I am implementing the Dijkstra algorithm for a large graph (40k nodes, 100k arcs). For shorter paths the searchtime is under a second for larger ones (from one end to the other) it takes quite some minutes to do it. I am also drawing the path after the search, so I am using some Qt objects. How could I make it faster? I feel like I am losing time when I search the neighbors because of the map structure.
This is the class:
class PathFinder {
void findPath2(const Node & start, Node & finish);
static PathFinder& getInstance();
PathFinder(Gps gps);
unsigned int* getPrev() const;
void setPrev(unsigned int* prev);
QVector<unsigned int> makePath(int target);
GraphicNode* getTo();
GraphicNode* getFrom();
void setTo(GraphicNode* node);
void setFrom(GraphicNode* node);
class Compare
bool operator() (std::pair<Node*, int> a, std::pair<Node*, int> b)
return a.second > b.second;
static PathFinder* _pathfinder;
Gps _gps;
GraphicNode* _from;
GraphicNode* _to;
unsigned int* _prev;
unsigned int* _dist;
unsigned int _notVisited;
bool selectedNode = false;
Node* getMinNode();
bool hasNotVisited();
This is the search function:
void PathFinder::findPath2(const Node& start, Node& finish)
QVector<Node> nodes=_gps.graph().nodes();
std::priority_queue<std::pair<Node*,int>,std::vector<std::pair<Node*, int>>,Compare> q;
_dist[start.id()] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
std::pair<Node*, int> p = std::make_pair(const_cast<Node*>(&nodes.at(i)), _dist[i]);
while (!q.empty()) {
std::pair<Node*, int> top = q.top();
Node* minNode = top.first;
QMap<Node*, unsigned short> nextNodes = minNode->nextNodes();
if (*minNode == finish) {
int minNodeId = minNode->id();
for (QMap<Node*, unsigned short>::iterator iterator=nextNodes.begin(); iterator != nextNodes.end(); iterator++) {
Node* nextNode = iterator.key();
int altDist = _dist[minNodeId] + nextNodes.value(nextNode);
int nextNodeId = nextNode->id();
if (altDist < _dist[nextNodeId]) {
_dist[nextNodeId] = altDist;
_prev[nextNodeId] = minNodeId;
std::pair<Node*, int> p = std::make_pair(nextNode, _dist[nextNodeId]);
This is the structure of the node, it contains a map to its neighbors with the weight as the value (x and y are coordinates for drawing it later on, don't mind those):
class Node {
unsigned short _id;
double _y;
double _x;
QMap<Node*, unsigned short> _nextNodes;
bool _visited = false;
Node(unsigned short id, double longitude, double latitude);
unsigned short id() const;
double y() const;
void setY(double y);
double x() const;
void setX(double x);
bool operator==(const Node& other);
void addNextNode(Node* node, unsigned short length);
QMap<Node*, unsigned short> nextNodes() const;
(and so on)? \$\endgroup\$