of course, the user of the class has to keep track of the indexes and the ID field for each record, for example with some ENUMs. He never has to provide the _id
field or space for it.
If the data contains other data types than String, you can also convert it to String before inserting new records and convert it back after reading records.
What do you think of it?
package com.example.bonux.pekislib_a;
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper;
import java.util.Arrays;
// Table fields are always _id, ID, DATA1, DATA2, DATA3, ... according to the number of fields specified at createTable
// _id field is the real primary key, but invisible for the user
// ID field is the visible primary key for the user (see UNIQUE constraint on ID field at createTable)
public class StringShelfDatabase extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
//region Constantes
private enum FIELDS {
_id(0), ID(1), DATA(2);
private int valueIndex;
FIELDS(int valueIndex) {
this.valueIndex = valueIndex;
public int INDEX() {
return valueIndex;
public int USER_INDEX() {
return INDEX() - 1;
} // visible Index for the user
private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 5;
private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "ssDB";
private final String NULL_STRING = "NULL@" + DATABASE_NAME; // String to use in case of null field
public StringShelfDatabase(Context context) {
super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase database) { // Tables are created only after calling createTable
// NOP
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase database, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
// NOP
public int getIdIndex() {
public String getFieldName(int fieldIndex) {
String ret;
if (fieldIndex == FIELDS.ID.USER_INDEX()) {
ret = FIELDS.ID.toString();
} else {
ret = FIELDS.DATA.toString() + String.valueOf(fieldIndex);
return ret;
public boolean tableExists(String tableName) {
final int COUNT_INDEX = 0;
SQLiteDatabase database;
Cursor cursor;
boolean ret;
database = this.getReadableDatabase();
cursor = database.rawQuery(sqlForTableExists(tableName), null);
cursor.moveToFirst(); // Never null cursor after rawQuery using sqlForTableExists
ret = (cursor.getInt(COUNT_INDEX) > 0);
cursor = null;
database = null;
return ret;
public void createTable(String tableName, int tableFieldsCount) {
SQLiteDatabase database;
database = this.getWritableDatabase();
database.execSQL(sqlForCreateTable(tableName, tableFieldsCount));
database = null;
public String[][] selectRows(String tableName, String whereCondition) {
SQLiteDatabase database;
Cursor cursor;
String[][] ret;
int rowCount;
int columnCount;
String fieldValue;
int i;
int j;
ret = null;
database = this.getReadableDatabase();
cursor = database.rawQuery(sqlForSelectRows(tableName, whereCondition), null);
if (cursor != null) {
rowCount = cursor.getCount();
if (rowCount > 0) {
columnCount = cursor.getColumnCount();
ret = new String[rowCount][columnCount - 1];
for (i = 0; i <= (rowCount - 1); i = i + 1) {
for (j = FIELDS.ID.INDEX(); j <= (columnCount - 1); j = j + 1) { // All fields except _id
fieldValue = cursor.getString(j);
if (fieldValue.equals(NULL_STRING)) {
fieldValue = null;
ret[i][j - 1] = fieldValue;
cursor = null;
database = null;
return ret;
public String[] selectRowById(String tableName, String idValue) {
String[][] stsa;
String[] ret;
stsa = selectRows(tableName, FIELDS.ID.toString() + " = '" + idValue + "'");
if (stsa != null) {
ret = stsa[0]; // One record only (see UNIQUE constraint on ID field)
stsa = null;
} else { // IdValue unknown in the table => Create an empty record in the table, with that IdValue
ret = new String[getTableFieldsCount(tableName) - 1]; // Don't count _id field
ret[FIELDS.ID.USER_INDEX()] = idValue;
insertOrReplaceRow(tableName, ret);
return ret;
public String selectFieldById(String tableName, String idValue, int fieldIndex) {
return selectRowById(tableName, idValue)[fieldIndex];
