This code challenge was part of a interview process I had applied for, and from which I was discarded after this test. I'd like to hear what other people have to say, hopefully in deeper detail.
The requirement was to build a rate calculation command-line application allowing borrowers to obtain a quote from a pool of lenders for 36 month loans.
A file containing a list of all the offers being made by the lenders within the system in CSV format will be provided. This file has three columns with header, 'Lender', 'Rate', 'Available', comma separated. The application should provide as low a rate to the borrower as is possible to ensure that the quotes are as competitive as they can be against our competitors.
It should also provide the borrower with the details of the monthly repayment amount and the total repayment amount. Repayment amounts should be displayed to 2 decimal places and the rate of the loan should be displayed to one decimal place. Borrowers should be able to request a loan of any £100 increment between £1000 and £15000 inclusive. If the market does not have sufficient offers from lenders to satisfy the loan then the system should inform the borrower that it is not possible to provide a quote at that time.
My code:
import domain.LenderOffer;
import interest.CompoundInterestCalculator;
import ratefinder.MultipleLendersRateFinder;
import ratefinder.RateFinder;
import result.ResultDisplay;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Optional;
import static csv.CsvReader.csvToLenderInfoList;
import static validation.InputValidator.validateArguments;
public class RateCalculatorApp {
private static RateFinder rateFinder = new MultipleLendersRateFinder();
public static void main(String[] args) {
Collection<LenderOffer> lenderOffers = csvToLenderInfoList(args[0]);
BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal(args[1]);
Optional<BigDecimal> rateOptional = rateFinder.findLowestRate(lenderOffers, amount);
if (rateOptional.isPresent()) {
CompoundInterestCalculator compoundInterestCalculator = new CompoundInterestCalculator(amount, rateOptional.get());
ResultDisplay resultDisplay = new ResultDisplay(amount, rateOptional.get(),
compoundInterestCalculator.getMonthlyRepayment(), compoundInterestCalculator.getTotalRepayment());
} else {
System.out.println("Is not possible to provide a quote at this time.");
package constants;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
public final class MathConstants {
* Scale to be used on dividing BigDecimals when precision matters
public static final int DIVISION_SCALE = 10;
* Rounding mode to be used on dividing BigDecimals when precision matters
public final static int ROUND_MODE = BigDecimal.ROUND_UP;
private MathConstants() {
package csv;
import domain.LenderOffer;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import static java.nio.file.Files.readAllLines;
import static java.nio.file.Paths.get;
import static;
public class CsvReader {
public static Collection<LenderOffer> csvToLenderInfoList(String marketFile) {
try {
List<String> marketDataEntriesAsStrings = readAllLines(get(marketFile));
return parseStringsToLenderInfo(marketDataEntriesAsStrings);
} catch (IOException e) {
// Needs proper exception handling/logging, depending on how we want to deal with such cases
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't read market data file", e);
private static Collection<LenderOffer> parseStringsToLenderInfo(List<String> marketDataEntriesAsStrings) {
return -> {
String[] lenderInfoAsArray = s.split(",");
BigDecimal rate = new BigDecimal(lenderInfoAsArray[1]);
BigDecimal available = new BigDecimal(lenderInfoAsArray[2]);
return new LenderOffer(rate, available);
package domain;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class LenderOffer {
private final BigDecimal rate;
private final BigDecimal available;
public LenderOffer(BigDecimal rate, BigDecimal available) {
this.rate = rate;
this.available = available;
public BigDecimal getRate() {
return rate;
public BigDecimal getAvailable() {
return available;
package interest;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import static constants.MathConstants.DIVISION_SCALE;
import static constants.MathConstants.ROUND_MODE;
import static java.math.BigDecimal.ONE;
import static java.math.BigDecimal.valueOf;
public class CompoundInterestCalculator {
private static final Integer DEFAULT_NUMBER_MONTHS = 36;
private final BigDecimal baseAmount;
private final BigDecimal annualInterestRatePerOne;
private final Integer months;
public CompoundInterestCalculator(BigDecimal baseAmount, BigDecimal annualInterestRatePerOne) {
this(baseAmount, annualInterestRatePerOne, DEFAULT_NUMBER_MONTHS);
public CompoundInterestCalculator(BigDecimal baseAmount, BigDecimal annualInterestRatePerOne, Integer months) {
this.baseAmount = baseAmount;
this.annualInterestRatePerOne = annualInterestRatePerOne;
this.months = months;
private BigDecimal calculateTotalRepayment() {
return ONE.add(annualInterestRatePerOne.divide(valueOf(12), DIVISION_SCALE, ROUND_MODE)).pow(months).multiply(baseAmount);
public BigDecimal getMonthlyRepayment() {
return calculateTotalRepayment().divide(valueOf(months), DIVISION_SCALE, ROUND_MODE);
public BigDecimal getTotalRepayment() {
return calculateTotalRepayment();
package ratefinder;
import domain.LenderOffer;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Optional;
public interface RateFinder {
* Find the lowest rate within the given offers that satisfies the specified amount
* @param lenderOffers the offer list containing rates and available amount
* @param amount the amount to be lent
* @return an optional with the found rate, empty if no matching quote can be provided
