This is a small project that is intended to be an educational exercise in learning and consolidating basic syntax and concepts of C. It is a simple console-based implementation of TicTacToe which prints the game state on each turn and takes input accordingly. In each step, it checks if any player has won.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define WIDTH 3
#define MOVE_COUNT 8
const char *DIVIDER = "\n---+---+---\n";
const char *NUM_STR = "123456789";
const char EMPTY = ' ';
const char PLAYER1 = 'X';
const char PLAYER2 = 'O';
* The container of all the positions that must
* be occupied by a player to score a win.
const size_t WINNING_MOVES[MOVE_COUNT][3] = {
// Horizontal streaks
{0, 1, 2},
{3, 4, 5},
{6, 7, 8},
// Vertical streaks
{0, 3, 6},
{1, 4, 7},
{2, 5, 8},
// Diagonal streaks
{0, 4, 8},
{2, 4, 6}
typedef struct state_t {
char values[SIZE];
struct state_t *next;
} State;
* @return A new State with all blanks and navigation cleared.
State *new_state() {
State *state = malloc(sizeof(State));
for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
state->values[i] = EMPTY;
state->next = NULL;
* @param state The parent state.
* @param index The (free) position to mark.
* @param player The player which sill mark the cell.
* @return A new state from a parent with the requested
* position marked by the given player mark.
State *derive(State *state, size_t index, char player) {
state->next = new_state();
// Copy values
for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
state->next->values[i] = state->values[i];
state = state->next;
state->values[index] = player;
return state;
* Frees the space occupied by the given State and its
* successors.
* @param state The state to deallocate.
void free_state(State *state) {
if (state == NULL)
state->next = NULL;
* Pretty prints the given state with evenly spaced
* symbols and dividers and indices in place of blanks.
* @param state The state to be pretty-printed.
void print_state(State *state) {
for (size_t row = 0; row < WIDTH; ++row) {
if (row != 0) { printf(DIVIDER); }
for (size_t col = 0; col < WIDTH; ++col) {
if (col != 0) { printf("|"); }
int index = row * WIDTH + col;
char value = state->values[index];
printf(" %c ", (value == EMPTY ? NUM_STR[index] : value));
* @param player The player who's win to check.
* @param state The state to check for win in.
* @return true if the player has won.
bool has_won(char player, State *state) {
for (size_t move = 0; move < MOVE_COUNT; ++move) {
int count = 0;
for (size_t index = 0; index < WIDTH; ++index) {
size_t move_idx = WINNING_MOVES[move][index];
if (state->values[move_idx] == player) {
} else { // no point in checking any further for this move
if (count == WIDTH) {
printf("\n%c wins!!\n", player);
return true;
return false;
* Creates a new state from the given state using input
* provided by the human player.
* @param player The character designated to the human player.
* @param current The current state to move from.
* @return A new state based on the input given by the human player.
State *take_input(char player, State *current) {
printf("%c's turn!\n", player);
printf("\nEnter the position you want to mark : ");
size_t index;
scanf("%d", &index); // NOLINT
while (index < 1 || index > SIZE || current->values[index - 1] != EMPTY) {
printf("Invalid position! Try again : ");
scanf("%d", &index); // NOLINT
return derive(current, index - 1, player);
int main() {
State *state = new_state();
State *head = state;
char player = PLAYER1;
while (!has_won(PLAYER1, state) && !has_won(PLAYER2, state)) {
state = take_input(player, state);
// Change player
player = player == PLAYER1 ? PLAYER2 : PLAYER1;
return 0;
Suggestions on all aspects of the code are welcome. Including improving performance, increasing simplicity, finding critical errors, etc.
, at a minimum use; `-Wall -Wextra -Wconversion -Werror -pedantic -std=gnu11 ) \$\endgroup\$if (row != 0) { printf(DIVIDER); }
to find those leaks, then fix them \$\endgroup\$