
I've implemented a stack using a singly linked list and would like to know if there are any things I could improve on.



#include <iostream>

class Node
    Node() : data(0), next(nullptr) {}
    Node(int theData, Node *newPtrToNext)
        : data(theData), next(newPtrToNext) {}
    Node* getNext() const { return next; }
    int getData() const { return data; }
    void setData(int theData) { data = theData; }
    void setNext(Node *newPtrToNext)
        next = newPtrToNext;
    ~Node() {}
    int data;
    Node *next;

class StackList
    //default constructor

    //copy constructor
    StackList(const StackList& otherStack);

    //overloaded assignment operator
    StackList& operator=(const StackList& otherStack);

    void destroyStack();


    int size() const;

    void push(int newVal);

    void pop();

    int top() const;

    bool empty() const;

    Node * topOfStack;
    int count;



#include "StackList.h"

//default constructor
    topOfStack = nullptr;
    count = 0;

//copy constructor
StackList::StackList(const StackList& otherStack)
    Node* temp = otherStack.topOfStack;
    topOfStack = new Node(temp->getData(), nullptr);
    Node * prev = topOfStack;
    temp = temp->getNext();

    while (temp != nullptr)
        Node * current = new Node(temp->getData(), nullptr);
        prev = prev->getNext();
        temp = temp->getNext();
    count = otherStack.count;

//overloaded assignment operator
StackList& StackList::operator=(const StackList& otherStack)
    if (&otherStack != this)
        Node* temp = otherStack.topOfStack;
        topOfStack = new Node(temp->getData(), nullptr);
        Node * prev = topOfStack;
        temp = temp->getNext();

        while (temp != nullptr)
            Node * current = new Node(temp->getData(), nullptr);
            prev = prev->getNext();
            temp = temp->getNext();
        count = otherStack.count;
        std::cerr << "Error. Attempted assignment to itself." << std::endl;

    return *this;

void StackList::destroyStack()
    Node  *temp = topOfStack;

    while (topOfStack != nullptr)
        topOfStack = topOfStack->getNext();
        delete temp;
        temp = topOfStack;

    count = 0;


int StackList::size() const
    return count;

void StackList::push(int newVal)
    topOfStack = new Node(newVal, topOfStack);

int StackList::top() const
    return topOfStack->getData();

void StackList::pop()
    if (topOfStack != nullptr)
        Node * temp = topOfStack;
        topOfStack = topOfStack->getNext();
        delete temp;
        std::cerr << "Stack is empty. No value to pop." << std::endl;

bool StackList::empty() const
    return count == 0;

1 Answer 1

  • This only works with int. Did you consider taking a template parameter so it can work with other types too?

  • Don't compare to nullptr. Instead use if (node) or if (!node).

  • You're very inconsistent with how you declare pointers. You have
    Node* foo, Node * foo and Node *foo. Generally in C++ this is seen as part of the type so you should prefer the first variant.

  • You're using a member initialization list for Node but not for StackList. Why?

  • Prefer an early out when possible to avoid the build-up of arrow code.

  • Prefer prefix (++foo) over postfix (foo++) operator

  • Your comments add nothing to the code and can be removed.

  • Opinion based but you should not omit braces as it can lead to hard to find bugs.

  • The destructor can be implemented in terms of pop().

  • Node should be part of StackList as no one outside the class needs to access it. You could also simplify it by making it a struct and directly accessing the members.

  • You're violating the rule of three/five/zero by having a destructor/copy assignment operator but no move constructor or operator.

  • Your copy constructor does too much work. You can just iterate over the passed list and push(). Same for your assignment operator, look into the copy and swap idiom.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Good criticism. Though I would add that auto also has many benefits. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 25, 2018 at 10:55
  • \$\begingroup\$ I would further consider to introduce a NodePtr type to replace the Node* variants. And suggest to use std::unique_ptr<T> if possible. \$\endgroup\$
    – moooeeeep
    Commented Apr 25, 2018 at 12:38
  • \$\begingroup\$ I personally prefer to see if (ptr != nullptr) as opposed to if (!ptr), could you explain your reasoning for your second comment? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 25, 2018 at 14:11
  • \$\begingroup\$ @musicman523 What is your reasoning for using the verbose version? Enhanced readability due to not missing the negation? If so just use if (not ptr). \$\endgroup\$
    – yuri
    Commented Apr 25, 2018 at 14:20
  • \$\begingroup\$ I guess I don't have a good reason, it's just what I've always done. To me it has been more clear because a pointer is not a boolean type and a conditional expression should result to a boolean \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 25, 2018 at 14:24

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