public void insertOrReplaceRows(String tableName, String[][] rows) {
SQLiteDatabase database;
int i;
database = this.getWritableDatabase();
if (rows != null) {
for (i = 0; i <= (rows.length - 1); i = i + 1) {
database.execSQL(sqlForInsertOrReplaceUserRow(tableName, rows[i]));
database = null;
public void insertOrReplaceRow(String tableName, String[] row) {
SQLiteDatabase database;
database = this.getWritableDatabase();
database.execSQL(sqlForInsertOrReplaceUserRow(tableName, row));
database = null;
public void insertOrReplaceRowById(String tableName, String idValue, String[] row) {
String[] sts;
sts = Arrays.copyOfRange(row, 0, row.length);
sts[FIELDS.ID.USER_INDEX()] = idValue;
insertOrReplaceRow(tableName, sts);
sts = null;
public void insertOrReplaceFieldById(String tableName, String idValue, int fieldIndex, String value) {
String[] sts;
sts = selectRowById(tableName, idValue);
sts[fieldIndex] = value;
insertOrReplaceRow(tableName, sts);
sts = null;
public void deleteRows(String tableName, String whereCondition) {
SQLiteDatabase database;
database = this.getWritableDatabase();
database.execSQL(sqlForDeleteRows(tableName, whereCondition));
database = null;
private int getTableFieldsCount(String tableName) {
SQLiteDatabase database;
Cursor cursor;
int ret;
database = this.getReadableDatabase();
cursor = database.rawQuery(sqlForGetTableFieldsCount(tableName), null);
ret = cursor.getColumnNames().length; // Never null cursor after using sqlForGetTableFieldsCount in rawQuery
cursor = null;
database = null;
return ret;
private String sqlForCreateTable(String tableName, int tableUserFieldsCount) {
String ret;
String fieldNamesAndTypes;
int j;
fieldNamesAndTypes = FIELDS._id.toString() + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "; // _id field
fieldNamesAndTypes = fieldNamesAndTypes + FIELDS.ID.toString() + " TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, "; // ID field
for (j = 1; j <= (tableUserFieldsCount - 1); j = j + 1) {
fieldNamesAndTypes = fieldNamesAndTypes + FIELDS.DATA.toString() + String.valueOf(j) + " TEXT"; // Fields DATA1, DATA2, DATA3, ...
if (j < (tableUserFieldsCount - 1)) {
fieldNamesAndTypes = fieldNamesAndTypes + ", ";
ret = "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " ( " + fieldNamesAndTypes + " )";
return ret;
private String sqlForSelectRows(String tableName, String whereCondition) {
String ret;
ret = "SELECT * FROM " + tableName;
if (whereCondition != null) {
ret = ret + " WHERE " + whereCondition;
return ret;
private String sqlForInsertOrReplaceUserRow(String tableName, String[] userRow) { // Works because of UNIQUE constraint on ID field
String ret;
String fieldNames;
String fieldValues;
String fieldValue;
int j;
fieldNames = FIELDS.ID.toString() + ", "; // ID field (No need to worry about _id field)
fieldValues = "'" + userRow[FIELDS.ID.USER_INDEX()] + "', ";
for (j = FIELDS.DATA.USER_INDEX(); j <= (userRow.length - 1); j = j + 1) { // Fields DATA1, DATA2, DATA3, ...
fieldNames = fieldNames + FIELDS.DATA.toString() + String.valueOf(j);
fieldValue = userRow[j];
if (fieldValue == null) {
fieldValue = NULL_STRING;
fieldValues = fieldValues + "'" + fieldValue + "'";
if (j < (userRow.length - 1)) {
fieldNames = fieldNames + ", ";
fieldValues = fieldValues + ", ";
ret = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + tableName + " ( " + fieldNames + " )" + " VALUES (" + fieldValues + ")";
return ret;
private String sqlForDeleteRows(String tableName, String whereCondition) {
String ret;
ret = "DELETE FROM " + tableName;
if (whereCondition != null) {
ret = ret + " WHERE " + whereCondition;
return ret;
private String sqlForTableExists(String tableName) {
return "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE ((name = '" + tableName + "') AND (type = 'table'))"; // Never null cursor after using this SQL in rawQuery
private String sqlForGetTableFieldsCount(String tableName) {
return "SELECT * FROM " + tableName + " LIMIT 0"; // Never null cursor after using this SQL in rawQuery