I am taking a data structures course. I would like to check whether my BinaryTree
code is perfect, fine or has lots of mistakes.
I would like any kind of advice on this code so I can learn from my mistakes (syntax, techniques, style, etc...).
Note: This is not a binary search tree.
* @uniersity Saint Joseph's University
* @college College of Arts and Sciences
* @department Computer Science
* @course CSC 550: Object Oriented Design & Data Structures
package mih1406.csc550.trees;
import java.io.Serializable;
// To make life easier...
// <E extends Integer> to simplify it if any method requires Integer
// eg: getSum, countLessThan
public class BinaryTree<E extends Integer> implements Serializable {
// Inner Class
protected class Node<E extends Integer> implements Serializable {
protected E data;
protected Node<E> left;
protected Node<E> right;
public Node(E data) {
this.data = data;
left = null;
right = null;
public String toString() {
return data.toString();
// Data Fields
protected Node<E> root;
// Constructors
public BinaryTree() {
root = null;
protected BinaryTree(Node<E> root) {
this.root = root;
public BinaryTree(E data, BinaryTree<E> leftTree,
BinaryTree<E> rightTree) {
root = new Node(data);
if(leftTree == null || leftTree.root == null)
root.left = null;
root.left = leftTree.root;
if(rightTree == null || rightTree.root == null)
root.right = null;
root.right = rightTree.root;
// Methods
public BinaryTree<E> getLeftSubtree() {
if(root == null)
return new BinaryTree<E>(null);
return new BinaryTree<E>(root.left);
public BinaryTree<E> getRightSubtree() {
if(root == null)
return new BinaryTree<E>(null);
return new BinaryTree<E>(root.right);
public E getData() {
if(root == null)
return null;
return root.data;
public boolean isLeaf() {
if(root == null)
return false;
else {
if(root.left == null && root.right == null)
return true;
return false;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Pre-Order Traversal:\n");
preOrderTraversal(root, 1, sb);
sb.append("In-Order Traversal:\n");
inOrderTraversal(root, 1, sb);
sb.append("Post-Order Traversal:\n");
postOrderTraversal(root, 1, sb);
return sb.toString();
private void preOrderTraversal(Node<E> node, int depth,
StringBuilder sb) {
for(int i = 1; i < depth; i++)
if(node == null) {
preOrderTraversal(node.left, depth + 1, sb);
preOrderTraversal(node.right, depth + 1, sb);
private void inOrderTraversal(Node<E> node, int depth,
StringBuilder sb) {
if(node == null) {
for(int i = 1; i < depth; i++)
} else {
inOrderTraversal(node.left, depth + 1, sb);
for(int i = 1; i < depth; i++)
inOrderTraversal(node.right, depth + 1, sb);
private void postOrderTraversal(Node<E> node, int depth,
StringBuilder sb) {
if(node == null) {
for(int i = 1; i < depth; i++)
} else {
postOrderTraversal(node.left, depth + 1, sb);
postOrderTraversal(node.right, depth + 1, sb);
for(int i = 1; i < depth; i++)
// Gets the height of the tree
public int getHeight() {
return getHeight(root);
private int getHeight(Node<E> node) {
if(node == null)
return 0;
else {
int L = getHeight(node.left);
int R = getHeight(node.right);
return Math.max(L, R) + 1;
// Gets the sum of all nodes in the tree
public int getSum() {
return getSum(root);
private int getSum(Node<E> node) {
if(node == null)
return 0;
int S = node.data;
int L = getSum(node.left);
int R = getSum(node.right);
return S + L + R;
// Counts how many items less than the given target
public int countLessThan(E target) {
return countLessThan(root, target);
private int countLessThan(Node<E> node, E target) {
if(node == null)
return 0;
else {
int S = (node.data < target) ? 1 : 0;
// or int S = (node.data.compareTo(target) < 0) ? 1 : 0;
int L = countLessThan(node.left, target);
int R = countLessThan(node.right, target);
return S + L + R;
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Tests goes here of course :)
// The following methods *should* produce the same
// result as their identically named ones with the class
// BinaryTree, but they cannot access nodes directly
// Gets the sum of all nodes in the tree
public static int getSum(BinaryTree<Integer> T) {
if(T.getData() == null)
return 0;
int S = T.getData();
int L = getSum(T.getLeftSubtree());
int R = getSum(T.getRightSubtree());
return S + L + R;
// Counts how many items less than the given target
public static int countLessThan(BinaryTree<Integer> T, int target) {
if(T == null || T.getData() == null)
return 0;
else {
int S = (T.getData() < target) ? 1 : 0;
// or int S = (T.getData().compareTo(target) < 0) ? 1 : 0;
int L = countLessThan(T.getLeftSubtree(), target);
int R = countLessThan(T.getRightSubtree(), target);
return S + L + R;
(which isfinal
and doesn't make sense) -- it should be bounded byNumber
(public class BinaryTree<E extends Number>
) instead. Your inner class shouldn't need generics, if it does for some reason it shouldn't be hiding it (e.g.Node<T>
. \$\endgroup\$