In current project I'm using a lot ReaderWriterLockSlim
for synchronizing reading and writing values. Handling try { EnterReadLock(); .... } finaly { ExitReadLock(); }
every time I need access value seems to me as copying code. So I created extension methods for ReaderWriterLockSlim
which makes me coding much easer and faster (and reusable i think).
However I would like know, if you found some disadvantages in the extension methods I missed or forgot. There are three extension methods:
ReadOnly<T>(this ReaderWriterLockSlim self, Func<T> readFunc) // calls EnterReadLock()
Read<T>(this ReaderWriterLockSlim self, Func<T> readFunc) // calls EnterUpgradeableReadLock()
Write(this ReaderWriterLockSlim self, Action writeAction) // calls EnterWriteLock()
Write<T>(this ReaderWriterLockSlim self, Func<T> writeAction) // calls EnterWriteLock()
There is code of ReadOnly<T>(...)
method. All methods looks similar.
public static T ReadOnly<T>(this ReaderWriterLockSlim self, Func<T> readFunc) {
if (object.ReferenceEquals(self, null)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("self"); }
if (object.ReferenceEquals(readFunc, null)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("readFunc"); }
T result;
// flag, if lock was entered
bool lockEntered = false;
try {
// I don't want the ThreadAbortException during claiming the lock
try {
lockEntered = true;
finally {
result = readFunc();
finally {
// I don't want the ThreadAbortException during releasing the lock
try {
if (lockEntered) {
finally {
return result;
, instead of taking a delegate. \$\endgroup\$