
So, here's my code:

public class NList : SExp, IEnumerable<Object>
    private Object _car;
    private NList _cdr;

    IEnumerator<Object> IEnumerable<Object>.GetEnumerator()
        return new NListEnumerator(this);

    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        return new NListEnumerator(this);

    public object car ()
        return _car;

    public NList cdr ()
        return _cdr;

    public NList cons (object o)
        return new NList(o, this);

    public NList() // empty list


    public NList(List<Object> lst)
        if (lst.Count == 1)
            this._car = lst[0];
            this._cdr = null;
            this._car = lst[0];
            this._cdr = new NList(lst.GetRange(1, lst.Count - 1));

    public NList (Object fst)
        this._car = fst;
        this._cdr = null;

    public NList (Object fst, NList rst)
        this._car = fst;
        this._cdr = rst;

    public object Last()
        NList list = this;
        while(list.cdr() != null)
            list = list.cdr();
        return list.car();

    public int Count { get { return this.length(); } }

    public int length()
        if (this._car == null && this._cdr == null) return 0;
        NList list = this;
        int len = 1;
        while(list.cdr() != null)
            list = list.cdr();
        return len;

    public NList cddr()
        return this.cdr().cdr();

    public object cadr()
        return this.cdr().car();

    public object elm(int k)
        if(k == 0) return car();
        NList list = cdr();
        for(int i = 1; i < k; i++, list = list.cdr()) ;
        return list.car();

    public NList append(NList lst)
        NList lst1 = this;
        NList lst2 = lst;
        if (this._car == null && this._cdr == null)
            return lst2;
        foreach(var e in Reverse(lst1))
            lst2 = lst2.cons(e);
        return lst2;
        //return lst1.Aggregate(lst2, (NList acc, object b) => acc);

    public static NList Reverse(NList lst)
        NList l = lst;
        NList res = null;
        while(l != null)
            res = new NList(l.car(), res);
            l = l.cdr();
        return res;

    public override string ToString ()
        if (this._car == null && this._cdr == null) return "()";
        string s = "(";
        for(int i = 0; i<this.Count-1; i++)
            s+=this.elm(i).ToString() + " ";
        s+=this.Last().ToString() + ")";
        return s;
    public NObj[] ToNObjArray()
        NObj[] a = new NObj[this.Count];
        int k = 0;
        foreach (var e in this)
            a[k] = (e as NObj);
        return a;
    public object[] ToArray()
        object[] a = new object[this.Count];
        int k = 0;
        foreach(var e in this)
            a[k] = e;
        return a;

public class NListEnumerator : IEnumerator<Object>, IEnumerator
    NList list;
    NList tmp;
    public void Dispose()
    public NListEnumerator(NList list)
        this.list = list;
        this.tmp = list.cons(null);

    public object Current
        get { return tmp.car(); }

    public bool MoveNext()
        tmp = tmp.cdr();
        return (tmp != null);

    public void Reset()
        tmp = list.cons(null);

I am kinda worried that I have no separate class for simple pairs (eg: non-properly terminated lists like (1 . 2), (a . b)). Should I create a separate class (and an interface for both classes), or should I try to expand this one?



3 Answers 3


There is a serious flaw in your handling of the empty list. A user would expect that these definitions are equivalent, but they ain't:

Nlist n1 = new NList("x");
Nlist n2 = new NList("x", new NList());

I strongly recommend to have an explicit subclass for the empty list (possibly a singleton) and to prohibit null for _cdr.


Should I create a separate class (and an interface for both classes), or should I try to expand this one?

In real LISP there is no separate representation for lists. List is just a chain of dotted pairs actually. So, I think, it's better to modify the original class and allow assigning list's cdr to anything other than NList.

By the way, why not just use properties for this:

public object car ()
    return _car;

public NList cdr ()
    return _cdr;

Also, if you already have class SExp, it may be a good idea to return SExp instead of object here.

  • \$\begingroup\$ I tried doing that, but it resulted in a pretty big mess, for example: (cdr '(1 . 2)) returns 2, while (cdr '(1 2)) returns (2). So I would have to convert Object to NList every time I call cdr and expect a list. \$\endgroup\$
    – Daniil
    Commented Apr 14, 2011 at 10:39
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Daniil: I hope you found out that what you describe above in your comment is actually correct when done in any Lisp? \$\endgroup\$
    – chthon
    Commented Jul 11, 2017 at 12:41


Note that I'm using arrow notation which was not available back then. But that does not impact the issues addresses in this review.

Method overload resolution allows an explicitly implemented interface method to call the implicitly one:

IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
    return new NListEnumerator(this);
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator();

Use properties for getters, and pascal-case naming convention.

public object car ()
    return _car;

public NList cdr ()
    return _cdr;
public object Car => _car;

public NList Cdr =>_cdr; // TODO and favour using a fully qualified name over an abbreviation

The factory method should be made static and use naming conventions.

public NList cons (object o)
    return new NList(o, this);
public static NList Construct(object o) => new NList(o, this);

Extract all common steps out the branches to have more DRY code.

public NList(List<Object> lst)
    if (lst.Count == 1)
        this._car = lst[0];
        this._cdr = null;
        this._car = lst[0];
        this._cdr = new NList(lst.GetRange(1, lst.Count - 1));
public NList(List<Object> lst)
    _car = lst.FirstOrDefault();
    if (lst.Count > 1)
        _cdr = new NList(lst.GetRange(1, lst.Count - 1));

Use constructor overloads.

public NList (Object fst)
    this._car = fst;
    this._cdr = null;
public NList (Object fst) : this (fst, null)

There is no need for the function length. Put the logic behind property Count.


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