I have a Pandas DataFrame with users subscription dates in the following format:
UserId, StartingDate, EndingDate
And I try to calculate the Churn Rate metric for every day.
What Churn Rate is:
The churn rate, also known as the rate of attrition, is the percentage of subscribers to a service who discontinue their subscriptions to that service within a given time period.
So, for every day, I go back 1 month, I get a list of unique users that had an active subscription and check how many of those don't have it any more.
I wrote the code, but it takes ages to finish, so I am looking for any kind of performance issues that might have
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
df = pd.read_csv("subscritpions.csv")
#make sure both columns are in datetime type
df['StartingDate'] = pd.to_datetime(df['StartingDate'])
df['EndingDate'] = pd.to_datetime(df['EndingDate'])
#get the first date of the dataframe to start the loop with it and set the stop date as today
start = pd.to_datetime(df.StartingDate.min())
minDate = start
stop = datetime.now()
def getUsersFromADate(df,date):
return df.loc[(df['StartingDate'] <= date) & (df['EndingDate'] >= date)].UserId.unique()
churn = []
while start <= stop:
# first 30 days doesn't have a churn rate. So just append a 0 value
if start < minDate + pd.DateOffset(months=1):
usersBefore = getUsersFromADate(df, start - pd.DateOffset(months=1))
usersNow = getUsersFromADate(df, start)
lost = 0
for u in usersBefore:
if u not in usersNow:
lost += 1
start = start + timedelta(days=1) # increase day one by one
Example of my data:
UserId StartingDate EndingDate
0 1 2013-05-09 2015-04-24
1 1 2015-04-29 2017-04-02
2 1 2017-04-05 2017-12-06
3 2 2014-02-13 2018-02-07
4 3 2013-04-25 2018-04-19