Optional<BigDecimal> findLowestRate(Collection<LenderOffer> lenderOffers, BigDecimal amount);
package ratefinder;
import domain.LenderOffer;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import static constants.MathConstants.DIVISION_SCALE;
import static constants.MathConstants.ROUND_MODE;
import static java.math.BigDecimal.ZERO;
public class MultipleLendersRateFinder implements RateFinder {
public Optional<BigDecimal> findLowestRate(Collection<LenderOffer> lenderOffers, BigDecimal amount) {
List<LenderOffer> lenderOfferList = getOffersAsSortedList(lenderOffers);
BigDecimal resultRate = ZERO;
BigDecimal cumulativeAmount = ZERO;
for (int i = 0; i < lenderOfferList.size() && cumulativeAmount.compareTo(amount) < 0; i++) {
LenderOffer lenderOffer = lenderOfferList.get(i);
BigDecimal amountToBeLentThisOffer = lenderOffer.getAvailable().min(amount.subtract(cumulativeAmount));
BigDecimal factorThisOffer = amountToBeLentThisOffer.divide(amount, DIVISION_SCALE, ROUND_MODE);
resultRate = resultRate.add(lenderOffer.getRate().multiply(factorThisOffer));
cumulativeAmount = cumulativeAmount.add(amountToBeLentThisOffer);
if (cumulativeAmount.compareTo(amount) < 0) {
return Optional.empty();
} else {
return Optional.of(resultRate);
private List<LenderOffer> getOffersAsSortedList(Collection<LenderOffer> lenderOffers) {
List<LenderOffer> lenderOfferList = new ArrayList<>(lenderOffers);
lenderOfferList.sort((o1, o2) -> o1.getRate().compareTo(o2.getRate()));
return lenderOfferList;
package ratefinder;
import domain.LenderOffer;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Optional;
public class SingleLenderRateFinder implements RateFinder {
public Optional<BigDecimal> findLowestRate(Collection<LenderOffer> lenderOffers, BigDecimal amount) {
.filter(lenderOffer -> lenderOffer.getAvailable().compareTo(amount) >= 0)
.sorted((o1, o2) -> o1.getRate().compareTo(o2.getRate()))
package result;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import static constants.MathConstants.ROUND_MODE;
public class ResultDisplay {
private final BigDecimal amount;
private final BigDecimal rate;
private final BigDecimal monthlyRepayment;
private final BigDecimal totalRepayment;
public ResultDisplay(BigDecimal amount, BigDecimal rate, BigDecimal monthlyRepayment, BigDecimal totalRepayment) {
this.amount = amount;
this.rate = rate;
this.monthlyRepayment = monthlyRepayment;
this.totalRepayment = totalRepayment;
public void display() {
System.out.println("Requested amount: £" + amount.setScale(0, ROUND_MODE));
System.out.println("Rate: " + rate.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(100)).setScale(1, ROUND_MODE) + "%");
System.out.println("Monthly repayment: £" + monthlyRepayment.setScale(2, ROUND_MODE));
System.out.println("Total repayment: £" + totalRepayment.setScale(2, ROUND_MODE));
package validation;
import java.util.Arrays;
import static java.nio.file.Files.exists;
import static java.nio.file.Paths.get;
public class InputValidator {
private static final int MINIMUM_AMOUNT = 1000;
private static final int MAXIMUM_AMOUNT = 15000;
private static final int FACTOR = 100;
public static void validateArguments(String[] args) {
private static void validateGotTwoArgs(String[] args) {
if (args.length != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("App needs two arguments. Given was: " + Arrays.toString(args));
private static void validateFileExists(String marketFileName) {
if (!exists(get(marketFileName))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't find market data file in given path: " + marketFileName);
private static void validateAmount(String amountAsString) {
Integer amount = Integer.valueOf(amountAsString);
private static void validateAmountIsANumber(String amountAsString) {
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given amount is not a number: " + amountAsString);
private static void validateAmountIsInRange(Integer amount) {
if (amount < MINIMUM_AMOUNT || amount > MAXIMUM_AMOUNT) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Amount must be within [" + MINIMUM_AMOUNT + ", " + MAXIMUM_AMOUNT + "], was: " + amount);
private static void validateAmountIsMultiple(Integer amount) {
if (amount % FACTOR != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Amount must be a multiple of " + FACTOR + ", was: " + amount);
I've omitted the test classes because that's already long enough, but I had 21 tests covering 70% of the code. I have two implementations of RateFinder
because I wasn't sure of whether the offers could needed to come from a single lender or could come from multiple, and didn't get an explanation before the deadline. The feedback I got from the company was:
SoC is not good. RateFinder is returning the rate, then the calculator is doing other calculations, but they should be together. RateFinder should return a set of lenders or something similar
overuse of static import, so much that it becomes a code smell
Results are far from expected
I don't know what they mean by "results are far from expected", and haven't get that answered. I am positive that the results are functionally right, so I assume it's about code quality. These two online calculators give the same result as my program: and
import static
statement should be used sparingly, and with consideration. For example, you've importedBigDecimal.valueOf
. I would discourage that. There are so many othervalueOf
methods (such asString.valueOf
, etc.) and calling justvalueOf(...)
in your code doesn't make it clear what the code is doing. Better to explicitly callBigDecimal.valueOf(...)
. So justimport java.math.BigDecimal;
instead of a static import. (Same withBigDecimal.ZERO
etc.) \$\endgroup\$