Here is my problem. Do I need to give a new identifier to each delegate I write of the following delegate type? like so: or could i use one delegate that accounts for any Datatype I need to use so i don't have to keep repeating the code?
Something that may or may not be relevant: I'm calling these functions to prompt user's input for new fields to add for records in a database. So database field types are the data types I'm dealing with, but I'm using this approach for learning purposes to try and minimize redundancy.
public static class stcHelper // helper class
public delegate T DelReturnType<T>();
static public DelReturnType<int> UserInt = () =>
Console.Write("Enter integer: ");
return int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
static public DelReturnType<string> UserString = () =>
Console.Write("Enter string: ");
return Console.ReadLine();
static public DelReturnType<AnotherDataType> UserAnotherDataType = () =>
Console.Write("Enter AnotherDataType: ");
return SomeKindOfConversionFunction(Console.ReadLine());
// and so on for what could be 15 other data types ..
or is there a better way to reduce redundant code?
The code below is also part of the same class.
public static class stcHelper
static public T InsistValidInput<T>(DelTypeReturn<T> MyInputAction)
bool bSuccess = true;
return MyInputAction();
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!" + ex.ToString());
bSuccess = false;
} while (!bSuccess);
return default(T);