
I have a form with two date (in format "YYYY-MM-DD") input fields 'Invoice sent'/'Payment received' and each of them has two checkboxes "pending"/"obsolete".

If one of the checkboxes is clicked, then the input field should be filled with '1111-11-11' or '0000-00-00' and the sibling checkboxes should be disabled.

This code works so far and does exactly that.

  var invoice_sent = $(".invoice-sent").val();
  var payment_received = $(".payment-received").val();
  if (invoice_sent == '1111-11-11') {
  if (invoice_sent == '0000-00-00') {
  if (payment_received == '1111-11-11') {
  if (payment_received == '0000-00-00') {

function toggle_checkbox() {
  if($('input.invoice-obsolete').prop('checked')) {
    $("input.invoice-pending").attr("disabled", true);
    $("input.invoice-sent").attr("disabled", true);

  if($('input.invoice-pending').prop('checked')) {
    $("input.invoice-obsolete").attr("disabled", true);
    $("input.invoice-sent").attr("disabled", true);

  if(! $('input.invoice-obsolete').prop('checked')) {

  if(! $('input.invoice-pending').prop('checked')) {

  if ( (! $("input.invoice-pending").is(':checked')) && (! $("input.invoice-obsolete").is(':checked')) ) {
    $("input.invoice-sent").attr("disabled", false);

  if($('input.payment-obsolete').prop('checked')) {
    $("input.payment-pending").attr("disabled", true);
    $("input.payment-received").attr("disabled", true);

  if($('input.payment-pending').prop('checked')) {
    $("input.payment-obsolete").attr("disabled", true);
    $("input.payment-received").attr("disabled", true);

  if(! $('input.payment-obsolete').prop('checked')) {

  if(! $('input.payment-pending').prop('checked')) {

  if ( (! $("input.payment-pending").is(':checked')) && (! $("input.payment-obsolete").is(':checked')) ) {
    $("input.payment-received").attr("disabled", false);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

  <label for="form-horizontal-text">Invoice sent</label>
  <input placeholder="YYYY-MM-DD" class="invoice-sent" type="text" name="job[invoice_sent]" id="job_invoice_sent" readonly="readonly">
    <input name="job[invoice_sent_checkbox]" type="hidden" value="0"><input class="invoice-obsolete" type="checkbox" value="1" name="job[invoice_sent_checkbox]" id="job_invoice_sent_checkbox"> 
    <span class="invoice-sent">obsolete</span>
    <input name="job[invoice_sent_checkbox]" type="hidden" value="0"><input class="invoice-obsolete" type="checkbox" value="1" name="job[invoice_sent_checkbox]" id="job_invoice_sent_checkbox" disabled=""> 

  <label for="form-horizontal-text">Payment received</label>
  <input placeholder="YYYY-MM-DD" class="payment-received" type="text" name="job[payment_received]" id="job_payment_received" readonly="readonly">
    <input name="job[payment_received_checkbox]" type="hidden" value="0"><input class="payment-obsolete" type="checkbox" value="1" name="job[payment_received_checkbox]" id="job_payment_received_checkbox"> 
    <span class="invoice-sent">obsolete</span>
    <input name="job[payment_received_checkbox]" type="hidden" value="0"><input class="payment-pending" type="checkbox" value="1" name="job[payment_received_checkbox]" id="job_payment_received_checkbox"> 

How can I refactor the code, so that I avoid unnecessary duplication?


1 Answer 1


There seem to be some bugs in the code:

  • JS code mentions input.invoice-pending, but there is no such element.
  • id attribute values should be unique on page.
  • name attribute values should also be unique within a form.

Suggestions for refactoring:

  • There are two parts with similar behavior: one for invoice, one for payment. Instead of prefixing each class name with invoice- or payment-, assign that class to the containing div and drop the prefix from elements inside:

    <div class="invoice">
        <input class="date" />
        <input class="obsolete" />
        <input class="pending" />
    <div class="payment">
        <input class="date" />
        <input class="obsolete" />
        <input class="pending" />

    Then you can create a generic function for handling both parts of the form:

    function initForm($container) {

    And then call it for both parts:

  • Instead of always performing a query like $('input.invoice-pending'), you can store the result to a variable and then use the variable:

    // Use plural form to show that we select multiple elements
    var $obsoleteInvoices = $('input.invoice-obsolete');

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